Could I possibly be orthorexic?


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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2007
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I used to be E.D.N.O.S. and now I think I'm ortho.

I always stay clear of somewhat fatty foods, even if they are healthy fats, like nuts and oil. I always believe in a "pure diet" and try to eat as little fat as possible. I have very good self control when it comes to food. We don't have much non fat foods in our house, so I usually eat very little. Sometimes, I add up how many calories I've eaten at the end of the day, and it's usually around 600-1000 calories. I can't help but feel proud about it. This scares me because I'm probably malnourished, but I can't help it. Is this orthorexia?

If you are worried about fats... The best way to rid yourself of the fats is to drink lots of water. I'm sure you know but 8 glasses of water is recommened, even 2 glasses of milk too helps. Even if you aren't so fond of water, drink it quickly instead of sitting there and sipping it.

I wouldn't worry about your calorie intake too much unless you feel funny. (Dizzy, feel like you are going to barf, sleepy all the time....etc)

Most doctors say a 2,000 calorie diet is standard. But that is STANDARD. For an adverage person with minimal activity during the day. It depends on your height and weight (Don't tell me...) If you are an active person... I would recommend eating a bit more then you do... Even smaller meals are better then 3 times a day. Like 2 small snacks, a good breakfast, then something like a sandwich and chips or something like that, twice a day.... Then you should feel less hungry and not feel as bad when others are eating bigger meals then you.

I am not a doctor... Just saying.... I would recommend you read up on calorie intake, a good way to have your meals smaller with less fat too and look into your activity level... like how you would rank it during the day. I'm sure something will come up to compare yourself to.

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What is orthorexic?

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