cyann's Tama Log


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Well-known member
May 15, 2006
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I got my V3 on Sunday, May 14. I hatched my first egg that day, a girl I named Azure. Today, 5/18, she grew up into a Pyonkotchi! She is so cute! I was totally surprised, because I was expecting a Mimitchi or Mametchi.

Yay for Azure the Pyonkotchi! I wish I knew what I did to get her. Just bumbled around, I think.

I wish Bandai had given some personality traits. Oh well, maybe I can make a drawing, since there isn't one. :ichigotchi:

Wow, it's only been a week and the matchmaker already came, last night. She showed me a really ugly tama with big buck teeth, and I said no! Azure seems too young anyway.

I've been trying to figure out what caused her to become a Pyonkotchi and not a Mimichi or a Mametchi. I wonder if it was training. Her training bar was at 1 bar less than full. Other than that I think I did a good job with her. I never let her hungry or happy get less than 3 full hearts. I fed her mostly sushi, apples and ice cream.

Items I tried:

The pencil, which she used to draw a picture and then it disappeared.

The bow tie, which she wears for a bit then it goes back into items.

The cap, same thing.

The makeup kit, which she just looks at with a question mark over her head.

The ball, which she fell off of for a really long time but is just now finally balancing on.

The stuffed Nyatchi, which turned her into a Nyatchi for a day.

Plus a bunch of foods. Note: she HATES cheese!

I have not figured out her favorite food yet.

A lot of the time she shakes her head and doesn't want to play games. I don't know if that is because I am not that good at them, or if it's a personality thing, or if it is just built in to keep people from raking in too many points.

I just bought a treasure chest, and when she opened it, it was a mirror. The mirror is cute! She preens in front of it for a while, and then comes up close and winks. <_<

*Edit: The makeup and the mirror work together! How cute!

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Ooh! The Matchmaker came back with an adorable Memetchi, today! The fireworks went off and now Azure has a baby boy! I guess I don't get to name him until Azure leaves. I think I want to name him Tobiko, if I can figure a way to fit that in five letters.

This morning, Azure was just gone. I am a little sad. It's too bad there isn't a little more of a goodbye. Instead you are left with a crying baby! :mametchi:

I named him Tbiko.

Tobiko just grew into a mohitamatchi, which is the toddler who looks like he has a mohawk. :mametchi:

(Azure was a Tamatchi, as a toddler, btw.)

Today he is a Young Mimitchi. Azure was a young Mametchi.

I think the only thing I am doing better, this time, is training.

Tobiko is at full training, after his first day of being a young Mimitchi. I wonder if he will continue to need praise/time outs, now that the meter is totally full.

I was sure Tobiko would change today, but he hasn't. He has needed praise and time out, to answer my own question. That seems kinda weird to me, considering he's fully trained.

I went to TamaTown and got a bunch more items, but I can't figure out how to get the Gold Tamagotchi. I only saw one item with a star on it, in the whole place.

My local Toys R Us is still totally sold out of V3s. I'm lucky to have one. I'm thinking about getting a lanyard, but the light blue looks like it might clash with my tama.

First thing this morning, Tobiko grew into a Mimitchi! Time for a new avatar.

Thank you!

Nothing new to add, today, except that Tobiko is such a cute little Mimichi. I love when he puts on his bow tie.

Last night right before he went to sleep, I saw him yawn. Awww!!

Hahahaha! I gave Tobiko a steak today and he was really cute! Chirped and jumped around with his tongue out. I guess he liked it!

The Matchmaker came already! I can't believe how fast she comes. She brought a really cute Wooltchi, so I decided it was love. Tobiko is now taking care of a little girl Teletchi. They look so precious together. They really match with their little black ears.

I have to decide about names. Azure was named that because of the sky blue Tamagotchi, Tobiko means egg (fish egg!) in Japanese. I am thinking about calling the new baby Sushi.

Today Tobiko left, and now I have Sushi, the girl Teletchi.

Something frustrating--I spent 1400 to buy her a boom box to play the music CD she got from Azure, but when I used them, she broke both the boom box and the CD. :D Bummer!! I guess Teletchis are too young for that kind of toy.

Something else interesting I discovered: The older your Tama is, the better they score on games. When I play Catch the Notes with my Teletchi, I get 150 for winning. With an adult, I get 300.

Oh my gosh. Sushi just evolved into a Kuchitamatchi! This tama never stops surprising me.

Sushi is now a Young Mametchi! I don't know how she could go from a big-lipped Kuchi to a Mametchi, but I'm happy. :eek: !

Winning the Get Notes game as a teenager earns 225 points.
