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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2006
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iv got a UFO and yesterday, when my :huh: was flying to a place, i clicked on the button C and he crashed on the island. Now he is living on there! it´s SO cool!!

You guys try it for yourself!!!

what do you mean flying somewhere? Where was it flying? Because I have had two UFO and they didn't fly places!

i think he/she means the litlle space thing you can buy in the shop. it looks like a bomb, and it is 5,000 gp. that is the only time a tama can do that. but if it is a glitch, well, u got me.

:unsure: what do u mean it landed on an island and how could it fly to anouther place but it does sound kool
Well, my sister done it for me. ;)

I have NO idea how she did it but she just said she clicked button C............

I can´t get off this island!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAGH!!!! WHY did she have to do this to me!?

Now i can´t play games or ANYTHING. My robotchi ( :( ) is acting kinda strange though...... He looks happy but he won´t stop jumping!

When i click a button nothing happens.............

HELP ME.....!!!!!!!

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my robotchi won´t stop jumping!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can´t do anything!!!!!

I suppose i´ll have to get a pen and click the reset button on the back and then click:


-Oh, well. Here goes!!-

(clicks download and......)

PHEW!!! He´s back to normal!!!!!!

I will NEVER let my sister touch my precious tama again....!



:( ;) :D :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

OF COURSE it was!!!!!!!!

Where else can you get it from? duh.

I bought a UFO and now my tiger tama is in space + i saw this alien in a space ship it was ssssssssoooooooo cool!!!!!!!

also now 3 minutes later the match maker came i`m lucky today! :kuribotchi: :puroperatchi: :chohimetchi: :D :D :D :D :D ^_^ :lol:

My tama is only a baby but i have 1234 points i shall save up. By the way it looks like a summer hat.

what do you mean flying somewhere? Where was it flying? Because I have had two UFO and they didn't fly places!
you must not have a ufo because they do fly places.

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