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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Lincolnshire, UK
Okay, I've been shy for... my whole life. I'm 21, by the way.

Last year I was doing alright; I had a job that, I didn't enjoy but I had friends there (I didn't get along with my boss, lots of shop-floor arguments) and I had - still do - the lovliest boyfriend I could wish for. I had few friends, but they were enough for me.

So anyway, last year I had a big friendship break-up with the people I was living with, and moved over 100 miles away to live with my parents again and, for anyone living in the UK right now will know this, it's really, really hard finding a job.

I never went to school or college here, I don't think there are any groups I can join, the local book club never seems to have done books I've read or have an interest in. My boyfriend lives about 5 hours drive away, and I know a few of his friends but it's not like I know them too well.

I'm terrible on the phone so even phoning to make an appointment I have to make a script so I know what I want to say, which does make it difficult...

So, basically, what I'm asking, is some advice to get my confidence up. I'm not sporty so joining a sports group wouldn't really be my thing. Any ideas for what people have done to overcome confidence issues? Because, the only thing I can think of is getting a job, but like I said, it's really hard even to get considered for an interview right now :huh:

Cheers in advance,


Oh. Well, I am not an expert on adult stuff, but I would think, maybe if you want to get a confidence boost, you could... Go to a Salon? Get your nails done of something. Or maybe, like, go on a diet. If you do something to make yourself feel pretty, you'll feel confident.

Cheers for your reply =)

I got my hair done on Saturday, completely different style, ready for a job interview, so I can't really get it done for a while, and my nails are far too terrible to show to someone who does nails haha, they'd kill me.

But I did make another appointment for my hair so hopefully it'll help...


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