Clingy friend - HELP!


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Well-known member
May 20, 2006
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Michigan, the home of the bipolar weather.
Okay, I have this friend. Or should I say acquaintance? Or how about one-sided friend? Yeah. Let's call her E.


So it all began where we sat next to each other. E is fairly smart -- probably ONE of the smartest in the class. So we sat together two times in a row. This happens a lot. I sit together with a really close friend two times in a row. Then they just don't seem my type. Well, this happened with her too. Yep, deja vu.

Now she's all clingy. Thankfully she's not sitting right behind me again. But now she's like, always trying to trade this paper we do in the morning called DOE, always sitting by me, and doesn't she get the hint? I usually trade DOE quickly with someone else, but then she double trades.

And she sits with me. My Science teacher is nice, and he's going to allow us to sit wherever we want. And I'm predicting that she's going to end up sitting by me. Same with music. But now she isn't sitting by me anymore, but she's always breathing in my face. Unfortunately, her breath doesn't smell good.

I don't know what to do. I've asked a friend on AIM what to do. All they said was, "Don't tell her that you shouldn't be friends." I agree with that, so I'm not doing that.

Drifting away? I've been working on that. But unfortunately, drifting away doesn't always work. Especially with extremely clingy people. And she's one of those people.

Advice is needed, please. I have to deal with this starting Monday. And I just can't take it anymore. :|

I had a friend like that in 3rd grade. Constantly she always was like "you're my best friend" Just try not to ignore her, but kind of do. What I mean is, be nice like say hi and stuff but don't say much more than that. I hope I help :)

That happens alot...

Last year there was this girl called Mehak who would always follow me and my friends. It was really annoying. She'd do anything for me... so, I took advantage of that. I said ''Sorry, I dont wanna be friends with you.. you're not my type of friend. If you respect me, you'd understand'' and than walked away. We talk a little, but we don't 'hang out'.

Im not suggesting that you do the same thing, she might get upset. Think it through carefully...

Use the magic of ignoringness.

This girl, my ex-bff, also started getting too clingy. She didn't have any other friends, so whenever I hung out with other people,she'd spazz out. And she's a skater, so she skips alot of school. So she skipped about a month of school, somehow. When she came back, she wouldn't leave me alone. And then we had our year end field trip. I wanted to be in a group with other people, and then she cried. I started ignoring her. And she became friends with other people.

Ignoring, right.

I asked my sister for advice, and she said to ignore E when she's mad. She got mad at me once for picking up my pencil under her desk (I kinda needed it!). I've been trying to drift away for a while, like I said. It's really annoying, but thanks for the advice. It's irritating.

I've had worse. Mentally changelled people are worse. It's a long story. I'm not against them, I believe that they are people too, I respect them. One mentally changelled girl came to my camp and I was nice to her because nobody else was being nice to her, and she got really clingy. It was truely annoying.

Just tell a teacher or someone about it. When she comes to sit next to you, tell her you've reserved the seat for someone else.

As for the DOE thing, when you give it to the person, tell them not to double-trade with her. And tell them to put it under a book or have a tight grip on it in case E trys to grab it.

Try to talk to her as little as possible. She'll get the drift sooner or later. ;]

I know how you feel. Only the person who got clingy... Was... Lets say "Coo-coo". I dealt with it by telling her that I just didn't want to be her friend anymore. Then she gave me a note that said she was going to kill me. O__0

I'm not helping, am I?

I know how you feel. Only the person who got clingy... Was... Lets say "Coo-coo". I dealt with it by telling her that I just didn't want to be her friend anymore. Then she gave me a note that said she was going to kill me. O__0
I'm not helping, am I?
Lol. I know that's creepy, but it's pretty funny. XD

I know how you feel. Only the person who got clingy... Was... Lets say "Coo-coo". I dealt with it by telling her that I just didn't want to be her friend anymore. Then she gave me a note that said she was going to kill me. O__0
I'm not helping, am I?
Wow, I would have taken the note to the principal since threatening one's life is kind of a no-no in law :( Especially if she's at least 12, then she could of been charged with uttering threats.

I got this chick in trouble at school when she pulled that on me during an MSN conversation the night before, just to show her I wasn't going to put up with it. It's on her record now :D

Niiice. xD

Yeah, the mad thing.. it's getting out of hand. I had to keep talking to myself, "Okay, ignore when mad, ignore when mad." xDD She got mad when it spread that I didn't vote for her for being softball captain for school. I mean, she doesn't even play. 0.O


You gotta understand this person probably doesn't have any other friends to hang out with, nor she probably doesn't get out much. But if you are in that position you would understand, she's not doing it to be negative. She's just really into you..

You could simply tell her that could you have some privacy or some time away from her. My advice may not be helpful to you, but I can tell you this, don't ignore her..

I regret breaking up with one of my friends who were like this. Because I was and currently friendless..

^o^;; Te-he! I admit I'm kind of clingy to my friend Marissa when she's around -o.o- I just hug her from behind and like pull her hair and stuff. I don't breath in her face or anything like that. I'd just tell her nicely that you need some "You time" ( me time lol ) I don't really know I usually have that problem being a little clingy and all lol because people think I'm too weird to cling to lol. But like I said I don't know try telling a teacher or something.

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Oh, jeez! I have a friend like that. It's been going on for forever! Even though my friends and I have told her about ten million times that we don't wanna be her friend any more. But see, she lies to us. She tells "the guys"(a group of boys she hangs out with, who think they're so cool) everything about us. And she's clingy to all of us, but she makes fun of me all the time for reasons I don't know of. I gotta go to her house for six hours today!

If she's like that^, I don't know what to tell you. But try telling her you need space. I don't know, if I wanted to stay friends with her, I'd be my freakish self and in a weird voice be like: "This is my bubble," and make an invisible circle around myself, "no one's allowed in but me!" and I wouldn't just tell her, cause that might upset her, I'd tell everyone. But that'd only work for weirdos like me. Try and do something that you would do....and I might try that bubble thing today...

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