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Every third word, it seems.

A few of my friends make me censor myself. I just asked one of them to start a band with me, so if that happens I'll have to break this nasty habit permanently. But I know never to cuss on TamaTalk. ;)

Average age? I'd say most people are 10-13 although I'm 14, SK is 18 [18 right?] and there are others who are older. It's a pretty mixed bunch but most seem to be in their t[w]een years.
That's because tamatalk is open for people of all ages.

anyhow, to break a bad habbit, you can start catching yourself when you are about to say a bad word, then replace it with another word.

mametchi ;)

I do. But most people never hear my curse. They think I'm innocent....... whoops!!! I think I do curse a lot but around certain people.

Oh gawd... I curse ALOT. xD My language is awful, especially for being 12.
Lol. Same here. My Language is quite....Awful.

I've been Cursing since I was......Well. 11

I'm 14 Now.

My Mom is Used to my Language. xD

Seeing as about 40% of the Time, She's the One i'm cursing at.

I don't Swear Infront of Little Kids though.

I usually don't swear around my friends, or parents for that matter. Never around little kids and stuff.

But when I get really angry I'll be reeling off the swearwords in my head. And when I'm alone and I talk to myself I swear XD

(Hey hey hey, unfortunately I inherit talking to myself from my mother, talk to her about it XD)

I usually don't swear around my friends, or parents for that matter. Never around little kids and stuff.But when I get really angry I'll be reeling off the swearwords in my head. And when I'm alone and I talk to myself I swear XD

(Hey hey hey, unfortunately I inherit talking to myself from my mother, talk to her about it XD)
I have that bad habit too- I swear at myself all the time in my head. Not great for myself asteem I suppose. xP

I'm trying to break the habbit [one or two bs? o___O], though. It gets a bit annoying but like saying it out loud, it's hard to stop. x...x;

LOL I'm guilty..... I swear quite a lot. xD Not like, every second word or anything, but whenever I'm mad I pretty much just scream out "#^$^%@*$($!" I also don't really keep it "mild." I also cuss around my mom all the time, but she doesn't really care. She's really more like a friend to me than a mother. Like, sometimes she'll come into my room, scream "BEEPITY BEEPITY BEEEP!" and then start venting and cussing like crazy. xD What horrible parenting. :D My brothers cuss a lot, and I remember when I was younger Mom always used to "whisper" to them, "SHHH! STOP CUSSING AROUND HER!!" But I always heard her, and I didn't really care if they cussed. In my mind, swear words are just...words. They also happen to very useful to express your feelings. xD I don't cuss around my friends very much, and I don't think I've ever really heard most of them cuss. I only feel comfortable swearing around a few of them. When me and Mom are in a good mood together, but one of us messes up on a video game or something, (Yeah, my mom plays video games xD) we pretty much just say, "Aw, (insert f word here. xD) I don't really think it's a problem that I swear quite a bit, and I don't do it in public, of course.

i wanted to noe if u other TT'ers cursed n stuff,im not gonna lie but i do curse evry once in a while but not in front of my family,like in from of my friends and in school >.> :D <.<
I don't say really bad words, but I say **. Sorry if I offended you. I don't really see those as bad words. When I was a teenager, I used to swear a lot! Once once I was 14 or 15 I coulden't stop saying the F word! I woulod always say "Son of a **!! when was frutrated when I was 17. I used to say [sH word] a lot when I was 18 or 19. I broke the habit by the time I hit 20, though :p .


**Come on Camelle, you know you're pushing the limits.** -AH

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Yeah I cuss. I cuss around my friends and on myspace and some forums that allow it. I don't cuss all the time though. It's not like you hear a cuss word every other sentence when I open my mouth. No I'm not like that, but I will be if you get me mad. Don't get me mad.


i do alot but only when im around with my friends and i mean only never anywhere else unless im really really angry

it started with suger, then sucks, then i cant be arssed, and now i swear alot and its because of my friends and they all swear so i got in to the habbit

I swear when im not in front of my family,when im in pain/shocked,angry and oddly i swear more when im chewing gum. o_O

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