Christmas Chat~


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I honestly hate Christmas x.x;Between the music, the excuse to over eat and the family that constantly bothers you, when the time of year comes around I just want to dig myself a hole and crawl in.

Unfortunately I'll be living at my grandparent's house this Christmas. The place where the whole family gathers >.< So I have no escape.
Agreed 100%.

Christmas is my least favorite time of year.

Family time = x______x

The only thing I like about Christmas is that I'm surrounded by so many happy people :] That makes me happy.

But the rest of it sucks.

I hate most of my family, and having all of them gathered in my house isn't something I look forward to D;

Especially since I have to do all the cooking while mom's away at rehab. I'm not exactly in the mood to be dying over a stove for hours cooking for family members, most of which I either dislike or don't even know.

And my grandmother is a spoilsport. Every time there's a holiday, for some reason she gets in a bad mood and wrecks it. No, I'm not being mean, this is without fail.

And I've never liked the music D;

Hopefully the presents will be good though. . . @_@

The only way I can describe my 'family time', is that I can't be sober when they're all together >.<
Aww, I feel really bad for you.


My family doesn't get together or do anything. I really want a bass guitar or a goldfish...hopefully my parents will get me a bass but...they probably throw me $50 and say "Start saving" I am thankfull one of my grandmas is dead and the other one lives in russia so that no one knits me horrible sweaters. But I never knew my dead now I feel bad.

Well, 4 more days till' Christmas :furawatchi:

I'm really happy because my grandparents paid for my favorite cousin to come home from BC for Christmas, and I've really missed her since she moved. How is your Holiday so far?

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