Chocolate Milk~


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Howl's Moving Castle
I lovee chocolate milk. <333 Soooo much. 8D

I use some special mix called Ovaltine. It has like... vitamins and stuff in it and it's full of chocolatey taste. Delish. :33


I don't use chocolate milk mix..

I drink my chocolate milk that is already prepared.

[SIZE=9pt]The really sad thing about me is,[/SIZE]

I don't drink chocolate milk.


I said it. )':

Kill me. D:

Haha, from kindergarden to grade 4, every time I had food order, which was every tuesday and thursday, I had chocolate milk. As you can see, I got really sick of it. I kinda drank too much... And now those chocolate milks in cartons kinda make me sick xD

I don't like it at all.cI find it very icky.

Infact, the only milk I drink is in my coffee [That includes coffee flavoured milk]

Looove it! 8D

I usually drink Up & Go or Breaka chocolate milk, which is in cartons. Up & Go is what mum buys most of the time, but Breaka is my personal favourite :)

I also drink Nesquik occasionally, and when I have chocolate flavoured cereal with milk, it turns the milk into chocolate milk! xD

I love that. But I have it quite rarely, mom said it'll make me fat. :/

The Hershey's one is good too, but it's all gone xD
Yayy! Ovaltine buddeh! 8D I dun think it'll make you fat. Because milk is good for you and the Ovaltine mix has vitamins in it so as long as you don't have too much...

I love chocolate milk.

They serve it at my school. So sometimes when I cut down on what I'm eating I drink a ton of it. C=

It gives me a sugar rush.

i just take hershey's syrup and mix it in with milk.
That's exactly what I do!~

I hate the milk my old school served. I found mold in it, so I brought my own drink for the rest of the year. Lol.

That is my one true weakness.

I'd have it at every meal if I could.

I personally like to get the milk freezing cold, and melt some of those little mini Hershey bars in the micrwave and spoon it in. 8D

I personally like to get the milk freezing cold, and melt some of those little mini Hershey bars in the micrwave and spoon it in. 8D
That actually sounds really good! I'll have to try that some-time.


I think I use Nesquick brand for chocolate milk syrup.

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