College student


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Jan 24, 2009
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Hello everyone! I know it's weird to have some one much older than you on here, but in reality I'm only 19. Throughout middle school and high school, I constantly carried around my tamas. And I still have them today, although i do plan on upgrading to the most recent one out. I just thought that some advice would help you all out with hiding them from your teachers and authority figures at school or anywhere else.

My first piece of advice is to get a small handbag that can fit in your lap during class and when you want to check on your tama then just look like you're searching for a pencil. Or, break your original pencil and search through your bag and then after fixing up your tama, pull out a sharpener.

Another way is to wear a hoodie with a front pocket and set your tama in it. It's easy to pull out and if you have longer sleeves, then you can hide it easier right in your palm.

Another thing that I did was wrap my sweater around my waist, making sure that it was lengthy enough in the back for me to sit on, and then I just kept my tama in my lap and when the teacher walked by, i would drop in through my legs and onto the sweater below. The sweater keeps it from making a noise as it drops. Then, when the teacher passes, act like you're adjusting your seating and grab it and replace it in your lap.

I will write about more of my advice later on. Right now I need to go get some math done for class on Monday. I hope I helped. If you have any questions on how to hide your tama specifically, then feel free to write me. Have a nice day everyone! :rolleyes:

That's good advice! I too feel like a bit of an outsider to this site. I'm 14, and a guy, and I know there are others around here in my situation, I'm also sure there are people much much older than me, but I still feel like I don't quite fit. It's still a great site for Tamas though. :D

That's good advice! I too feel like a bit of an outsider to this site. I'm 14, and a guy, and I know there are others around here in my situation, I'm also sure there are people much much older than me, but I still feel like I don't quite fit. It's still a great site for Tamas though. ;)
Lol, it is a great site for tamas. I hope the advice will help you out. It definitely worked for me. I usually feel really strange walking around the college campus with my tamas attatched to my purse. I want to get a tama mini though because it wont take up so much of my time during class or studying hours. Either way, I'm glad to find someone who feels the same way.

I love my tamas, even if I'm in my late 20's. I took mine to school back in the late 1990's, but I never had to hide them. My class was very small (less than twelve students), but no one found my tamas very disturbing or distracting. The teachers didn't mind my having them in school, as long as I got my work done. Sometimes I'd readjust the clock, so they'd sleep when I was in class. I'd reset the time for lunch, and play with them then. I no longer own my older tamas, but I like my newer tamas just as well. The pause feature is a saving grace, and more so for kids who go to school and have the problems that I never had to deal with in school.

This is great advice! I'm a girl and I'm 15 so I know what it's like to feel "older"


I love my tamas, even if I'm in my late 20's. I took mine to school back in the late 1990's, but I never had to hide them. My class was very small (less than twelve students), but no one found my tamas very disturbing or distracting. The teachers didn't mind my having them in school, as long as I got my work done. Sometimes I'd readjust the clock, so they'd sleep when I was in class. I'd reset the time for lunch, and play with them then. I no longer own my older tamas, but I like my newer tamas just as well. The pause feature is a saving grace, and more so for kids who go to school and have the problems that I never had to deal with in school.
I'm glad I'm not the only one in their 20's who still has tamagotchi's. :(

Hey guys! I'm glad that some of my tips are helping you guys out and I'm glad that there's some people who are older than me and love tamas! Anyway, I just got the V5 celebrity familichi and took it to college with me today. I don't really have to hide them because my instructors don't really care if I have them out and check on them or even play the games. I'm going to make a beaded necklace chain to put it on so that I can wear it and check up on it instead of shuffling through my purse! lol. Anyway, I was thinking of some more hiding tips that I used to use and i came up with a few of them that I had forgotten about.

The first one is nothing special, just something simple. I used to place my tama in the arm of my sweatshirt and when I wanted to raise my hand, I would let it slide down to my elbow. Then, when I was finished, I would slide it back into my hand.

Another was that I would put it into my lap while wearing a baggy sweatshirt or just a shirt in general that went lower down my waist and then I would cover it up with the bottom part of my shirt. When I thought I needed to check on it, I would pull the shirt up a little and then pretend to adjust it to where it was comfortable. If it was fine, then I would just cover it back up. But if it wasn't okay then I would push the buttons with one hand, pretending that I was messing with my shirt and then cover it up after I was finished.

I also thought about giving some growing and parenting tips. Let me know if I'm crossing the line, everyone has their own way of parenting their tamas.

One thing is that if you have time, then play a game. They often relax for a long time after they're happy and their hunger is full. So, if you do this before class, then they will be fine for a long time during class.

