Contrasting the screen


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Apr 5, 2008
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Have you ever noticed that there are lots of secrets that don't appear on the instructions? Well here's a great one.


Is your screen to dark or too light. Here's the cure:

press B to view the time and then press B and C at exactly the same time. The screen will say contrast on it. To lower the contrast and make the screen brighter, press A and to increase the contrast to make the screen darker, press B. When you are happy with your choice. Press C and you will return to the time sreen again. I have only tried this on the v5 familitchi but it may work on the rest as well.



Hope it helps!

I agree that the instruction manuals for the English-language Tamagotchis are quite sparse compared to those for the Japanese Tamagotchis. However, this particular tip is in the V5 instruction manual. It's under the heading "HOW TO ADJUST CONTRAST" on segment 5, which you can see here:

There is no way to adjust the screen contrast on a Connection v1, v2, v3, v4, nor v4.5.

What kind of v5 do you have? Because when I tried it, it went back to the regular screen and they started dancing.

Please reply.


May God bless. :wub: :furawatchi: :ichigotchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :chohimetchi: :pochitchi:

That is a great observation

Tip: You should lower the contrast when your tamas go to bed, because it will help save battery.

(I like this new feature)

What kind of v5 do you have? Because when I tried it, it went back to the regular screen and they started dancing.
That's likely because you didn't hit them at the same time. I had to try a few times before it worked.

Really? That's cool! I'll have to try that! I'm always having trouble seeing my V5 screen... I'm sure this will help. Thanks much... happy posting!


What kind of v5 do you have? Because when I tried it, it went back to the regular screen and they started dancing. Please reply.


May God bless. :( :angry: :wacko: :ph34r: :lol: :furawatchi: :ph34r:
Here's a tip:

Go to the clock screen and hold down C. Without letting go of C, press B. That should work.
