cooler sounding word than fail or shame!


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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2007
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i really need to know some so i can start saying it, because my brother told me the word fail and i used it at school and now my friends are saying it so i want to say something different than them lol =P im weird like that! thanks in advance :eek:

Stick to old basics..

You suck. You suck sounds more awwsum than 'You Fail'.

^ I agree. Though I do say"Fail" on the internet alot, "You Suck" is a Classic. I'd go with that one.

Besides, I'd never say "you Fail" in real life, Because I have a major problem with pronouncing stuff. I've tried saying "You Fail" in real life, to my mom, and it sounded like I said "You're Frail"

Umm... you could try to insert some words before you say "fail". Sorry I can't think of anything cooler-sounding than that... I know there was some place that had something freshly cut or whatever and in the picture caption it said "Fresh Cut FAIL!!" Lol Idk how much you could work with that... :nazotchi:

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