Confession time xD


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I get pi$$ed for no reason a lot of the time.

Despite knowing it's gonna be a pain in the a$$ I'm excited to get my first period. ._.

I stalk and asian 6th grader at my school. I've slapped his butt and hugged him. Sometimes I think I may be in love with him. o.o

Sometimes I like to sleep with my shirt off. I don't know why, but I do.

I've had 2 dreams that I got my first period.

Theres more but I forgot.

EDIT: typo

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Whenever I get the chance to swim in the ocean, I pretend to be a mermaid xD
I pretend I'm a mermaid from Mermaid Melody. In the shallow end I'm human then in the deep end I transform into a mermaid. I make up my own dance moves to act as the transformation. By the end, 30 people are staring at me. DX

I chew on my nails.

I had to get a hairball surgically removed from my stomach (I chew on my hair). I just tell people it was gum DX

I've noticed that a certain group of people are coming on this website, and their spreading like rumors & cockroaches. .___.

-I hardly pay for my games, most of 'em are pirated.

-I hack my handheld consoles (Lately hacked the Wii)

-Im obsessed with Beetlejuice again

-Im a jerk to people who make promises but break them at the last second

Some people, no matter how hard I try, I just can't get along with.

When i went to China, I walked in this store (translate storename) stole a skirt(About $20 Australian Dollars), went out without anyone noticing. x3

I like to sing random things. Some of these are examples:

"I'm a potatoooooooo"

"Then, the magic.....antelopes went to celebrate with the nomyssssss"

"I am Shayna, short and stout. Here are my hands and here is my mouth."

My friends find it very amusing.

EDIT: typo

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My best friend and I enjoy eating these one gerbil treats that I have. They're good, in a crunchy kind of way: She likes the green ones the best and I like the orange ones xD

I chew my nails like crazy.

I have only been to church, like.....once in my life.

I've probably only eaten, like, 5 different vegetables xD

I always offend people without meaning to ._.

I hate a lot of things I pretend to think are cool, to make myself look good in front of my friends :/ (I really should stop doing that....I think if I was more honest about what I do and do not like I'd stop getting dragged to Hannah Montana movies)

Stephanie is my best and only true friend (in real life), and to be honest, I don't really care much about my other friends. .___.

If I had to pick one group of people I most hate in the world, it would probably be people who think hamsters are cuter than gerbils, rather than people I SHOULD hate, like dictators of third-world countries and stuff.

There are only a very select few people that I actually care about.

Sometimes in TC I pretend to know what's going on when I actually have no idea. XD

Atheist. I've never really told anyone. That how much I trust you guys....

I eat the fruit flavored chap stick. It tastes awesome!

I love school.

I need some more friends on tamatalk. xD

I'm actually starting to miss school.

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