Cyber Kitty and Bitty Kitty with Nano programming: a Giga Pets log (comments ok)


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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2022
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California, U.S.
I'm back for another log, this time with two Giga Pet cats with Nano programming! Bitty Kitty and Cyber Kitty. (Yes, you read that correctly: Cyber Kitty, not the famous Compu Kitty.) Cyber Kitty and Bitty Kitty are both from KFC, although only one of them has the KFC logo on it.
If you're interested in comparing these Nano-programming Gigas to the recent log I did on a Bitty Kitty with regular Giga Pet programming, please check this log out! I will probably be mentioning some of the differences in this log.
Also, I'm gonna open this log up for comments this time, even though I may not have a lot of time to respond to comments. It's kinda hard for me to have time to even do the log, but here I am! 😅

--- DAY 1 ---

I'm posting this in the middle of the night and am not able to take the time to share quite as many details today as I was going to. I took more videos but will share more tomorrow.
I will share that this Bitty Kitty and Cyber Kitty seem to be exactly the same aside from the names and the shells. The tone of Bitty Kitty's beeps also sounds a little deeper. Otherwise, all the animations and features on these two are the same. It's pretty interesting that this Bitty Kitty and Cyber Kitty are the same, but that this Bitty Kitty is so different from the other Bitty Kitty with regular programming.

Watch all these videos with sound! I enjoy the sound effects of the Nano-programming Gigas! So charming.

Their birth:

View attachment ck1.mp4

View attachment bk1.mp4

They were each 1 pound at birth, and they're up to 2 or 3 pounds now. (Forgot which, and I can't check now while they're sleeping because it'll only let me select the light switch feature.)

I experienced a glitch the first time I played a game with the Cyber Kitty, shown in the video below. This was not long after I first started her, so I didn't really lose any progress by having to reset her. She's been working fine since I reset her after this happened. I've never had a classic Giga Pet glitch out on me before!

View attachment ck2.mp4

Would like to share more details from today, but must sleep, so that'll have to wait!
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--- DAY 2 ---

I named them Trinity (the Bitty Kitty) and Ripley (the Cyber Kitty), named after sci-fi ladies. Their names only appear when you exit the clock menu and their names flash on the screen. Their names don't appear in the status menu like they do with regular Giga Pets, if I remember correctly.

Unfortunately, I had a bit of bad luck with Ripley today. She glitched again, and then the screen went blank. It was similar to what happened yesterday not long after I started her up, but the glitch looked a little different this time, and this time it didn't happen while playing her game with her. I reset her this evening, so now she's a day (actually a little more than a day) behind Trinity. I tightened down her battery cover, which did seem just a tad loose, so I'm not sure if that was the issue. If Ripley glitches a third time, I might just call it quits with her and continue the log with only Trinity.

As always, you can click the photo thumbnails to see the full-size photos.

As you can see, Trinity is up to 6 pounds. Ripley was too until she glitched and had to be reset.


The status menu of these cats only shows one stat per screen (aside from the age and weight at the beginning), unlike the regular-programming Gigas, which have two stats per screen. The scores max out at 99 instead of 100 like the regular Gigas.


As expected (since I've used a Nano-programming Micropup before), their hunger and happiness scores were at zero when they woke up this morning. However, their health stat was all the way up to 99, which I found interesting. Their health had been down in the 80s when I put them to bed.

In my opinion, they're trickier to take care of than the regular-programming Giga Pets. Their stats, especially hunger and happiness, seem to drop notably faster. The health and happiness do not stay up at or near maximum like they usually do when I run regular-programming Gigas (and take good care of them). And since these Nano ones don't have a training feature that can be used to raise the discipline score, I have no choice but to use the discipline feature, which lowers the health score! Their health has been varying from scores in the 60s up into the lower 90s. I think I can expect them to live to the official "old age" of 14 for Vintage Gigas and probably not beyond that since I'm not keeping their health up high. I think that would be pretty difficult to do, much more so than with regular-programming Gigas.

They need pretty frequent attention, and they give an attention alert just for treats really often. It might be every half hour, but it seems more frequent -- maybe even every 15 minutes?

Here's a video clip of feeding a meal. (Remember to watch with sound!) I enjoy the sound effects and reaction screens of the Nano-programming Gigas.

View attachment gpv2.mp4

Here's a video clip of the game. The cat chases a butterfly, a little bit like the game in regular-Giga programming, but in these Gigas, you need to press the button repeatedly to get the cat to run to the butterfly instead of just pressing the button twice (with precise timing) to get the cat to jump for a butterfly.

View attachment gpv1.mp4

Here's a video clip of them walking around and going about their business when left alone on the screen. When left alone for a while, they eventually go into a slow-motion mode. In this video, the one on the left has gone into slow motion mode and the other is still moving around at normal pace. I like how the Nano-programming Gigas have pixelated elements to their backgrounds that change.

View attachment gpv3.mp4

For comparison, here's a video clip I took of my other Bitty Kitty with regular Giga programming, and this is what she does when left alone on the screen. A lot more sitting around and no interesting background elements. Another thing you can notice in this clip is that that Bitty Kitty has the bell icon in the bottom row (which you can see is highlighted). That's the training feature that the two Gigas in this log don't have.

View attachment gpv4.mp4
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--- DAY 5 ---

Well, on the morning of day 3, Trinity was an angel in the morning. I had forgotten to tend to them right before their bedtime like I usually do, and then I didn't tend to them immediately when they woke up. So this is what I was met with when I turned her light on in the morning.

