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Sep 19, 2010
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RULES: You must use proper grammar and check your spelling so everyone can understand. No inappropriate stuff, or junk posts. At the end of each section of the story, you may add a little comment replying to someone's other section or so forth, so this doesn't get quite clogged up. :mellow: Have fun, and make sure your sections of the story are over 1 sentence long! :huh:

NOTE: This post is only one story. If you'd like to start another one, make a new thread! ^_^

mametchi woke up early in the morning, as soon as he did, he went to his mame desk to write a letter! for someone he hasn't seen in a long time, chamaetchi burst in the room, "what are you writing big brother!?" she asked " you'll see." he answered



Dear Memetchi,

How are you doing? I'm having a party today at my apartment. Would you like to join us?

Sincerely, Mametchi

Mametchi finished off his signature with some neat cursive, and showed it to Chamametchi. "How's that for a letter?" he asked with a grin on his face. Chamametchi smiled back and replied, "It's great, big brother! But... am I invited?" Mametchi frowned a little, but quickly wiped the look off his face. "Sure you are. Just as long as you don't cause any sort of disaster." he said, stuffing the letter into an envelope.

"Ok big brother!" Chamametchi says and walks skips happily down the stairs.

" Come on Mametchi! Time to go to school!" Mamamametchi shouts just as the toast for Chamametchi comes out onto the table.

"Ok!!!!" Mametchi says and runs out of the house

i don't supose i could make it about zombies? (well add zombies as an element)

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i don't supose i could make it about zombies? (well add zombies as an element)
...I don't know... O_e You'll have to ask kutchipatchiwatermelon.

Anyhow, this topic should be moved to "Team Stories".

Ah, it should be moved to Team Stories. :D Whoops; I'll just continue the story for now; and please, no zombies, this should be very age-appropriate. Remember there are little kids on the site! :unsure:


Both rushing down the stairs in a hurry, Mametchi managed to reach the bottom first, and burst out the door, stashing the letter into the mailbox. "I've sent the other invites out already, in case you were wondering." Mametchi told Chamametchi. Chamametchi nodded happily to show she understood, and then they both went inside, waiting for another day to come...

Continue me, please!

No replies? Then let's make this a little exciting.

"Ah! I'm late, I'm late!" Mametchi screamed, running down the stairs in a tumble. He tripped, and skidded into the kitchen. Chamametchi must have went to the park already, Mametchi thought, shaking. "She'll get lost! Lost, lost LOST!"

He banged open the door, and sprinted, calling "Chamametchi! Where are you, Chamametchi?!" But suddenly, a vortex opened, swirling with blinding colors and pulling him in.

Mametchi sneezed, and found himself in a vast field of flowers. "Drat, I'm allergic to pollen." he muttered, sniffling. He stood up, and gazed around at him. Chamametchi wasn't around! "What am I going to DO?" he shouted, quite panicked. He sat down, and started crying pitifully.

Mametchi was too busy crying to notice the shadow which loomed over him.

MAMETICHI!!What are you doing in my flower garden?-Voiletichi yelled

I'm sorry,kinda big for a garden don't ya think?As he wiped his tears.

BIG BROTHER!!Chamametchi yelled as she towards them.

Relieved he grabbed Chamametchi hand and walked to school with Voiletichi

Suddenly he fell and a picture of him Memetichi and Kupapatchi all together came out of his book bag pocket.

You still have that picture?Said Violetichi

Ya,I still can't believe she moved away...


PS sorry if i spelled names wrong

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Suddenly Nazotchi came with the reply to the invatations! :p Mametchi opened the invites but before he could read them, A naughty Tonmarutchi, Ran up to him and ran off with them in its mouth.

Continue me please!

As tonmarutchi was running away, mametchi screamed in despair "Stop! Those are-" his words started to fade, "mine".

"It's okay big brother, you know she must've said yes", Chamametchi said eyes atear, "right?"

"No", "I have no way of knowing that!", "jeez, why don't you just leave me alone" Mametchi criesd as he ran out the door.

"Big brother?" Chamametchi squeaked as she opened Mametchi's door. "What?" Mametchi sniffed. "You crying big brother?". "No, I'm just, just-". "Just what?". "Just upset."

"I know..."

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"I've got it!" Mamamametchi blurted. "Hmm, nobody's here...", "Mamtechi, there's a letter for you!"


Hope it's okay to post again!If not just tell me and I'll stop.

Mametchi ran over to Mamamametchi.Mamamametchi handed the letter to Mametchi.Mametchi quickly opened the letter and started to read it.

Dear Mametchi,

I can go to your party!I know,I know.I moved pretty far away,but my family decided to take a vacation and come back to your town!!So I have to rush to get there soon!I'll see you tomorrow or the day after that.See you soon!

