Corupt a Wish


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Granted... but that's because you were kidnapped by pirates and have to spend the next 25 years peeling potatoes in their galley. (Don't worry, after that it gets better - you get promoted to toilet cleaning duty.)

I wish Bandai America would come up with a good idea for Tamagotchis so they became super popular again.

Granted, but the "good idea" is to make the Tama characters be able to kill each other and it gets popular because people love gory stuff these days.

I wish I had my very own Mr. Potato Head.

Granted, but you lost all of the parts

I want a trip to Disneyland

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Granted... but I didn't hear you quite right, and so you got a truck load of ducks instead. ("quackers" ;) )

I wish Nintendo would hurry up and release ACWW 3DS (Animal Crossing in 3D).

Granted but your copy malfunctions and every other copy is sold.

I wish Adam Kleeberger would grow his beard

Granted... but it evolves into a character you've had already.

I wish my cat would be a bit more careful where he does #2. In the kitty litter box would be nice.

Granted, but then you lose all your knowledge of other Tamagotchi stuff.

I wish I were a bird! *shotforquotingavideo*

Granted. You now don't have any teeth to be crooked.

I wish I could turn into a giant redwood tree and watch the world evolve and change around me.

Granted,but a woodcutter comes along and he CUTS YOUUUUU

I wish for anything at all.It could be nothing,which is something,or any type of item in the world.

Granted, but then you get bored with what you got.

I wish for some batteries for my V2

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