My second part of advice is to limit the treats. Eventhough my newer one doesn't have a wieght meter, the game still keeps track and that's how they get overweight and dont progress as I would like them to. I mean, of course it's okay to spoil them every once in a while (guilty as charged) but if you have the time, limit it.

I aslo like to set aside a few hours of the day to play online and get items so that they can play with them and be happier. One thing I learned was that playing with toys or certain items will make their happy meter go up without you even pressing buttons.

Anyway, just a few words that I thought I might share. Hope everyone enjoys them!

I'm 19 too and I love taking my Tama everywhere I go! I just love it!

Yes I know I'm older than the average but I don'tr care LOL

Great tips! I love bringing my tama everywhere I go, but I always have to leave mine at home and on pause during school hours. I'm in High School, and if someone saw me with a tama, they'd probably laugh at me.

Maybe I'll try one of your tricks! I like the sweater sleeve idea. :p

Thx for the awesome advice! I love my tamas to death i go no where without them!

I am glad that I am not the only person in their 20's on here. I felt weird at first but i don't care. i think they are fun and my sisters, my nieces and nephew, and even my stepson all play with them now!

i feel a bit older here to. im a girl and going to be 15 soon. i havent played with tamas in a while but i stated my v5 up again during my midterm week to give me something secrative to do while studying at home ;] i play with mine all the time now. well i braught mine to school yesturday and was terrified to do that. i told some of my close friends so i would feel alittle more comfortable. i ended up keeping it on pause all day accept for at lunch where me and my friends talked about how much we liked them when we were younger. i kept it hidden in on of my gloves and put the other glove over it and kept it in my backpack. i wish i could play with it but it would simply ruin me in high school. so i keep it to myself and bring it to like stores and stuff :angry:

i feel a bit older here to. im a girl and going to be 15 soon. i havent played with tamas in a while but i stated my v5 up again during my midterm week to give me something secrative to do while studying at home ;] i play with mine all the time now. well i braught mine to school yesturday and was terrified to do that. i told some of my close friends so i would feel alittle more comfortable. i ended up keeping it on pause all day accept for at lunch where me and my friends talked about how much we liked them when we were younger. i kept it hidden in on of my gloves and put the other glove over it and kept it in my backpack. i wish i could play with it but it would simply ruin me in high school. so i keep it to myself and bring it to like stores and stuff :angry:
Hello Gracie. I know what you mean about being made fun of. I usually wear my tamagotchi on a chain around my neck, and of course, people point and stare. If you want an easier way to hide your tama from people you can use my tamagotchi pouch design. The original thread is here:

Tamagotchi Pouch Design by Rhapsody

If you add a zipper to it then whenever someone sees it you can just say that it's a cute, customized change purse. I keep one in my purse in case I don't feel like wearing it, or I need it on pause during an exam. And, one benefit is that your tamagotchi wont get scratched up or banged around by the rest of the stuff in your backpack. Hope I helped you out with something at least. Well, have a nice day and enjoy your tama! :)

I'm glad I'm not the only one in their 20's who still has tamagotchi's. :blink:
touché! its comforting to know that i'm not the only one in their 20's whose still into their tamagotchis. i love how it reminds me of simpler times when i was a kid. =)

i have a v5 and 2 v6s that i have to pause and leave at home when i have school, i can just imagine the looks i'll get from the people in my university when they see me walking around with my tamas.. all hail the pause feature! =)

I have a tip to use to bring your Tamas to school with you!

I brought my tama to school for the first time at my high school without pausing it, and it was easier hiding it from people than I thought!

All you got to do, it be sure their hearts are all the way up before class. Leave them in your locker and feed them and stuff at lunch time, then refeed them again after school. It worked perfectly for me today! :blink:

Or, if you don't have lockers, keep it in your bag. Or if you want to be able to play it during class times too and not just lunch and dismissle, ask to go to the washroom atleast once in every one of your classes and play with them in the washrooms! It's a great thing to do if your in High school and you have different teachers for each class. Because in public school when you have pretty much just one teacher, they'd get suspicious if you keep leaving to go to the washroom. But in high school you have different teachers for each class. So they wouldn't get suspicious if you asked like 2 times to go to the washroom, and they'd have no idea if you went to the washrooms in your other classes! So then you get plenty of times to play a few games with your Tama, AND you get less work time. :)

Hi I am new here no longer in school i will be 28 in december and I use to use some of the hiding tricks. My husband thinks I am acting childish because i love to play with my tama but its just so cute :)

None of those really work for me since I am a boy in middle school that has a strict dress code. I just keep hem in my pocket and when I need to check on thm I make sure no ones looking and I barely pull it out and care for it.
