Corrupt-a-wish foundation


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I the peace bracelet cuts your wrist
I wish for a bat
what? you didnt answer mine

you got it but the Joker slammed it into your eye

i wish The Joker would kill edward cullen

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ok this fails -.-; i quit everyone keeps bumping so we're like all answering the same one o.o;

The crimper turns your hair blue. 8D

I wish for a big white shiny palacey thing to live in.

Your cup of jewels are broken.

I wish to have a tamagotchi music star

You don't but you have a lot more extra school work

I wish I had a Krabby Patty O:

Wish granted, but he gets amnesia and forgets that he even realized that you love him.


You get one, but now your backspace is broken.

I wish I could read faster...

your iPod speaker explodes whenever you play Katy Perry hhaha no offense intended :)

I wish that my archnemisis would EXPLODE!!!!

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