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Yup. I dont hate christmas but I certainly dont enjoy it.
Please dont ask why though. Its to personal.
Yes, that's how I feel about it

I like Christmas. I get presents. Christmas to me has no other value than that because I'm not Christian. However it's our country's national religion and it's frowned upon (unless you are of another religion) to not celebrate it. People use it as a way to say thank you to others and show love through gifts to remember.

I love the idea of Christmas. I love that we're celebrating Jesus' birthday.

But I don't like actually celebrating it. I don't hate it, but I don't like it either.

I don't know why, I just don't. Only four of my family members are religious, so it's only about presents here. And it's not even giving because you want to - It's giving because you have to. It's just not a good holiday around here. =|

After everyone else goes home, my parents, my brother and I hang out around the fire and have a private little Bible study kind of thing. We read the Bible, pray, and talk about things we have going on in our life. That's my favorite part of Christmas. =3

[SIZE=6pt]Edited because I accidentally hit 'submit' when I wasn't finished writing... >,>[/SIZE]

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Christmas is a holiday. It isn't so bad. And Christmas isn't just about parents rushing around trying to get their brat children the 'newest and best' toys around. Its about giving. If I got something hand made or something really cheap I would still have the same feeling as getting a tama v4.5 for example. But that my opinion. :(

Christmas is fun. And I do know its about celebrating Jesus's birth, but my family isn't really religous. So were in it for the presents. =p AND giving! We're not bad! lol.

I mean, Christmas is fun, but its just like a normal day in my house, no one gets along, even though its Christmas. So it's not all good.


Nope. I hate it also. Excluding the religious point of view,Christmas is one of the worst holidays ever. It brings together family that you don't want to see,the music's ear-bleeding,and all the kids just want the best new electronic or they're world falls apart.

" Back in the day, if you got a wodden toy train,everything was grand. Now if you don't get the latest MP3 or Video game console, you're world falls apart!" - Taken from Episode 81 of Neurotically Yours.

I wish Christmas wasn't so much so much about presents, spending Christmas with my father's side of the family is horrible, the presents go so high they don't all fit under the tree, not even thinking about santa presents, speaking of santa presents, what's with those huge garbage bag looking things that get filled to the brim? they're so big I could likely fit my little half sister and brother in one with room to spare x.x

I wish Christmas was getting together with family and presents included, not presents and chaos with presents.

Personally? I dont like Christmas. I DO NOT like Christmas. Every year, its go into attic, pull stuff down, decorate, lights, more decorate, more lights, shop shop shop lights cold money blah. then there's the tree. I already got into this mess. Plus I have to do all the work because this is the time my mom 'oh so conviniently' gets sick every year. cool. and my brothers are out of town.

truly, I think its more a celebration of commercialism. Scary. what has the world come to? I wish the kids would be happy with a book. or paper and pencil. I would. And then there's all that horrible music that hurts your ears more than screamers at a concert, cranked up bass. then you have to haul around, LEAVING your lights you worked so hard on, to go to some old family home if you have one, and eat food that sucks. Except for the ham.

Santa scares the weebeebeejeebees out of me.

*Please don't curse in posts- I'll just change it and make it look stupid. ;]*

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[SIZE=8pt]Yes, Me myself, I love christmas! Look around you, Have some holiday spirit. Decorations, Presents, Giving, How can that not be fun? ;) Santa, If your up their in the Noth Pole, You rock![/SIZE]

I'm not a fan of Christmas.
It seems to bring out the worst in people :/

All the parents are rushing around trying to get their brat children the 'newest and best' toys around.

Christmas music also drives me nuts. I can't stand it D:

In my eyes, Christmas is just another stolen Pagan holiday that everyone tries to revolve around a guy in the clouds and some fat man who breaks into your house and leaves you presents :|
I so agree! Who would celebrate a fatty breaking in. Brats always get the best things. Everyone is obnoxis around this time and the music is stupidly insane. Except for the presents its completly stupidly pointless

:lol: i can not believe u hate christmas...... u r very crazy to hate it!!!
I so agree! Who would celebrate a fatty breaking in. Brats always get the best things. Everyone is obnoxis around this time and the music is stupidly insane. Except for the presents its completly stupidly pointless
Wow. That's very selfish of you. :lol:

Are you aware that that makes you a bratty little kid, as well?

Wow. That's very selfish of you. :lol: Are you aware that that makes you a bratty little kid, as well?
No. I'm a basic person and not bratty. All I want for x-mas is clothes and don't care how much its worth and don't want want want. Last christmas mum gave me $50 and left me at the mall. getting the lastest technology is the last thing in this world I care about.

If I were you I wouldn't be talking about a holiday that is for a religion and be talking trash about it, You do not understand the religion and what it truly is about, next time before posting something look at it and think about it and think Do I sound rude? Then fix it before posting it.

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You are totally being bratty and you act like what you said you hate. Doesn't that strike you?

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No. I'm a basic person and not bratty. All I want for x-mas is clothes and don't care how much its worth and don't want want want. Last christmas mum gave me $50 and left me at the mall. getting the lastest technology is the last thing in this world I care about.
Isn't that what you just were all against? Brats and wanting material things? :/

"I hate everything but pressies" and then you whine about how others are so bratty because all they care about is the latest gear- what's the difference? I don't see one.

Christmas is a holiday. It isn't so bad. And Christmas isn't just about parents rushing around trying to get their brat children the 'newest and best' toys around. Its about giving. If I got something hand made or something really cheap I would still have the same feeling as getting a tama v4.5 for example. But that my opinion. :p
I know it's not ABOUT parents running around for their kids, but that's what happens.

They get into this mentality where all they care about is finding what their kids want and stepping over whoever gets in their way.


Tap, if you don't want to sound rude, delete your whole post :|

All you did was insult someone just because they don't like a holiday.

Also, next time you try and call someone an idiot, at least use a spell check.

To tell you the truth not many people have learned that Christmas isn't about the presents, it's about family. To tell you the truth I don't get much for christmas because that's my mom teaching me that Christmas is more what you give instead of recieve. Also many people skip the Holiday Thanksgiving (in which that day you should be thanking what you have) to advertise sales and blah blah blah. I don't hate Christmas, I don't wish that it would be wiped off the calender, but I really wish people would not obsessing over what they are getting on the day and obsess about what they are giving (that means love, not presents you bought from a store or made.)



Again, my opinon. :)

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