danny's log


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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2006
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danny is my newborn tama hes a teletchi (thanks for the chart Admin!!) hes sooo cute he likes to play and eat scones lol we are about to play get he cant wait because its his first very game i want him to grow up to be a mizatumatchi because there sooo cute and hopefully then a young mimitchi then ill hopefully get a mimitchi cos there the cutest of them all with there big glearing eyes that stare at you ill tell you l8tr what he turnts into so be sure to read it and make sure you reply to because we like to here if you like his log here are his stats









name:geuss danny of course



points:0 (have more soon though



items in shop:


an icecream sundaue!!!


a sandwitch

and some wings!!


thats all for now read again in an hour or 2 to see what danny evolves into hope fully a mizamatchi *Hopes*



be sure to read again soon

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kool!!! thnxs


part 2 of Danny's log: Geuss what today Danny turned into a yong mimitchi!!!!!! she is sooo cute she turned into it while i was playing wiv jeese (my ovver tama) i was over ceri ann's at the time (my moms friend) im aiming for a mimitchi now!!!!! i am soo exited i just cant wai till she is an adult and now she has 2 more games (flag & heading) shes really good at heading and bump she wins all the time i spoil her lol nut it has too be done lol she has a ticket and a trumpert in her items list and her shop is all sold put lol there was trats and items i have 6 treats 1 meal and 5 snacks!! ill give you a sop update soon be sure too read toomorow for the next part





*~Emily + Danny~*

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today!! me and Danny went to school she connected with kym (my friends tama) and shes falling in love awwwww and (eeeeekk) i took my tamas in class by mistake so the teacher took them off me but phew gave them back to me at the end of the day (10:00-3:10 nooooo) but thankgos mrs mussed have paused her somhow soo yay!!! 2morrow Danny is going too be an Adult yay!!!! hopes for a mimitchi v3 version i cant wait!!! wen danny has a baby im gonna look after it just as good!!! im sooo exited for 2ommorow Danny's Sister Jesse may have a babay today!! yay!!! more updates tommorow

frpm ~*Emily + Danny*~

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thanks soo much heres todays


today Danny and i went to school together i took her in class again lool but i dint get caught and me and m freinds tama (kym) connected and i swapped jesse for kym for a day i may have jeese back 2moz or the next day who nows??? Geuss what today Danny will change too an adult and.............I WANT A MIMITCHI V3 VERSION!!!!!! plase tamagod please please pleasesssssssssse ill tell o what i get ever tonight or tommorow ok!!


~*Emily & Danny*~

Danny hasent changed but i am SURE!!!!!! that shelll change tommorow jesse had a baby girl today yay!! im gonna name her becky today i connected with kym again and kym's a nikatchi i dont lik nikatchi's because there kinda ugly (no offense) i gave kym back because he is a nikatchi im getting another v3 for christmas ill make a log about that 1 too im hoping for a whiote one with pink floweres around it Danny will be gone by christmas but she said that her spirit will be there watching me and whoever is there insrtead of Danny more tommorow


**Emily + Danny**

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