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Oct 26, 2010
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I really want some and I'm wondering if they're worth the money. I know you have to like buy new ones every month or something. They are expensive too, I think like $40 for clear one- and you have to get the solution. xD My eyes are a very dark brown and I want to get light (Chestnut kinda)brown contacts.

Is it really worth it?

Well, I personally love my contacts. I've had them for a little over three years now, I think. I don't have colored ones - the ones they make for astigmatism aren't very attractive, IMO. I have heard that it's better to start out with regular contacts as opposed to colored ones.

I love them. They're a great alternative to glasses if you can get them on and off - getting them on takes some getting used to. You just really need to keep up with them and not wear them for too long because then they can mess with your eyes; my eyes get itchy if I wear old contacts.

I love my contacts also! Its definitely worth getting them, its great being able too see everything around you, and when they're in you dont even notice! Well I dont at least.

I just have normal ones, because I love my eye color how it is.

I have monthly contacts, so yes, I have to change them every month. But if you wear them about every other day they'll last you for two months.

A lot of people get irratated eyes if they keep them in too long, but it never seems to heppen to me. I can sleep with them in and wake up perfectly fine.(Not overnight sleeps, just hour or so naps.) And also, it gets annoying trying to get them in for the first time, but once you get them in its super easy after that and you'll have no problem touching your eyes. Highhy recommend contacts! I hate my glasses!

I've worn contacts for about 3 years now. I wear rigid contact lenses, which get replaced once every year. They are pretty expensive, but I think it's worth it, since I hate wearing glasses. They're not colored, but they have like a blue-ish tint, so it makes my eye color look darker and a little greener. I've heard that circle lenses can screw up your eyes though, so watch out for those.

Yeah I wear contact lenses as well. And love them. Being able to see (including peripheral vision that doesn’t come with glasses) is so good.

Mine are also just clear. I have daily contacts... Meaning I buy a box of like, 60. They’re disposable and every day I get a new pair (and throw out the pair I was wearing). This is slightly more expensive but it’s worth it I think - no need to worry about cleaning them and stuff. I’ve also found that buying them online is a lot cheaper than getting them in the shop... Make sure you’re buying from a proper site though. But for your first time using them, go through your optometrist so they can prescribe them for you, and get you a perfect fit for your eyes and they teach you how to use them. ;)

However it seems that you want them just for the colour and not to actually correct sight? In which case, I don’t know what kinds of options exist as mine are purely to fix my bad vision. :)

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Sorry for long post, but you asked for opinions and advice XD

If you want contacts to change the colour of very dark brown eyes to a lighter brown you will need the special "coloured opaque" lenses. Even if you don't need specs or lenses to correct your vision, you'll still need to get coloured contacts prescribed by an Optomotrist (it's the law in a lot of Western countries).

So even tho' ppl will post replies here, the most important thing is to get professional advice about it before you make any decisions.

Coloured opaque lenses are good at changing your eye colour but there are downsides. Even though there are different sizes to fit different eyeball shapes there will always be times when the coloured part will slide over your pupil (the black bit in the middle of your eye) - they always move slightly when you blink - and everyone blinks regularly (contact lens wearers more often than people who don't wear lenses). This can be quite irritating and obstruct your vision a little.

Also, the size of your pupil changes all the time (to adjust to different light conditions) — so sometimes, like in the evenings when it is much darker or when you go inside from being outside or when you move from room to room, your pupil may be larger than the clear central part of the lens that you are using to see through. If that happens, your vision can be slightly affected. If you drive a car - or intend to get a licence to drive, you might find that you will not / should not drive at night in the coloured lenses if your vision is affected.

If you wear make up, contact lenses can be irritated by bits of eye liner, mascara, powdered eye shadow, etc. and make your eyes water which also makes the contacts uncomfortable to wear - watery eyes also totally stuff up your eye make up!

What it comes down to is this. You need to go to an optomotrist and talk about the options and prices in order to make an informed decision. You shouldn't have to committ to buying contacts with a first visit - after all, you are checking out what's available, what's right for you, what the pros and cons are and how much it is going to cost you.

As for cost, it depends if you are earning yourself, if you can afford it and are prepared to spend the money on lenses instead of clothes or games or DVDs, etc. If you are hoping your parents will pay, then it is even more important to get the facts from the optomotrist on how suitable your choice of lens is for your eye and how much your parents will be expected to pay ;)

Finally... I also have very dark brown eyes - they almost always come out looking black in photos and no pupil visible. I also wear contacts (to correct my vision only - not to change the colour). I know so many people who wish they had a strong eye colour like mine and are envious of my eye colour. I don't know many people who want to make a rich dark brown more pale ;)

Good luck :)

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I have contacts that you are supposed to replace every week. That actually ends up being every 6 months.

My first few pairs of contacts lasted a couple of years and these are no different so I don't see why I should throw them away so often. As long as you are careful about cleanliness, it's not a problem.

I wear contacts, and I love them! They're such a great alternative to glasses because it's basically like having 20/20 vision all the time and no one can tell the difference! Once you get used to putting them in and taking them out, they're not a problem. I wear two week disposables, so they last a while and I usually buy four boxes at a time, making a six month supply as there are three pairs per box. They're not too expensive, and they're worth the amount of money they are. Contact solution is cheap and it lasts a while also. I've never worn color contacts, as I love my eye color, but I might eventually try them for cosplay and what not. If you have brown eyes, wearing blue contact lenses make your eyes extremely blue, it's so cool!

I got contacts 2 years ago, and I like them a lot. I had problems with them after the first 6 mos. because my eyes were getting too dry, but now that my eyes are better, I think they're great. If it bothers you not having peripheral vision, and not being able to see from all angles, they'll be a great help. For me, they were worth it. Just make sure to be really safe with them.

But like TamaMum said, check it out with your eye doctor first. ;]

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