Current Mood


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Weirded out. I just had a dream that I was pregnant. Fortunately Ksenia was in the dream. 8D
Curious. I must find out what this dream was.

Shayna, will you care to explain ether here or in PM? :)

Also very cold.

And happy. :D

And nervous.

A mixture of emotions, to be honesttt.

at this moment, i have many moods :]



Tired.(its 12:37am at this moment)

and yeah still very excited

Super sad for Krystal. </3

And also way too scared. A little flying ant thing just flew up to me.

Well, it landed on the computer. It's tiny. And I bashed it off :)

Indescribably guilty.

I feel as if I've killed someone, when it's not really that bad.

I guess it's just a long story I can't be bothered explaining.

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