Corrupt a wish


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Ooh, witty reply! Because you're awesome fangirls come in the middle of the night and eat you :D


Meh wishes for _______.


Yup. Meh wants MOAR TWITTER SPACE!!!

Granted, but then you get so much space, your account can't handle it and your computer explodes

I wish I got an A on my math quiz

wish granted but it turns out there is no rain either and the isa drought that lasts forever

I wish for a robot :wacko:

Granted, you get a robot which is programmed to destroy you.

I wish I could get an official diagnosis for my sister who might have OCD.

granted but you and your sister go flying on a pigs back and you both fall in the middle of the ocean

I wish for some good PASTA!

Granted, but the pasta is COLD and OLD and DISGUSTING. D;

I wish foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor...

A Clannad plushie~ x3

granted but when you open the box there is nothing but packing peanuts

I wish I had all my homework done

Done. BAM your dog eats it.

I wish I didnt lose that money:(

wish granted but you loose it agian

I wish for an idea of what to write about

(and i don't own a dog but i own 2 guinea pigs)

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