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memetchi <3

Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
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Hey guys! Guess what? I've decided to start a Tamagotchi log again! :D And sorry if I disappointed you, thinking I was going to let you guys play a certain game... ...BUT I'M NOT! I'm going to record my Tamagotchis instead!(sorry, no pics) Oh, and if you guys want to comment on my log or give me a shoutout, PM me and I will post it in my updates on my log! So here's the deal, I'll be running two Tamagotchis after say three generations, then I'll switch. And I'll keep doing it till I get bored of it. Satisfied? Good, if not too bad. Now, let's get started.


Tamagotchi V4

This yesterday, I un-paused the Tamagotchi and decided to take care of him. It was a baby boy and it was mysteriously named 'I'. So I guess I'll call him Mr. I... He played a couple of Jump Rope games and successfully won two times(I would've won more if I wasn't playing with my other Tamagotchi at the time...). Satisfied, he took a break and got mail from the Gotchi King. He gave Mr. I a plant, but it unfortantly grew to a
. He got upset, so I gave him a little pudding to keep him happy. After an hour he evolved to Mohitamatchi. He soon got some more mail from the Gotchi King recieving a total of 1700 Gotchi Points. And he also was visited by the Preschool teacher and was soon excepted to TamaPreschool. :mimitchi:


Tamagotchi V3

After some rough decision between my Music Star, I chose this one to be part of my log. I restarted the TMGC and got a baby girl. Her name is Peach. I fed her some pudding and bread and decided to play the 'Get Notes' game. The C button wasn't responding very well, but Peach was still grateful for her 20 Gotchi Points. :D I let her alone for a little while when she got sick, replenshing her health and cleaning up her poop, she was perfectly fine.(until she got kidnapped by Bowser and was rescued by Mario) 'Bout an hour later, she evolved to one of my favorite Toddlers, Mizutamatchi. I played a game of 'Bump' with her and she was able to get to Round 4. Not entirely bad I guess. :)



Okay, that's the end of today's updates! I hope you enjoy it(I'm not fantastic with my writing skills @.@)!

Thanks for reading! :ichigotchi:


The Mail Section

The ringtone whenever I get fan mail from someone. :D And I will give a special shoutout to them at the end of my updates.

It appears I got some MAIL!!!! YAY!! XD


Hai there 

Your log is awesome, Hope you keep on logging! =D

Thank you MUDKIPCHI!!

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Tamagotchi V4

On Monday night, Mr. I evolved to... ...HINOTAMATCHI! Great, acorns now Podoboos... ANYWAYS, he was kicked out of preschool because he was scaring and accidentely burning the other preschoolers. But later, he got a message from Tamagotchi School asking to be a student. He gladly accepted and went over to pick his teachers. Mr. Turtle Dictionary complained that the heat coming from him ruined the polish on his shell. Ms. Flower Teacher yelled at him for burning her flowers. Mr. Canvas was very happy to see him and accepted him as his student. Mr. I started school right away and has so far, gotten straight As. I'm so jealous of him... -_-


Tamagotchi V3

Not very much happened, but Peach happened to be a child longer then I expected. I guess it's because I paused her. o_O Anyways, yesterday she evolved to one of my favorite teens, Patapatatchi!(I wish they brought it back in the other TMGC toys :( ) I decided to play one of my favorite games in all of the Tamagotchi toys, Heading. But the buttons didn't cooparate very well and I ended up winning 40 points. But Peach didn't mind. :D I played Flag with her and won the entire game, amazing. :lol:



End of today's updates. :)

Thanks for reading, and see you guys L-ater! :3


The Mail Section

Sorry! The inbox is empty!

Tamagotchi V4

Oops, accidently left the V4 for a while, but luckly, Mr. I didn't die. B) Yesterday, he evolved to Pyonchitchi! :ichigotchi:
Goodness, he's adorable. ^w^ Last night, he got kicked out of Tamagotchi School because he was too 'old'(he was only 4 years old, sheesh give him a break), after being *cough cough* suspended, he got a job application. He didn't get a job in the first application, but in the secound one, he got a job at a Restuarant! :lol: (now he can cook me food &gt;:3) This morning, I took him to the Restuarant, but he got paid $1000 even though he didn't do anything, LOL.


Tamagotchi V3

Last night, Peach unfortunately evolved to an ugly Kurokotchi. :p No wonder Mario gave up on her. XD Nothing much to say about her, but the thing that gets to me about her is that she doesn't wake up till ten. I should've taken better care of her...


