Dazzlitchi Party? ...or is it...


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Active member
Oct 31, 2009
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Hey guys!

I have something really cool to share with you today! While I was hanging around oon Music City, I saw that there were over 9 Dazzlitchis all in a row! The first thing that came into my minda was "Oh, they must be having a cool little party right now! Haha, I'm going to join in!". But then I looked again. As soon as one Dazzlitchi made a smiley face, all of the others did too. Now this really got me confused...but then I remembered something that I learned on a website called Club Penguin. Those must be bots. :(

What is a bot you may ask? Well, it is a computer generated user that can copy and clone anything. For instance, today, the Dazzlitchis. They were all bots.

Now, I was able to get you guys some pictures of the bots so here you go! :D

Bot Picture 1

Bot Picture 2

-Kikitchi- :p

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lol they're not bots...i've was with them...i was in the witch outfit...but yeah the 2 directly next to me were my friends on MC...and one was talking to CE1329...and a few of the others i've seen walking around following people before...and some are in the competitions. i think it started off as a few dazzilitchis right next to eachother then every other person who has the codes joined in too :(

and also it could be one person who has like 2 or 3 accounts and they prolly logged in too..who knows...they're not bots though...i saw that exact picture that u had in the 1st post...and yeah i saw the exact same thing..before i left my computer is was just me and the dazzilitchi to my left standing there...and when i came back there were so many

But then I looked again. As soon as one Dazzlitchi made a smiley face, all of the others did too. Now this really got me confused...but then I remembered something that I learned on a website called Club Penguin. Those must be bots. :(
and just because they do that doesnt mean they're bots...i do that with my friends...they would be like 4 of us and we'd all send eachother the same smileys

hey your up0987 im the one hoo send you messalles for item exchange plz what i want is your boy destiny star:(

I see, ah well...I thought they were bots. Maybe I should have double checked before I posted that. I joined in too and I saw you dude! It was pretty cool. ;)

Sorry for the false hypothesis.


PS: About the hypothesis part...No, I'm not a nerd...but I couldn't find a better word to use. :(

LOL don't be sorry...it wasn't really a bad hypothesis...you learned something before and u thought thats what it was...

Luix: but yeah anyway..im not trading my destiny star unless its for my

1) my 4th place trophy trade back (it was my first 1st-4th trophy :( )

2) a girls destiny star or any stardom item higher than 4th gold

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hey your up0987 im the one hoo send you messalles for item exchange plz what i want is your boy destiny star:(
Haha, guys that was a little off-topic. :(

Dazzilitchi Star, I would start a topic saying that whoever wants your Destiny Star will have to trade you a trophy or watever. In fact, it could be a little contest! That'd get more people to trade.

Just an idea.


he/she is just being stupid...

i saw this too! :wacko:

I have seen a mocha and dazzilitchi line before.

I actually joined in the mocha line lolz.

but its so fun just to do it xD

idk why they do it, but there isn't a problem with it.
i've seen them do spot (once), mocha (once), and dazzilitchi (a lot)...the mocha one was cool if i'm talking about the same day you are...it was like rows of 3 and they were all over!! i agree, theres no problem with it :D i think is really cool and it causes more traffic in music city

i've also seen a line of Ojitchi's...but there were only 5 i think...last time i saw the line of dazzilitchi's i think there were about 11!

i think i know why they do it...it always starts out with 2 or 3 dazzilitchis standing right next to eachother..next thing you know another stands next to one then another stands next to that one...and it looks like a line so everybody joins in :D i love it!

Oh I ever see a line of Dazzilitchi too.... But this is different! :eek:

When I go to downtown in Music City, I saw a line of Dazzilitchi WITH THE SAME OUTFIT!!! (they all wear dazzilitchi outfit 1). :)

Funny, huh???

wow! ive never seen so many dazzilitchis before.

Yea, once i joined in a line of 16 dazzilitchis..... and I was the last one to join lol

I recognized 5 of my friends in this strange minute.... then all the dazzilitchis ran away. B)

lolz i don`t know why!

wow! ive never seen so many dazzilitchis before. Yea, once i joined in a line of 16 dazzilitchis..... and I was the last one to join lol

I recognized 5 of my friends in this strange minute.... then all the dazzilitchis ran away. :)

lolz i don`t know why!
Did they all "run" away? Or did they all just disappear...if they all just disappeared then maybe some may be the same person with multiple accounts?? :) just a guess :D

i am part of the dazzlitchi party to.......to tell you the truth it's not that cool!!!!!jk!!it's super cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! B)

B) :) :) :D :D :D ;)


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