View attachment gpv1.mp4

Ripley made it through that night alive despite being neglected for the same amount of time. I felt like that would have been too short of a run for Trinity, so I reset her that day and she's now back up to age 2. I've had to restart with both of them now (because of the mentioned glitching Ripley did before). I'm just going to keep the numbering for the days of the log based on the days I've been doing the log, not on the days of their life cycles, as that's obviously become a bit complicated. :LOL:

These are definitely trickier to take care of than the Giga Pets with regular Giga programming. Harder to keep their stats up. I was so used to the health stat on my regular-programming Gigas staying up at or near max the whole time. And the fact that the hunger and happiness on these ones plummet to zero overnight is rough.

It feels later than day 5. 😅 Remind me not to run two of these at once again in the future. Lol.

But anyhow, they've been doing mostly okay, I guess, for these last couple of days now. I have had to use the vet feature a couple of times now. Here's a video clip of a vet visit, but I accidentally had Ripley muted when I took this video, so you don't hear the siren or her reaction sound. A vet visit raises their health to 80, not to the 99 maximum.

View attachment bpv2.mp4

Age and weight update, not the expected age for day 5 due to the tragic incidents resulting in their resets:


And for now, I'll share one more video. This is showing a poop pile and the cleanup. I just find it so amusing that after they poop, the screen will intermittently show flashes of the steaming poop. It's like, pet walking, pet walking, steaming poop! :ROFLMAO:

View attachment gpv3.mp4
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--- DAY 10 ---

At least, I think it's day 10! I haven't been updating the log as often as I intended, but I've still been taking some video clips in the meantime.
Both are still alive and kicking! They've grown/evolved a couple of times since the last update. At the time of this photo, Trinity (green) was at the second/medium stage of growth, and Ripley (yellow) had already grown to the third/largest stage.


Below is a current age and weight update. Interesting that Trinity weighs a little more despite being the younger one! I'm not sure how long that's been the case. I just noticed tonight when I took this photo.


Here's a video I took showing what it looks like to give them a bath. I took this video before they grew bigger, so that's why she still looks small. These kitties get scrubbed for their bath instead of cleaning themselves like my Bitty Kitty with regular Giga programming! The dirty pawprints across the screen are the indicator that a bath is needed.

View attachment gpv1.mp4

Here's a video clip showing fully grown Ripley playing her game again. They barely fit on the screen for the game now, lol.

View attachment gpv2.mp4

Here's a clip just showing both giant kitties just walking around and going about their business. The stripes on their back kinda remind me of Garfield. Somebody should have shown the creators of these Gigas what a cat tail looks like because those are NOT accurate cat tails. :LOL:

View attachment gpv3.mp4

With their most recent evolution, they graduated from the bottle of milk that was their main food to eating a bowl of actual food for their meal. A video of them eating their new food:

View attachment gpv4.mp4

This was a video clip I took a few days ago showing that all of Ripley's stats were at maximum score (99). That was the first time I achieved it. I've done it more times since then and have generally been keeping their scores up pretty well.

View attachment gpv5.mp4

Here's a video clip I took some days ago to show putting them to bed. So Trinity is still small in this video. I think their sleeping animation and the house is a lot cuter than the regular-programming Bitty Kitty that just has the typical black screen with Zs on it.

View attachment gpv6.mp4

And lastly, here's a video showing what they do when they wake up: they poop immediately. And I just find it so funny. (Watch with sound):

View attachment dpv7.mp4

They've mostly been doing great overall. I've been keeping their health up in the 90s most of the time, occasionally in the 80s, except for Ripley today. When she woke up this morning, she was in need of a vet visit, and I wasn't able to get her health to go back up fully today. I think the main reason for that was her discipline score seemed to be dropping more than Trinity's today, so I had to keep using the discipline feature, which drops her health a little bit each time. Her health was at a little over 60 when she went to sleep tonight. I'm a little worried about her going to bed with her health that low. We'll see how she is in the morning! Fingers crossed she'll still be with us!

For a while, I was trying the strategy I used for my regular-programming Gigas of not feeding them until their hunger score dropped by the number of points that a meal will raise it by (since I read that's a good strategy for Gigas and it went fine doing that with my regular Gigas). However, these Nano-programming Gigas seem to do better when you replenish their hunger score more frequently, regardless of how close to max it still is. Their health has been doing better since I switched to feeding them more often.

One thing I haven't been able to get a video of is that every day at the time of day they were born, it briefly plays the Happy Birthday tune and displays a birthday cake on the screen. I find that pretty cute. But I would have to be really quick to get a video or even a photo of it.

Sorry about the onslaught of videos today, but I wanted to get caught up! Whew! All caught up for now.
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---DAY 12---

Welp, they were both angels this morning. I was hoping to get them to live to age 14/"old age." I did do that with my Micropup (which also has Nano programming) semi-recently. I'm not sure exactly why they died sooner, but yesterday I did sort of give them less attention for a couple of periods during the day, although I thought I still did okay. I guess they would have been ages 10 and 11 today. I had to look back at photos to see because it doesn't let me view their age once they're dead.

Honestly, I kind of prefer these to virtual pets that live for months because then I feel obligated to keep taking care of the pet until the batteries run out or whatever, but I'm usually tired of it by then and wanting to move on to something else.


Not too bad of a run overall, I suppose, for Ripley and Trinity. These Giga Pets are fun but are pretty needy. I'd say I like the difficulty level of the regular-programming Gigas a bit better (I find them easier to keep healthy), but there are a lot of things I find cuter about these Nano-programming ones. So I'm glad I own some of each.

Something I hadn't mentioned is that these Nano-programming kitties seem to have somewhat more reasonable weights than the regular-programming Bitty Kitty. They were still a bit heavy for kitties and probably would have kept gaining, but their weight gain wasn't as outlandish as the regular-programming Bitty Kitty I did the first log on. At age 11, Betty was 52 pounds, and age age 20, she was 85 pounds. Lol.

For anyone who may have followed the log, thanks for reading!
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