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I used to call it 'cleek' when I was younger.

I think boys still have some kind of prssure. Basically what TW/P pointed out. Not like girls though. Different, but still pretty bad.

I used to call it 'cleek' when I was younger.
I think boys still have some kind of prssure. Basically what TW/P pointed out. Not like girls though. Different, but still pretty bad.
Yes but not all Cliques are Bad as everyone is saying

Yes but not all Cliques are Bad as everyone is saying
Of course and not every guy has such pressures in all such extents but generally guys will come across these things like we girls come across these others. Some feel it more than others and some are not put off by them in the slightest. It just depends on the person and the situation.

People usually associate cliques with preppy, popular, pretty girls who flirt with guys 24/7 and when they're not flirting they're dissing some geek in nerday glasses & suspenders...but that's not always the case. A clique is just a group, committee, or posse. I'm in a small clique made up of boys and girls and we are always welcome to new faces. :D

And if you do bump into a meanie weenie clique girl or boy who is dissing you, just ignore them and remember that they are either insecure and take out their stress on you -or- they have nothing better to do... :$

I personally like cliques because it gives me a chance to talk to people who I can just laugh, chat, and have fun with without having to hide anything. It's kinda like my own little world, where I can just be myself.

Trust me, cliques are not always mean, and remember this about the mean ones:

"Go on, keep on making fun of that nerd...

but you're probably not gonna be making fun of them

when you're their LIMO DRIVER!"



Yes but not all Cliques are Bad as everyone is saying
Bad as's tough.

We girls can be reall evil though. We fight with words. So in some context, you gus are kind of lucky...but not really.

Cliques are just a group of friends. But stereotypes (goths, preps, emos, scene) make them seem bad.

i hate them. the clique at my school is made up of the cheerleaders. i hate cheerleaders. im a figure skater and cheerleaders think its sooo easy. they make fun of me and say that figure skating isnt even a sport. well, they're ones to talk! cheerleading isnt a sport unless u r the ones doing flips and major jumps. other than that its just an excuse to talk to guys.

*no offence if ur a cheerleader. im just talking about the cheerleaders at my school.

******and sorry for getting off topic about cheerleading. but they do make up the clique at my school.

I am leader of the most prettiest, most popular clique. We are nic to everyone though so not all popular ppl r mean
FYI calling urself the most pretty and popular people in school isnt the best way to describe urself if ur trying to defend urself. im sure ur a nice person but if you're trying to prove that cliques arent self centered, leave that out.

**not insulting u, just pointing that out

Well, I am not really in a clique. I fit in with everyone. But my main group is my four friends and I. We are kinda the cool loners.

There's lots and lots of cliques in my school. Oh and also, my friend Julliana is gonna be in the movie "The Clique" it's based on the book series!!!
Your friend is going to be in a movie!?!? LUCKY HER!!!!!! I've always wanted to be an actress and it would be a dream come true to be in a movie. How did she get the part?

You double posted :l. I'm ok with ppl double posting but not with ppl double posting the exact same thing. A lot of ppl aren't ok with me double posting even if they aren't the exact same thing. Just saying.
Sometimes that happens by accident, are the timestamps the same time? I didn't check so I don't know, but I think there is some kind of glitch sometimes where even if you only click post once, it will post it twice.

I despise cliques. I was always one of the girls who never fit in with anyone, so I never really had any friends in school. Now that I'm at college, though, things are a lot better!! So to any of you who may be having problems fitting in... it probably won't be that way forever. I spent a lot of time in school stressing about not fitting in, but I learned I just had to wait until college to find people like me! Cliques in high school are terrible though... well they were at my school anyway. Really wasn't fun not to fit in! I have never liked cliques, and probably never will.

People who want labels and people who want to be like everyone else.

It's ok to have style, but I don't like the thought of becoming a zombie.

well, its ur choice 2 hang in groups. its really just a part of life. usually no one gets left out (besides getting put down by groups of higher social statis) because there is a group of people who always get left out.

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