Cutest Actor


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I heart Johnny Depp. His acting is just amazing; he can portray every type of character he has tried and has yet to make a film where I think his acting could be better. Plus he is a very attractive man, and even though he's old enough to be my father I'd hook up with him in an instant :p
I also heart Angelina Jolie. I don't give a rat's butt about her charity work... but she's really hot :p I love her eyes especially (which is different because most people love her lips..although I love those too!) Her acting is...well it's good. It's not Johnny Depp's level, but it certainly isn't bad.

My other celebrity loves:

Benjamin Burnley

Megan Fox

Emma Stone

Lindsay Lohan (I'm not going off of her reputation... even though she's gotten skinny I think she's HAWT)

Gah I'd better stop or I'm gonna get more celebrity crushes! (Heck, at least I realize my dreams will never come true :mametchi: )
Um, not to sound rude, but why are u crushing on celebrity girls? Aren't u a girl?
