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The Imaginary story teller

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2008
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I need help. I keep craving the most random things.... First it was peanut butter (i ate a whole bunch) then i was craving hotchocaltate then I really super wanted eggs so i made three eggs and ate them in like a minute!! NOW I REALLY want chocolate but we don't have any :) :( why am i crfaving all this stuff????

is it puberty??

Am i just weird??


It's puberty, man. I was craving leeks for a week but once I made them they were horrible because I'm cookfail.

Absolutely impossible.

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Hehe. That happened to me when I was younger. It still happens to me when I'm on my cycle. The only thing to do is to eat what you want till you just don't want it anymore. Unless it gets to the point where you want it but your not hungry, I think there's a preasure point somewhere in/around the ear that makes you not hungry anymore. How old are you anyways??? Well, good luck with your out-of-control cravings.PM me if there's anything I can do to help.

[note: twix always works for me :) ]

Could be puberty, could be that you don't get enough vitamins or minerals of some sort.

I crave things all the time. Not like a "OMGHARDCORECRAVINZZ!!!111!!SHIFT!!SHIFT!" kinda thing, but.. well, I don't know.

I know there was one thing that helped me fight cravings.. But I can't remember what that is..

I suggest doing something that takes a lot of your attention, that you really like doing. Yeah. Like when I'm hungry but I just had breakfast, I usually go play video games for hours until I'm ACTUALLY truly hungry.

xD Puberty can start as late as 15+ right?

I still have no hair in my armpits. >_> and I've actually been craving pizza for a month, then we had some and I wanted some for another 2 weeks, then got it again.

And the other day i really wanted some chips.

Vadermort: I should go play video games too. ;______;

Or do something productive. I just had a cup of milk, burned cookies, chips, lots of water, and some kind of asian 'snack' thing. XD

I feel full but that plate of cookies is calling me out there. .____. *distracts myself*

xD Puberty can start as late as 15+ right? I still have no hair in my armpits. >_> and I've actually been craving pizza for a month, then we had some and I wanted some for another 2 weeks, then got it again.

And the other day i really wanted some chips.

Vadermort: I should go play video games too. ;______;

Or do something productive. I just had a cup of milk, burned cookies, chips, lots of water, and some kind of asian 'snack' thing. XD

I feel full but that plate of cookies is calling me out there. .____. *distracts myself*

Video games are the cure to everything.

Oh no, it's the case of the eating rampage.

It's common when you go through changes in your life.

Like adolescence, pregnancy, etc..

Cravings. . . @____@

They happen to everyone.

I want beef stroganoff right now, but it's probably not happening ;___;

xD Puberty can start as late as 15+ right? I still have no hair in my armpits. >_> and I've actually been craving pizza for a month, then we had some and I wanted some for another 2 weeks, then got it again.

And the other day i really wanted some chips.

Vadermort: I should go play video games too. ;______;

Or do something productive. I just had a cup of milk, burned cookies, chips, lots of water, and some kind of asian 'snack' thing. XD

I feel full but that plate of cookies is calling me out there. .____. *distracts myself*
well yea it can start after like 15 i think.... no armpit hair!!u should be thanking the lord. Armpit hair sux!!!!! cravings aren't as bad today but I'm still craving stuff randomly... again i crave eggs... maybye i should go make some....

P.S I'm like 12 but i still know alot about this stuff because i go to tons of websites just so I'm prepared... i think the answer is puberty for sure because i have gotten very bad cramps lately.... <.< if i die bury me with chocolate...

I feel the same.

(Puberty sucks! But i'm lucky. I started when I was 10 but still haven't got any signs of armpit hair. Woopie!)

I cleaned out the marshmallows, chocolate, cinnamon sticks, coffee etc etc. My cravings haven't stopped since I was 12.I is now 14.

I crave random things too. Today I craved breadsticks dipped in orange juice.


hehe XD armpit hair .. lol :3

I once saw a dude at the park who had his armpit hair braided o_O

No puberty starts when you start feeling weirder than normal I hit puberty when I was 8 o-o;; it could be hormones like the other day I was craving an ice cream sandwhich and my brother ate them all so I substituted it with an ice cream sunday at Mc Donalds lol it's either puberty or hormones. Don't worry about it ^^.

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