Corupt a Wish


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You end up going 9000 years into the future! With an e!

I wish for marshmallows! (lolwut)

Granted but Titi comes in and destroys it

I wish for no homework ; - ;

Granted but you didn't forward that text to 10 people so you die.

I wish that it would be 10:00 PM already (Central time).

Granted, but then I steal Kiba. |D

I wish Germany was real. :D

Granted, but it's the day before at 11:59, and then it turns your birthday one minute later. And you STILL get no presents, cake, or letters. Muahahahhaha!

I wish Kiba and I to be happily together forever in a mutually monogamistic romantic relationship. BAM!


Granted, but you are forced to endure the sight of many ugly people coming look at themselves in you for the rest of eternity.

I wish I made a contract with Kyuubey to become a magical boy.

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