(Purple is me when I talk to my Tamagotchis)



Me: Wait, ME? I'm not saying ANYTHING about you! ^^;

Peach: Oh SURE.



Okay that's it for today! Sorry about the V3s update, I pratically have NOTHING to say about it. XP

Anyways thanks for reading guys! ^_^


The Mail Section

Nothing here! Check back later, or give me a message or question about my log! It might appear here! ;)

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Tamagotchi V4

I got so much mail from the Gotchi King yesterday.(and from Saturday) :p So I went to the shop and entered in some codes to get special stuff. Yay! I got Love Potion, Steak, !!(clone), Pen, and a Cellphone. :3 I actually got two Love Potions(or Honey, whichever you want to call it) in an attempt to get Peach and Mr. I married.(TOO BAD MARIO!) :ph34r: Interstingly, I got Sunglasses from Peach when I repeatidly connected them. Cool deal. B) One of the plants the the King gave me grew to a
. The other plant became a money tree, but gave him only $10. What a ripoff... -_-


Tamagotchi V3

Yay, more special stuff from da shop. 8D Love Potion, Cake, Steak, Cuckoo Clock, RC2 Racer, Stuffed Animal, and a Costume. I connected Peach with Mr. I and they FINALLY got married!! :wub: (IN YOUR FACE MARIO!) They now have two baby boys. Man, I wanted them to have girls... Oh well. :furawatchi:



Thanks for reading guys, I gotta go eat my lemon meringue pie so, L-ater! :D



Useful Stuff

Self explainitory, this place is where I refrence stuff in my update and post it here.

V4 Shop Codes

V3 Shop Codes

V4 Cell Phone Numbers


Mail Section

No mail here.

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Short Update

(Short Updates are short updates, 'kay?)

Mr. I and Peach left last night. Leaving the two babies, whom I named them Mario(V3) and Luigi(V4). Since they're bros, I decided to let them connect, but they were really competitive.(Mario you meanie!) Although, after three games, Mario gave Luigi a parfait, how sweet! :wub: (One thing, Luigi is older than Mario in my Tamagotchis. Mostly because I favor Luigi over Mario, so I named and started Luigi first before I did Mario) After an hour, they evolved to kiddos! Luigi became Mizutamatchi, and Mario became Tamatchi. Sho sweet! ^_^


(okay, maybe not for them)

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Another Short Update

I have no time to have a regular update, so here it goes...

Yesterday, both Mario and Luigi evolved to teens(man that sounds SO weird...). Mario evolved to Hashitamatchi(is that how you spell it?) and Luigi evolved to Hawainotchi. I accidently left them yesterday and they got sick, nursed them backed to health and fed them. Gee, Mario is 80 pounds! He's so fat. :wacko: Anyways, Luigi got kicked out of Preschool and was able to get in Tamagotchi School. Luigi chose Mr. Turtle Dictionary for his teacher and got a graduation hat.


Luigi: Mr. Turtle Dictionary, why do I need a graduation hat? I didn't even start school yet!

Mr. Turtle Dictionary: Oh what the hey, it looks good on all of my students. MY STUDENTS MUST WEAR IT!

Luigi: ...


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Tamagotchi V4

Sorry about the updates, I paused them on Sunday and forgot to unpause 'em till Monday. X( Anyways, Luigi evolved to Gozarutchi after a while. :) He got kicked out of school and was asked to see if he could get a job. Unfortantley, he didn't get a job... I hate the judges... :angry: And they hate me, huh. Today I tried to get to TamaTown(V4), but like a dummy, I FORGOT. Luigi decided to call his dad, Mr.I. I don't know if Mr.I enjoyed the talk, cause he ended the conversation with a '._.;'. LOL. But Luigi was happy anyways. He also managed to talk to his grandfather, Axonn.(hey, this was my brothers V4, so don't get on me with the names) They had a little talk, and Axonn said 'OK' at the end of the conversation. Again, Luigi was content as Mario eating a meatball.


Tamagotchi V3

Like the excuse I had for the V4, I left him on pause blah blah blah. After a couple of days, he finally evolved to an adult. He evolved to... Warusotchi!
LOL, Mario is a cool looking pineapple. :gozarutchi: He tried to go to TamaTown, but just like the V4/other TamaTowns, I couldn't access it. :( I'll try another time, I guess. Mario has to visit Peach eventually, right? :D


Okay, done with the updates today!

I hope you can enjoy it, and thanks for reading!

