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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2006
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On the TV programme I'm watching they're having a christmas party. Already? Its November, and October finished not long ago! I mean, I LOVE christmas and I LOVE getting ready for christmas, but getting ready in November is just plain silly.........what are YOUR views on an early christmas???

I don't mind at all. Christmas is the only thing during the year that I look forward to.

Our town is having a Christmas parade this Thursday. Early, but who cares? We get lots of lollies. :]

The only thing about Christmas preparation that I don't like is walking into shopping centres and seeing Christmas decorations everywhere in early October. I don't know if this happens where you others live, so I guess my town just jumps the gun by a few months. ;]

It's never too early to prepare for Christmas!

I'm completely in love with that time of year. <3

Personally, the only thing which annoys me about it is when people say 'Xmas'. It's like, no. You can't just X the Christ out of it. But that's a totally different topic, never mind. xD

^ I agree with you. xDD And sometimes I'll just right Cmas. 8D That way you're doing the first letter of Christ. ;3

I love Christmas. Disney World was very Christmasy. It was great~

I wish it was more than one day. ): It's... the most wonderful time of the yearrrr.


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It's never to early for Christmas!

My house is decorated right now~

At the mall I go to, Santa's workshop is already set up for pictures, and today was my Santa Claus parade!

There's one house in my city that starts preparing for Christmas in July :) Well, they have the most amazing decorations everr.

And, like some people said, it's never too early for Christmas :)

I don't see how it can be too early for Christmas.

Christmas is the most amazing time of the year. :)

We put our Christmas tree up yesterday! And the Christmas Pageant was on Saturday. (;

Christmas only comes once a year anyway. By all means we should start preparing early.

Maybe they get ready a bit early, because they started putting christmas stuff in shops last month. But I love Christmas <33

Of course not!

Some TV programs already starts the Christmas countdown when its already September and we're already decorating our school rooms.

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No, it's not too early right now. I love Christmas time, it's so happy :]

Christmas is too awesome to get mad at for coming a bit early :furawatchi:

I love Christmas. :B

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I walked into my Maths classroom this afternoon, and there was Christmas decorations EVERYWHERE.

Christmas is awesome and all, but decorating classrooms... No. ;]

I think it's kind of weird. They should be getting ready for Thanksgiving first, it didn't even happen yet. So to me, it's silly.

I agree completely, Sarah. I really, really do love Christmas, but only when it is Christmas time.

The decorations starting coming out in mid-October. I mean, seriously!

No wonder Christmas isn't such a big deal anymore (according to recent studies, not my observations), it feels like Christmas for about four months of the year these days!

It almost seems right after Halloween, there is Christmas items out already.

Hahaha, Oh well. I am always glad around Christmas anyways. It is just so joyful, and I feel so relaxed. :)

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