Your Friend,


Mametchi read the letter and he was very happy. He was so glad she could make it.

Meanwhile, Memetchi was very excited about the party. Imotchi asked her "Hey, can I come with you?" Memetchi replied "Sure, you can hang out with Chamametchi. No doubt she'll still be around" "Yay, Chamametchi!!!" Imotchi said and she started skipping around the room. Memetchi all of a sudden thought But Makiko will probably be there... and she'll be all over Mametchi, while making fun of my curl She felt angry and hoped Makiko had said no.

Back to Mametchi, he met up with Makiko in TamaTown and gave her an invitation to the party. Makiko replied "Sorry, I'm busy. I've got other things to do" then when Mametchi walked away, she threw the invitation away. (I know, why would Makiko do that? It's just a twist, okay?)


Mametchi was surprized that she said no so he walked toward makiko and said I love you

Makiko still said no. So Mametchi went to find Lovelitchi to see if she could come. he tried calling her house because Lovelitchi wasn't at school earlier that day.Lovemamalitchi answered and said Lovelitchi was at Tamax tv filming a tv show. so Mametchi went to the cafe and waited and waited and waited until she came back. it was late and Mametchi was tired when he heard his name being called. he turned around and saw Lovelitchi!"oh Lovelitchi!i'm so happy you're back!"Mametchi said. "now i have a question for you" "ok said Lovelitchi. "can you come to my party? Mametchi asked. "Okay!" replied Lovelitchi! "yay!"said Mametchi "Memetchis going to be there!" "then i'll especially come as Lovelin, preform and bring tons of goodies to eat! Lovelitchi said "okay!" said Mametchi.He was so happy!

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Mametchi went home and ticked off the names of the people he'd asked who said they'd come. He still had Ponytchi, Kunoitchi, Maidtchi, Togetchi, Shimashimatchi, Marotchi, Androtchi and Debatchi to get through. He decided to look for those tamas. He looked but couldn't find the others when all of a sudden he felt someone tap his shoulder. He looked behind him but no-one was there. Just then Kunoitchi jumped out. Mametchi jumped with fear before realising who it was. "Oh. Kunoitchi" he said "You really have to stop doing that!"

"Sorry" Kunoitchi said "That's just what I do. I'm part of the Ninja family after all"

"Okay then" Mametchi said, "Kunoitchi, I'm throwing a party this weekend and I'm inviting everyone. Would you like to come?"

"Will Memetchi be there?" Kunoitchi asked.

"Yes" said Mametchi "I got a letter from her this morning confirming she can come"

"Sure, I'll come" said Kunoitchi "It's a pity Memetchi moved so far away"

Mametchi was shocked by this. The way Kunoitchi had asked about whether or not Memetchi was coming almost sounded like she didn't want to see Memetchi. Either way, she was coming. Mametchi ticked Kunoitchi off and went to find everybody else.

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Mametchi managed to get Maidtchi, Shimashimatchi and Kuchipatchi to come but the others all seemed to be busy. "Hmmm who haven't i asked yet?" Mametchi thought to himself as he sat at his desk. "Ummmmmmmm" Mametchi thought hard but he still couldn't think of anyone else who might be able to come to his party. And then over dinner it suddenly struck him Makiko!! He thought while eating his peas. After dinner Mametchi quickly excused himself from the table and ran into the hall and to the Mame telephone to ring Makiko.

Mametchi calls Makiko and she picks up on the first ring:

Mametchi: "Hey Makiko, it's me Mametchi! I'm throwing a giant party this weekend and I'm trying to get as many people as possible to come.... So would you be interested?"

Makiko: "Oh hey Mametchi! Ummm well i am going to the hair salon to get my curls redone this weekend but......"

There was a long pause.

Mametchi: "Makiko?... You still there?"

Makiko: "Yes I'm here, hey is that Memetchi friend of yours gonna be at this party??"

Mametchi: "Weeeellll....... Yea, i know she moved away and everything but she is actually taking a vacation over here for a little while and-"


Makiko slams the phone down on Mametchi. Mametchi just stands there in the hall with the phone in his ear, when Chamametchi comes skipping into the hall giving him a heart attack. "Hi big brother why you standing there???" Mametchi jumps. "Chamametchi don't scare me like that! I was just on the phone to Makiko asking if she wanted to come to my party but she said not if Memetchi is going to be coming...." Mametchi doesn't finish his sentence. "Big brother... Hello???" "Gotta go Chamametchi, i just had a great idea!" And without another word Mametchi races upstairs to his bedroom and sits down at his desk.......



Then Mametchi started doing something on his desk with a lot of tools.Chamametchi slowly opened the door and peeked at Mametchi's room the there she saw


a small idol of makkio perfectly carved. Chamametchi gasped in awe- but mametchi heard her THEN-


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