Complete V4 Mail Guide!


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York; United States
Hello everyone,

I have decided to make a complete V4 mail guide. I've seen others in the past that weren't that good. So I'm making a better one.

Types of Mail:

Star= Fortune Cookie

Envelope= Letter

[!]= Important Information

Opening Mail:

To open your mail use the A button to scroll through the different types of mail. Once you get to the one you want to open, press B. You will know if you have a certain type of mail because it will be blinking.

What Different Types of Mail Mean

I'll start out with the Fortune Cookie (star). This is what most people are confused about. Let's start with the symbols first. The first symbol looks like a Gotchi Points Bag. This is the likelyness of you getting a visit from the King. The more stars you get, the more likely you are to get a visit from the King. The next symbol is the heart. This is the likelyness of your level of friendship to go up with the next connection to a friend. The more stars you get, the more this is likely to happen. The last icon is the strong man. This is the likelyness of you getting sick. The more stars you get means you are less likely to become sick.

The next type of mail is the Letter (envelope). You can receive a visit from the King, a Robber, or get an envelope with a heart, a snake or a poop in it. Letters are affected by your Fortune Cookies. When the King comes he will either bring a present (food or item) or points of various amounts. When the Robber comes he steals various amounts of points from you. When the blinking envelope comes it will either bring a heart which makes your Tama's happy hearts fill up if they are down, or a snake or poop which will make all the happy hearts go down.

The final type of mail is the Important Information ([!]). When your Tamagotchi receives this, it is either being accepted into school, (preschool or elementary) graduating school, (preschool or elementary) or getting job listings. When your Toddler receives this message this means it is getting accepted into Pre-School. Once it is enrolled in school you can choose the Work option under the connection menu to watch it go to school, play the elementary school game, or work. When a teenager receives this for the first time, it will be to tell it that it graduated Pre-School. As soon as it gets back another Important Information mail will be placed in your mailbox and you will be accepted into Elementary School. You will get Mr. Turtlepedia (mustascioed turtle) if you have more intellegence points. You will get Miss Flower (Flower with a face) if you have more style points. You will get Mr. Canvas (painting stand with a face) if you have more kindness points. The pencil is your intellegence, the sparkle is the style, and the flower is the kindness. When your adult receives this for the first time it is to tell it that it graduated elementary school. As soon as it comes back job listings will be placed in your mailbox. Your job options will be different depending on your skill points. Scroll through the jobs with the A button and when you find a job you want, press the B button to interview for it. If you have enough skill points you will be accepted, if not, keep looking around for another job. You need to have 3 O's in order to be accepted into the job. If your adult receives this a second time it will be an option to change your job or get one for the first time if you cancelled the first job listings or didn't have enough skill points at first. You need to have at least 50 of a certain skill to get a job so if you never receive the job listings it's because you never had at least 50 of a certain skill.

That just about does it for my V4 mail guide. I didn't know it would take this long, so I hope you guys find it helpful.

:) GotchiGirl96 :)

what age will it become a teenager and graduate from pre school
It should evolve into a teenager the day after it evolves into a toddler.


Wow GotchiGirl96! That's very helpful. A guide should pin this. :wacko:


-Tamaguy#1 :blink:

Actually, to my game, the first part of the fortune cookie doesn't just mean likelihood of a king visit, it's also how much money you'll get. It's a Gotchi-Point fortune.

For example, when I first opened the game up yesterday, I had but two stars, and I finished the Jump Rope game with 300 points. Today, I actually got 3 stars in the mail, and was awarded with 500 points after beating the same game!

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