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I don't like brown as a colour, but on clothes on me it is nice.

Yellow, orange I love.

Red is my favourite colour and it looks good on clothes on me.

Gold is interesting, I like it.

So is silver.

A nice, emerald green is beautiful!

Light blue is nice on me and as a colour. So I like it.

White.. it's okay. Nothing too good, or too bad..

Pink is nice, when it's not overused. And it's good on clothes!

Black is really nice, epecially when it's with white.

So... my least favourite colour must be purple. But an ugly, dark purple. Because I first of all, look terrible in it :p and secondly, it is a yucky colour. No offense to anyone who likes dark purple! Light purple though, is fine. :D


(and yes, I spell 'color' the Canadian way, because well.. I'm Canadian :p )

This is a very hard question.

I probably hate cream colours.

Brown is a amazing colour depending on what shade and what it is. [You all know what im saying]

Which savage hates yellow? Its the colour of happiness and I like to smother myself in it + Orange. Its my house colour [school thingy not my home!] GO SAMUEL GO!

Yellow, by far.

Pink isn't so great, puke green isn't either, but yellow is definitely the worst color out there.

I really detest a dull camel color. It's just such a dull, neutral color. Bleh.

I'm not terribly fond of many pastel colors, too. I don't look good in any pastel except for light lavender, and I prefer looking at bolder, more saturated colors.

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