Condoms, Birth Control, Abortion...


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Pennsylvania, USA
First off, I am sorry if this topic is inappropriate, but you are not forced to post here and I thought that it could be informal to me as well as other TamaTalk members. Thank You :mellow:

Obviously, I have heard about condoms (is that how you spell it?) and birth control because I am at that "maturing age" now. I know what they are and what they do but I don't exactly know how they do it. Isn't a condom something you put on the outside of your body to prevent becoming pregnant during sex? I have never used one (nor do I plan on having sex anytime soon anyway). And what about birth control? That is like a pill you take, right?

And... is birth control considered abortion? I know that I am 100% against abortion. What about you guys?

Your thoughts, answers, opinions, and whatever are kindly accepted.

Cinderpelt :blink:

Well, a condom is what boys wear over their....*cough*, but if girls get pregnant by having sex, she would have to go to the drug store and get a birth control pill. That will prevent her from becoming pregnant. But you need to show ID.

I watch the news waaaaaaaaaaaay to much....


NO Birth control is perfectly ok.

It's not Abortion at all.


Abortion- Is when you remove the growing

baby from the womens body.

Birth control pills- Used to prevent the baby

from even starting to start at all.

Hope i helped >.<

NO Birth control is perfectly ok.It's not Abortion at all.


Abortion- Is when you remove the growing

baby from the womens body.

Birth control pills- Used to prevent the baby

from even starting to start at all.

Hope i helped >.<
Abortion is like C-Section? Or is that when you cant pop out the baby and have to cut it out? Sicko's, Abortion is cruel!

Condoms' are just like gloves put over a mans *area* when having sex to prevent sperm from entering a women leading to getting her pregnant.

Abortion is like C-Section? Or is that when you cant pop out the baby and have to cut it out? Sicko's, Abortion is cruel!
Condoms' are just like gloves put over a mans *area* when having sex to prevent sperm from entering a women leading to getting her pregnant.
No, usually before the fetus has even developed enough to resemble a baby, the would-be mother gets a shot, and from there it's kind of like a miscarriage.

Abortion is like C-Section? Or is that when you cant pop out the baby and have to cut it out? Sicko's, Abortion is cruel!
Condoms' are just like gloves put over a mans *area* when having sex to prevent sperm from entering a women leading to getting her pregnant.
A C-section isn't abortion. My mom had a C-section to get me out. And I'm alive, of course. xD

Abortion FTW.

Condoms trap the semen from when the male ejaculates, since the semen is what impregnates the woman.

Birth control pills aren't abortion but if you are Christian they are against your beliefs.

Abortion FTW.
Condoms trap the semen from when the male ejaculates, since the semen is what impregnates the woman.

Birth control pills aren't abortion but if you are Christian they are against your beliefs.
o_o I'm Christian and I'm not against

birth control pills...Birth control pills are

almost like condoms only thing is your

more likely to have a baby using pills

then a condom. o_O

o_o I'm Christian and I'm not againstbirth control pills...Birth control pills are

almost like condoms only thing is your

more likely to have a baby using pills

then a condom. o_O
Well, first of all, birth control pillzorz kind of are abortion, I did a search, but this site may just be skewed: OMGBIRTHCONTROL

Anyway, since Christians aren't supposed to be havin sex0rz unless it's to make chillin, then that would defeat the whole purpose of Christian reproduction. (less christian babies- natural selection, folks)

Well, first of all, birth control pillzorz kind of are abortion, I did a search, but this site may just be skewed: OMGBIRTHCONTROL
Anyway, since Christians aren't supposed to be havin sex0rz unless it's to make chillin, then that would defeat the whole purpose of Christian reproduction. (less christian babies- natural selection, folks)
Screw that, Birth Control PREVENTS you from getting pregnant, Abortion is removing baby from body in first 4 months of pregnacy

And who says Christians cant have it for fun? I know ALOT of christians who s3x for fun <,<

Well, first of all, birth control pillzorz kind of are abortion, I did a search, but this site may just be skewed: OMGBIRTHCONTROL
Anyway, since Christians aren't supposed to be havin sex0rz unless it's to make chillin, then that would defeat the whole purpose of Christian reproduction. (less christian babies- natural selection, folks)
Yeah, I guess they could "kinda"

be like Abortion but yet they couldn't o_O

I dunno, I personally find it ok but thats just me.

Well I think it is ok for Christians to have sex without

wanting children. o.o Maybe some might just want to

have an enjoyable time with the one they love without

having to worry about babies yet. o.o

No, usually before the fetus has even developed enough to resemble a baby, the would-be mother gets a shot, and from there it's kind of like a miscarriage.
There's also a type of pill she can take to terminate the pregnancy.

After the abortion happens the woman usually has severe cramping and a heavy period to clear out her system.


Another type of birth control other than the pill is called Depo Provera. That's what I'm on. It's a shot you get once every three months to prevent pregnancy and make your periods lighter, and sometimes stop all together.

There are quite a few different types of birth control.

Check out if you want more information on the different kinds.

PoisonedV: Ew.. Prolife sites *shudders*

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PoisonedV: Ew.. Prolife sites *shudders*
I know, probably all fake, but meh.

and to you chrsitian sex people: no, it's for reproduction only according to the bible and most christian church teachings.

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Many teenagers have sex and don't use condoms nor do they use birth control. Some teenagers just do it for fun and are very careless they don't know the possibility or results of that process.

P.S. Why won't you guys just say the words, than just covering it up with other words. This is a mature section so use mature words.

I know, probably all fake, but meh.
and to you chrsitian sex people: no, it's for reproduction only according to the bible and most christian church teachings.
First of all, please, if you are going to say something is Christian, find it in the Bible. [*Search*]

If you are MARRIED, it's ok with God. If you don't want to have kids but want to have sex with your spouce it's ok. But if it's with you boyfriend/girlfriend and/or they aren't married to you, then it's NOT ok.

He made it to be pleasurable to your spouce and ONLY to your spouce.

EDIT: typos

Oh and, I'm totaly against abortion.

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... and to you chrsitian sex people: no, it's for reproduction only according to the bible and most christian church teachings.
I think perhaps you might be mistaken.

That sounds a lot like the Roman Catholic beliefs.

Many other Christian Doctrines teach that sex before marriage is not acceptable - after marriage it's fine and not just for reproduction ^_^

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There's also a type of pill she can take to terminate the pregnancy.
After the abortion happens the woman usually has severe cramping and a heavy period to clear out her system.


Another type of birth control other than the pill is called Depo Provera. That's what I'm on. It's a shot you get once every three months to prevent pregnancy and make your periods lighter, and sometimes stop all together.

There are quite a few different types of birth control.

Check out if you want more information on the different kinds.

PoisonedV: Ew.. Prolife sites *shudders*
I use depo provera too. My period's stopped pretty much altogether with it, and every 6+ months I get some bleeding, but its just its semi annual flush out. I went on it originally because I am unable to use the pill or patch since my BMI is high. Apparently being the bigger person as I am will increase the failure rate of the pill or patch, and the depo shot is a hormonal form of birth control, so it doesn't get affected. The nurse even told me it's even more effective than the pill when I started out on it.

All I know about Child birth is that if you dont want to choose the gender of your child with drugs or science, the spouse who is the most calm, the baby will be the same gender as the calmer spouse ;)

And TP, it is true. As long as you are married you can have sex for pleasure, unmarried teenagers whom have sex and Christian is thereby disoberying the lord.

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