Cobra Starship


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I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cobra Starship. They are amazing! They are my...3rd favorite band! Only because FOB and PATD are ahead of them...but they still rock!

I have the same favorites! lol XD my favorite songs of theirs are Guilty Pleasure and the City is at War

The City is at War is awesome. My favorites are Send My Love to the Dancefloor, I'll See You In Hell and Hollaback Boy. I like basically all of them.

truthfully its my frist time hearing them XD my friend lent me the CD so i'm only hearing more songs now XD lol Scandalous is awsome

Mmmhmm...I was you in December. Except my friend stuck her MP3 headphones in my ear during PE. It was kinda random. But I found a really good band thanks to her.

lol. my friend took the ipod i barrowed from her and just switched it to Cobra Starship. similar XD lol then she started

CSS. CS are my friends whatevers so CSS is better lol. i'm listening to them now WHoot!

Plus...I think they're awesome. Have you seen the video for Send My Love to the Dancefloor....? Watch it after The Church of Hot Addiction video. It's a continuation.

The one about the subsitute teacher makes me laugh too...*giggle*

'It's coming right back, cause' I'm telling your pack. So don't freak out when you're secret's out.'

It's stuck in my head now!

Aww great, same here. >> lol

It was funny cause at the dance, my friend and I made the playlist, but on our iPods the song 'Low' by Flo Rida could only play for 14 seconds, [weird huh] so we had to play it on a disk. So she just used her mix Cd. It was playing, etc, then it ended and we forgot to turn the Cd player off right away, and "Hollaback Boy" came on, you can imagine how bad that was. xD's a good song. But it's like 'OVERDOSE OF LANGUAGE' should be written in red bold letters.
