Dark Haven


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Mai smirked as the girl lowered her arrow. "How am I supposed to know? I didn't think there were sides." she said simply, shrugging her shoulders. "The fact that I haven't attacked you yet should be a pretty big clue on what "side" I'm on." Mai shook her head.

This time I lowed my bow and hold it loosely.

-And she? I asked still feeling kinda disbelieved. In such dark times, everyone should be careful! I walked to the other girl but I wasn't attacking her just staring her carefully. She was a sea nymph for sure but no one new if she had joined the dark side...

Nerissa rolled her eyes at the young warrior. "Fighting each other won't bring the light back to Haven any quicker. Clearly, none of us are creatures of the darkness or a minion of Kallahr. We are all here for the same mission so we might as well push our fears away and trust each other. None of us can do this alone. There's no saying we can succeed together... but that's not the point. So what's our first move?" Nerissa could feel the eeriness around her and she knew they were getting very close to the entrance of Haven.

-For today? I asked looking the sky and smelling the air slightly... I say we rest. We are all tired from our long journeys and it's getting late. Plus it's about to rain so we've gotta find a place to be safe. I said. I looked both of them and then looked around as I was searching. I had leadership problems since I was a kid and I remember my-self alone many times cause my friends didn't want me as a leader. But now I honestly didn't care about two stranger felows even if they were with my side. Besides I was only seeking for revenge and nothing more...

-Follow me! I said. I wasn't a talkative person but I didn't turn back to see if they were listening to me. I just felt like I was in my house. Nature was my house and I had noticed a small but well-hidden cave close there. It would protect us from monsters or rain so I started my way to there. It wasn't really far but I got tired for a strange reason... I reached the cave and checked it all. As I expected it wasn't enormous but suited for the situation. I got in and started packing off my stuff for this night. I took out a sleeping bang made by huge tree's leaves and an apple for diner.

Mai leaned back against the tree. "How do you suppose we find shelter?" she asked, licking her lips. A moment later the girl told them to follow her, and she had no choice but to do so. "We never got your name." Mai smirked at the small girl. She was really young to be a warrior, but Mai wasn't in the mood for asking questions. Soon enough they had reached a small cave, and the unknown girl started getting settled. "Not too bad." Mai smiled, surprised.

Although Nerissa was hesitant of following such a young girl through this unknown land, she followed along for lack of arguing. Mai apparently had the same idea because she also continued walking without uttering a word. When she asked about shelter, Nerissa shrugged. "I didn't even think about that..." she pondered. "I'm sure we'll find something. And when it comes time to sleep, maybe we should have shifts so one of us is awake and on alert if anything goes wrong. As of right now I guess we're the only warriors here."

When they came across the cave, Nerissa approached very cautiously. They were in a land being consumed by darkness, and this small warrior chose a cave of all places to start with? She was shocked at how quickly the young one began to settle down as if she'd returned to her own home. "Look, from what I can see you're a Willow warrior so I'm sure you know this realm better than I do, but don't you think it's a bad idea to find shelter here? We're not even in Haven yet. The darkness hasn't spread here and there's still plenty of light out there. Shouldn't we stay out of dark places as much as possible? We need to cherish the light before it disappears." Nerissa lightly sighed, she hated feeling as if she was bossing her fellow warriors around already. She hardly knew them yet. But something about the cave seemed off, and Nerissa only took a few small steps inside; making sure she stayed in the light for now. Who knew what darkness was capable of while the land so near them was in such turmoil.

"I don't know how I feel about this thing either, to be honest." Mai wrinkled her nose. Now that Nerissa had brought it up, something did seem off about it. "But hey, if you know what you're doing, then stay here. We can always come back together in the morning." She could tell Nerissa was someone to be trusted, and possibly befriend later. Mai suddenly felt the wind pick up, and she shivered. "Okay, we should get out of here. Something bad is near." she said, with less confidence than before.

I looked both of them feeling again this mean feeling of disbelief... but stronger than ever...

I felt like the power of mean was hidden inside me ready to release in every move I made.

My real self whispered something to them... "help" but it didn't have no matter now. My eyes got ready and I had this maniac face of madness...

They were so close, I was so close, The forces of evil defeat even the stronger one! I laughed. A crazy, evil, dark laugh coming from deep inside me.... half me was there trying to fight back the madness but the other half was overwelmed from the great power. I was scared but I could also feel what made me to come here so quickly and faithed me for it's pure inocence faster than my actual "friends" did.

-oh nooo... I said as I heared the scream of something big and loud. I felt a hairy long feet grabbing me and when I turned back I saw more than 100 eyes looking me and a mouth full with poison ready to consume me. I jumped over it and hardly escaped the latest moment. That awkward moment of rule the evil had on me was gone but with it our safety was gone far away too...

-RUNNN!!!!!! I only yelled them and I wasn't so wrong to say so as the huge monster got out and revealed his real size. Now I stood in front of a tarantoula five meters tall and 8 meters fat including her feet. I didn't wanted this to end like that. I didn't wanted to make them hate me or not trust me... but seems evil fools anyone. I cut one of the legs this creature had just to realize they grow back! I was freaked out and ready to give my life. I started battling the monster but I knew I had no hope....

So now, we knew what we had to do with...

"Oh good god." Mai exclaimed, when she caught sight of the monumental beast in front of them. "What the hell are you doing?! RUN!" She screamed, turning around and bolting. Her breathing was shallow as she weaved her way through the trees.

For about a whole second, Nerissa considered unsheathing her sword and taking on the beast, but instead she turned and took a leaping run out of the cave. "COME ON!" She shouted at the struggling young warrior. "There's no use in fighting it!" Nerissa quickly followed after Mai and deeply hoped that the giant arachnid wouldn't follow them out of it's lair in the cave, but she was too afraid to turn around to check.