Tamagotchi V4

FINALLY, Luigi got a job as a Teacher(what the hey, he tried to get the same job and he failed at it, judges are REALLY far out...). And I gotta say, the Teacher job is what I personally think, the most funnest job you can get. :) Basically, the screen says to either get the pencils, sparkles, or flowers, depending on how many you can get. It's really fun! :lol: The first time I played it, I was *coughkindacough* lost. The second time was a perfect 110%! XD Yes, tis a very fun job. :3


Tamagotchi V3

Bad news, Mario died... :(


Yeah, so I accidentely left him un-paused for a few hours(surprisingly, Luigi was still alive) so sorry...


Ah, I think he's gonna kill me for that. Anyways, I'm deciding whether I should keep going on with my V3, or start up a new Tamagotchi? I'm not too sure, and I'm not sure if I should ask... :/ I guess I'll think about it, but for now, the egg will be on pause.


Enjoy reading you guys! :)

Yay, 200 views! :D

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Sorry about the updates guys, well news is that Luigi died...(NO WAY, LUIGI IS TOO EPIC TO DIE :'&lt;) So I decided to switch Tamagotchis. I chose a Tamagotchi V4.5 and my Tamago. I'll try to update more often. :/


Tamagotchi V4.5

I placed in the batteries and was found with a sickly baby boy named Polar.(I'm guessing it was supposed to be Polari, but there wasn't enough room) I nursed him back to health and fed him till his hunger and happy meters were full, but he got sick again after eating. :V I played Climb with him and successfully climbed to the top. An hour passed by and he evolved to :kuribotchi: . He got a letter from the Preschool teacher and was accepted into preschool. Oh yeah, he also got robbed. T_T I hate it when that happens...

The Next Day...

Polar evolved to Kometchi. He looks weird... Anyways, he got kicked out of Preschool and was accepted to Tamagotchi School. He chose Mr. Turtle Dictionary to be his teacher.

And that's about it. :p



I placed in fresh new batteries and started her up again. The egg hatched to a sweet little Nokotchi. ^w^ And the usual 60 minutes of baby-sitting, she soon evolved to Hoshitchi. One of my favorite toddlers. :3 She went to the park and played with Kuchipatchi, Kuromametchi, Oyajitchi, and Memetchi. Suprisingly, she likes to build sand castle/buildings/sculptures. As usual, I'm stalking the shop to get a new wallpaper cause I've had the SAME one FOREVER! AGHHHHHHHHHHH! Today, she evolved to Chuchutchi. :U Ahh, nothing else to say I guess...


The Tamago update felt stupid. Oh well, I'll see if I can make it more exciting. :v

Enjoy. :3

Tamagotchi V4.5

Kometchi evolved to Tougyutchi. Urgh, I hate looking up the names. I'll just post the character chart here. :V


Anyways, it took a while for Polar to get a job, he finally became a banker. I just love the Bank's job, aside from the Teacher's job. Poor Polar, he keeps getting hate-mail. It's getting reeaaalllllyyy annoying. &lt;.&lt;



I got a Marotchi. I found her cute, which is surprising since I usually go nuts when I get her. Unfortantely, I couldn't enjoy her for very long because once she hit 5 years old, I get an ugly old Otokitchi. :p Yesterday, she got married to Nonopotchi. It wasn't the best couple, but I think it's better than having Ojitchi. Shop stalking for the Beach wallpaper again, I'm getting seriously tired with my balcony(?) wallpaper. &gt;_&lt;


Another lazy and short update. Oh wells...

Enjoy. :3

Darn it, haven't updated in a while. So yeah, Polar died(obviously), and Marotchi got married, grew old, and flew the coop. I'm deciding to just log one Tamagotchi instead of two. So I'm gonna pause my Tamago and continue on with my V4.5 till I become lazy again or if I get tired of it and decide to change it to a different version.


Tamagotchi V4.5

Yesterday, I restarted my TMGC and got a baby girl. I've been in the brony phase lately, so I decided to name her Pinkie. But there was too many letters, so I changed it to Derpy. Once I saw a muffin in the store, and I knew I had to buy it. So I played a little game of 'Climb' and achevied dat muffin. B) 60 minutes later, Derpy evolved to Kuribotchi. Darn. I had Derpy played several games of Climb when I once again found the muffin. A couple minutes later, the Preschool teacher came by. She let Derpy in Tamagotchi Preschool, so I made her go to it a couple of times. After she came back, I bought her a ball for her to play with. The first 3 times were fails, but on the fourth try, she successfully balanced on it. :kuribotchi: Somewhere around 12-ish today, she evolved to Yakantchi(the little yellow kettle in the above post). I got her to go to Preschool a couple of times before she got kicked out. :p Her teacher in Tamagotchi School is Ms. Flower Teacher since I'm no good at getting Sparkle Points. Oh well.

