Current Mood


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Hungry. I haven't eaten anything all day.

and happy! I got a letter today! Guess who its from. Hint. Starts with a K. and ends with a senia. 8D


Not really, though. I'm emotionally happy though. xD

But physically hurt. Netball is supposed to be a no contact sport. Yet people still elbow you in your most sensitive areas and purposely hit you in the face with the ball. Not my fault I'm tall. D:

tired (I like never get the amount of sleep I should)

Bored. Nobody is on TT and I have no friends over, and Sennerz isn't on MSN/TT

pi**ed: I have 1 hour of computer left today. (I'm planning to ditch that rule.)

Annoyed: Ksenia's mum isn't planning to come to [insert my province here] anytime soon unfortunatly.

Cold: The windows were open last night.

Shaken up: last night, my dogs escaped the house and were running around. I was panicing, and I'm still shaken up.

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