Christmas Spirit


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Hey guys.

I wanted this Christmas to be the best Christmas ever...I was ready for the year where I'd participate in Christmas plays and all that holiday thing.

But it's different now. I have no Christmas spirit. Usually this time of year I'd be running around with a smile on my face yelling ''OMG CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE!!''

Yet, right now I could care less. But I WANT TO CARE.

My family has been awfully busy, and we haven't put up our tree or any decorations yet.

Maybe this is why I can't get into the holiday spirit???

*sigh* I dunno. I thought that maybe when I was 13 I'd start caring less about Christmas..not when I was 11.

I really do what a Merry Christmas this year.

It doesn't seem like many people are getting much into Christmas this year.

I work in a grocery/retail store and according to people who have been there for years, the business we've been getting this season is NOTHING compared to the last seasons.

It hasn't been busy at all :/

All my family is doing for Christmas is having dinner.

Wow, i'm really into the xmas spirit

Try watching Xmas movies especially on Xmas eve!

It always helps for me!

Thanks guys.

P!nk, I've tried that. I've watched at least 12 Christmas movies in the past three days. And it doesn't exactly help. :[

Ah well, maybe I'm destined to be spiritless.

Thanks guys.
P!nk, I've tried that. I've watched at least 12 Christmas movies in the past three days. And it doesn't exactly help. :[

Ah well, maybe I'm destined to be spiritless.
Maybe this is a sign telling you that your growing up. Usually when people get older they tend to get out of the "OMG, It's christmas! Lots and Lots of presents!!!" phase. It happens at different times for everyone and maybe this year it's happening to you. Next year may be different though. Don't get angry with yourself, this is what people go through. It can get annoying,I know ><

I cant enjoy xmas as much this year.

My best friend... has moved to Australia forever, and we spend xmas together EVERY YEAR. Well, we did.

:l Hopefully you can get into the xmas spirit.

You know, I can never get why people freak out sometimes that just because they aren't running around happy as a pig in mud that the holidays are almost here. It's all how you make it and see it to me. I tend to be on the neutral side until the day comes, that way the hype isn't almost used up waiting for the days itself you know?

It could just be that forcing happiness is making your experience less christmasy (if that's a word LOL) and if I learned anything, if you force somethings, it tends to end quicker. Just let it happen naturally. I bet if you stay cool and collected up until the holidays, you might just get the festive thoughts and feelings back. If not, I wouldn't overthink the issue. Everyone gets the winter blahs at least once. You can save excitement for new years or later if need be :eek:

im not in da x-mas spirit eaither i think u loose it while u get older >.<

This has happened to me. I figure its because I'm getting older, so you just don't care too much about childish things. (Not that christmas is childish)

Just start humming songs every now and then like me.



You guys should be more excited I meen Christmas is Jesus's birthday that is pretty exciting

Yes, that's happening to me as well. About a year ago i was screaming 'is it christmas yet?' every 5 seconds, now im 11 and i can't seem to give a dang.

Well, maybe you're just down. Or your hormones are wack. Is something stressing you out?

11 is a young age to loose your Christmas spirit.

I'm 13 and have been counting down to Christmas in December the 1st. The day when we put up the tree.

I know how you feel. I've also noticed that Christmas comes faster when you don't feel it coming. I think I'm just not into it, is just because I'm not exactly a "material girl". I can turn a wire and a puff ball into a toy, and anything I need my parents can help. I also get an allowence. I guess I'm just thankful for what I have, so I don't have to want a lot of things. In fact, I don't even need a lot of things. As long as I get makeup clothes and food I'm fine. I'll come up with my own toys.

i know its so strange every year im literaly (sp?) like a missile around the room shouting woooooooooooooooooooooooo its christmas and this year i just well it doesnt feel like christmas and its kinda wierd because well i turned 11 this year too.

Last year, I was 11 and was going crazy waiting. Now, as a 12 year old. I can't seem to care. I'm such a downer....*sigh* It must be cuz' we moved from CA to TX. I miss everybody back home. I think that would be why. For me.

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