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Tamagotchi V4.5

Dang dang DANG IT! I got Shitekitchi.
Man, I was hoping for someone more, you know, cooler. :/ They didn't kick her out of school yet, so Derpy has a lot of time on her hands. She decided to draw. :3





How the hey did she do the last pic? o_O



Okay... Still no '!' mail. :V I guess we'll see tomorrow then!

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Tamagotchi V4.5

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Tamagotchi V4.5

7 years old and Derpy is STILL not married yet? 8&lt; Darn it.

Anyways, not much happened. But today, I got a ! mail and apparently, I had the option of changing my job. So I decided to chose to work at the hospital. Ahh, maybe I should try to keep Derpy alive for as long as possible and record it. I don't know, cause I'm pretty sure I'm gonna chicken out soon. :p

Tamagotchi V4.5

Blegh, still not married... ...yet.

Derpy evolved to Otokitchi. After seeing her come up to the screen up close, I'm dubbing her the 'Troll Grandma'. Why? Cause she looked like she had the troll face when she popped up on the screen. :p She looked worse when I put the sunglasses on her. Her face said 'Deal with it' all over. o.o

I took her to do her regular hospital job thing, and appearently I got kicked out and the Gotchi King personally gave me a cane. Woo-hoo. Meh, but at least he comes to Derpy and gives her money. I guess that's one cool benefit of retirement.

Darn, I can't find any topics that can help me get a Matchmaker. &gt;.&lt; I guess I'm gonna have to go Tama-surfing... Eh, see ya.

Tamagotchi V4.5

The tips I found didn't work. &gt;-&lt;

At the rate this is going, I'm probably gonna start up another Tamagotchi. Maybe the V4 or Music Star. I don't know... But during the times I haven't replied, Derpy has been getting a buttload of money. The Gotchi King has sent me over 4000 worth of points, the fishing pole I got gave me 3000 Gotchi Points, and I haven't been robbed too much. It's in the elderly they decide to give you money, eh?


Ha, I've also got a little Adventure Time-ish. :p




Bah, still haven't started up the other Tamagotchi. Heh, I still don't know which one to pick. The Music Star is a pain in the butt, the V4 is like the V4.5, and the V3/Tamago doesn't have much to log about. URGH, I need more Tamas. :p

I got a lamp for Derpy. Dang, I remember how I used to go crazy over lamps in the V3 cause I knew that you get lotso moolah. And this lamp got me 11,000 Gotchi Points. GENIE PWND THE GOTCHI KING. OOOOOOHHH!!!!!!


This is how Princess Celestia sent Luna to the moon.

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Meant to update on Saturday, but never did. Laziness levels are high on weekends.

Derpy died. Accidentally left her, the typical death. I was half-sad half-happy. Half-sad because Derpy was awesome. Half-happy cause I finally get to move on with my Tama and to put in more words in my log. 10 muffins, all WASTED!

Restarted it and got a brand new fresh egg. Hatched to girl whom I named, Luna. Took care of her, fed her, etc... and got a :hitodetchi: . Shortly after she evolved, the Gotchi King came 3 times and gave her two Flower Bouquets, and a chocolate heart. I think he has soft spot for her or something. Ugh... This morning she evolved to UraYoung Marotchi. Her teacher is Ms. Flower Teacher since I have trouble getting Sparkle Points...

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This log is looking a bit bare... Oh! Maybe I should put some of my dA pics on here! 8D Well, maybe just the links cause the pics might stretch the page a bit too much... But then again some people of stretchy logs too, right?

Lawl, Luna evolved to Horoyotchi. The kidney with a cup full of champagne. XD I'm serious.


Sorry to disappoint you Luna, but it isn't New Years Eve yet.


But it is almost Halloween!
Luna's still in school, so I'll re-update this when the Teacher decides to kick her out. Until then, listen to some awesome shtuff. :p



Happy Halloween everybody! :D

Found out that TamaTalk has Sub. COOL! XD

Pics from boredom:



Luna got a job! She was able to get a job as a Firefighter. Fun fun fun. :) Ooh, before I forget, Luna got married today! WHOO! She got acquainted with Matsuritchi. And I got a baby boy. Yay!

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