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Lithium Gotchi

Well-known member
Mar 7, 2008
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I have an eye appointment coming up soon, and I want to ask my doctor about contact lenses. I hate (emphasize "hate"!) my glasses, because in my opinion they make me look totally stupid. ;~; I want contacts, but my mom told me that they're not worth it because they take too long to get used to, and they irritate your eyes. Plus you have to clean them a lot otherwise you'll get your eyes infected.

But on the other hand, I want to look better than I do with my glasses, and I'm sure I can get used to contacts after a while. Plus, I don't mean to brag but I'm very organized, so once I get into the habit of cleaning the lenses, I'll probably never get an infection.

I know whether I want contacts or not is my own decision, but I need other opinions from you guys. Because contacts are expensive, I don't want to waste a lot of my family's money. So what do you think? Are contacts worth it?

[[edit: typo ^^;]]


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I wear contacts, and they are great. I love them sooo much more then my glasses, and feel sooo much better. I used to be so afraid of anything that is put in my eyes, but the doctor did it for me, and i didn't feel a thing. It doesn't hurt at all. I wanna get laser eye surgery next. Deffinity get contacts, but make sure you take care of them or you will be sorry.


Yeah, they're worth it. (As long as you wear them, of course). They only take about a week to get used to. And after two or three weeks you'll be able to put them in and take them out so easily you won't even need to think about it. You don't really need to clean them a ton, just for a minute before you put them in and a minute or so after you take them out.

The only issue I think you might have is if you have very dry eyes, without wearing contacts. If you do, I wouldn't reccomend getting them.

I can see better with contacts than with glasses. It makes it so you can see all over and don't need to move your face to see things clearly; you can actually look out of the corner of your eye again. I really do love my contacts and definitely think they are worth it.

I'm terrified to even try them. Glasses are a simpler alternative. x.x

I've had contacts, not much a fan.

I have accrylic nails, so it makes it hard to get them in and out, even if I have my nails as shortest as I can get them.

Glasses are easier xP Less irritating for the eyes, easy to put on/take off and you don't have to clean them as often.

If you play sports or are moving around a lot, then they are worth it. I have glasses and contacts, but I mainly use glasses. The contacts take a little while to get used to, but once you've worn them enough, they'll be a breeze.


Yeah they were worth if you can buy some good ones that don't itch. And if you can keep up with those small things. ;)

The first time I tried contacts, I was in the 6th grade. I was not ready for them. I thought I was..

I tried again in 9th grade and have been wearing them ever since. :D

If you think you are ready, why not give them a try? They are so cheap now. I'd think you should be able to get a box (6 pairs?) for barely $25.

Thanks for your opinions. ^^ I think I should try them out, nya. And, Chatterbox, One of my friends who wear glasses wanted red contacts, but his mom wouldn't let him. xD

Well, I think I'll try contacts then! Thanks again!

Domo arigatou.


Cool, I hope you like them then.

I was thinking about them too. I tried them before, but I couldn't get the idea of putting them in my eye. Maybe I should give them another try cause I think they might be nice.

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