I wasn't caward and I coudn't stand running scared. But this... I had three choises:

or stay and die fighting

or run...

or... RUN!!!!!!!!

I picked up the third and jumping on a tree I continued my way half on the sky-half on earth. I stopped just for a little while to take a breath and continued running in the woods.

After a long distance I turned back and looked around for the others.

Mai ran farther and farther away from the cave. She was hoping Nerissa was following, but it was hard to listen for another pair of steps over her shallow breathing. After a few more minutes, Mai couldn't take any more. She leaned against a tree with her head in her hands. Gulping for air, she slid down the trunk until she was sitting, and shut her eyes. "What was that thing?" she asked, hoping Nerissa was nearby.

deeia heard a loud sream. there was a weird sound, kind of like crashing mixed with branches breaking. she sat up and looked at her necklace, her charm was glowing. she looked behind her and could only see a hundred glowing eyes. her heart beat picked up and the adrenaline kicked in. deeia picked up her bag and within moments, was flying through the forest. she passed a person and yelled "run!!!!! can't you see we are being chased by a monster!!" she looked like she was looking for someone but Deeia had no time to help her. deeia climbed the nearest tree and called her powers to create a net of vines to trap the beast when it ran into it. she hoped it would hold.

Nerissa stopped behind Mai a few seconds after her, panting heavily. After deeply inhaling several times to catch her breath she said, "I think we lost it... I hope we lost it. I knew that cave was trouble. I'm just glad we got away." She looked around for the smaller third warrior. For a moment while they were running, Nerissa had sworn she'd seen a fourth person jumping through the trees. Hopefully it was another warrior. Suddenly she saw a bundle of vines come to life from a tree and entangle the giant tarantula, squeezing it tightly. The spider fought hard, snapping a few vines but wasn't quite strong enough. After a moment of struggle, the beast let out a final scream before falling limp in the vines' grasp.

Nerissa let out a sigh of relief. Then she looked up and was startled when she saw another girl crouching in the trees. "Did you... did you do that?" She asked in shock.

Mai watched in shock as the spider was tangled in the vines, and was slowly dragged farther away from where they were standing. She followed Nerissa's voice to see another girl in the trees. Though she was still catching her breath, she had to talk to the girl. "Thanks for that." she struggled in between breaths.

"YES!!!" Deeia was relieved that the vines held. at first she wasn't sure.

"oh, what?" she asked looking down as she heard voices. "oh hi. yeah that was me. sorry for taking away your fun. did you want to kill it?"

with a laugh Deeia jumped down on to a lower branch, and a lower one again. gripping it, she swung down and landed in a crouched position in front of them.

she stood up and crossed her arms, rubbing her upper arm. she glanced up shyly, saying "i'm Deeia. i come from willow. i... i know sometings wrong. I... well... i can feel it. and from what the birds and the trees have told me you're here to fight that 'something wrong'. are you?"

Deeia shifted her feet. she knew she had said too much. ' i'm crazy if i think they will trust me' she thought. Deeia shook her head and took a few steps backwards. " i should just go. you are clearly shocked and i... i don't want to get in your way."

Nerissa stopped the Willow warrior before she could leave. "Wait! Don't go. What you did... with those vines, that was amazing. We could really use your help. You're right about something being wrong. Haven is under siege. An evil sorcerer named Kallahr stole the Crystal of Light and now darkness has taken over the whole town. By the looks of that spider, its spreading. A forest fairy named Zumi came to me with a letter. She said we have to destroy Kallahr and his minions before the darkness takes over the whole realm. I'm from Cerulea, so this world is very strange to me. Will you help us?" She realized she hadn't introduced herself and added, "I'm Nerissa, by the way. And this is Mai, she's from Nimbus. There was another warrior... I hope she made it out of the cave. She's very young and from Willow as well. You might know her."

I was walking closer to them and I saw that girl that killed the beast. I felt sad in this tiny moment while walking towards her.

I couldn't use all my powers... I was only feeling things. But I couldn't do nothing yet...I was too young I think.

She had a perfect control on her powers. She looked kind and shy. She was trustful instead of me... I was sure that the others, specially Mai was thinking right now how to get rid of me and take her in team. To be honest, I'd like her to join and we could have a bigger and stronger team like that! I felt a bit jealous but I was mostly surprised by her.

-Hi Deeia, I'm Maybeth. I said looking Nerissa and Mai to make them understand I was trusting them now. I see we are from the same realm! But it seems I don't know you... I said. Great job with the spider-beast! I suggest you stay. Moments like these even the strongest warior can't face darkness all alone...I said. I felt a hot liquid thing rolling down my waste and when I looked down I noticed I was bleeding. It was okay for me but I hoped it wasn't anything more serious that could cause me death. I should sit somewhere safe to take care of it but I honestly didn't care about it now...

Mai was silent as she observed the girl. A seed of jealousy formed in her gut. Mai hated being a Nimbus, she thought they were the weakest realm. Her thinking was interrupted by another voice. An almost inaudible sigh escaped her lips as she saw the unknown warrior back in the group. She just wanted her to go away, only for a little while. Or for forever. Not like I care. Mai thought feverishly. "Hey, the more the merrier, right?" she lied, giving Deeia a weak smile.

"um... wow.. When i came here i thought i would find out whats wrong and thats it. but to get the chance to do something about it!!! count me in!!" looking around at the three people, she smiled knowing she had something to fight for now. when she looked at the younger willow warrior, she felt ... kind of proud that a young person, from her own realm, could be so brave. glimpsing a dark red stain on her clothes Deeia said, "are... are you bleeding??" feeling dizzy Deeia put a hand on her head taking a step back.

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