Contact Lenses?


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I wear contacts well used to....... I wear Acuvue Oasys. But now I am trying to get used to glasses my parents got me freaked about infections and stuff so now I am trying to get used to my glasses.

He he ... I'll share a little secret with you that a good friend of mine told me.... about Bausch & Lomb
Bausch & Lomb make good quality contact lenses and spectacles.

When they first launched daily disposables onto the market, it was for hygiene reasons only - in other words, they saw a need in the market for people who don't care for their contacts and would be better off if they wore a clean, new pair each day.

The Bausch & Lomb contacts lenses were exactly the same model as the weekly, monthly, etc. lenses :(

Now, that was a few years ago and it's possible the manufacturing quality and design have changed since then and this bit of inside info no longer applies.

But my friend worked for a B&L supplier company at the time and wore B&L lenses herself - she had the monthly lenses because (with the information she knew) she did not see the point of paying more for the same kind of contact lens ;)

I notice Mothra wears weekly lenses and admits she doesn't change them weekly ;)

It's all about good hygiene vs convenience. If you are the kind of person who gets into an eye care routine then you should have no problems with weeklies or monthlies.

I remove/clean/rinse/store my lenses every evening after I've brushed my teeth before bed - it's just part of getting ready to turn in for me and it never feels like a chore ;)
My lenses are designed to last about three weeks, but I always wear them for a week or two extra. I throw them out after that though.

When I had glasses, I used to wish I did.

Apparently, my vision improved, so I didn't need glasses or contacts at all, and haven't since. ^^

But, there are some types just for show, which I think can look cool. Some are made to appear to change your eye color, and some have designs. Though, they're expencive, and can only be worn for a short time (a day or so).

He he ... I'll share a little secret with you that a good friend of mine told me.... about Bausch & Lomb
Bausch & Lomb make good quality contact lenses and spectacles.

When they first launched daily disposables onto the market, it was for hygiene reasons only - in other words, they saw a need in the market for people who don't care for their contacts and would be better off if they wore a clean, new pair each day.

The Bausch & Lomb contacts lenses were exactly the same model as the weekly, monthly, etc. lenses :wub:

Now, that was a few years ago and it's possible the manufacturing quality and design have changed since then and this bit of inside info no longer applies.

But my friend worked for a B&L supplier company at the time and wore B&L lenses herself - she had the monthly lenses because (with the information she knew) she did not see the point of paying more for the same kind of contact lens :angry:

I notice Mothra wears weekly lenses and admits she doesn't change them weekly ;)

It's all about good hygiene vs convenience. If you are the kind of person who gets into an eye care routine then you should have no problems with weeklies or monthlies.

I remove/clean/rinse/store my lenses every evening after I've brushed my teeth before bed - it's just part of getting ready to turn in for me and it never feels like a chore ;)
Hehe, really? How interesting. I'm still paranoid enough not to wear them longer than that. But still, very interesting. :D

I am so paranoid about anything going wrong, so I am sticking to the guidelines very strictly. :D

How long do you all wear them for? Like, do you put them in about 7 in the morning and take them out 10ish? Or longer? Or shorter? ;)

How long do you all wear them for? Like, do you put them in about 7 in the morning and take them out 10ish? Or longer? Or shorter? ;)
My lenses go in at around 8.00am (just before I brush my teeth in the morning) and I usually take them out any time after 10pm depending on what I have planned for the evening.

Sometimes, if it's been a long day, my eyes are just tired and so I pop the lenses out early.

That may seem like I'm always wearing the lenses for 14+ hours per day, but don't forget, I don't wear them every day - sometimes I wear my specs instead :wub:

You can wear them for as long as they are comfortable. It used to be that around 9pm every night mine started feeling dry so it was time to take them out. Your eyes will let you know when it's time to take them out.

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