Dazzmina's Tamagotchi Diary


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Hi! Well, Vera's first day at school was successful. I didn't manage to check on her in class (even though I sit at the back) because I have no method yet, but I'm hoping to figure something out involving wrapping my V2 in my hat and keeping it in my drawer, then playing with it during lessons. However, I used this method with Gemma the Music Star (in my old log) and almost got caught several times. I guess I was rubbish at sneaking Tamas into school back then, though. I checked her at the end of the day to find her doing cartwheels all round her little room - one of the cute animations exclusive to the V2 and V3! Vera loves doing cartwheels when she's bored. She is the ideal Tama to sneak into school!

But there's also...bad news. My 11+ test is coming up soon, and my mom is saying I need to do a lot more work for it. Originally thinking about a log and Tama break, I soon realised I can't cope for long without Tamas. So then I considered a log break, but I would HATE my Tama evolving and not being able to update! So I reached a final, hopefully not too bad decision: I'm going to keep logging, but post relatively short updates and no photos. This is going to change the DAY my tests are over, but for now, if you want to, feel free to take a break from reading my log, just like I'm going to take a sort-of break from writing it. Not that you should feel under pressure to read my log at all, of course. :)

Until Vera evolves,

~ Dazzmina and Vera ~

Thanks to Kajah995 for following my log! :)

Well, sorry I didn't update in ages! :( I was kind of busy...anyway, if I didn't say this already, it feels like Vera's been Young Mametchi FOREVER, and she's due to evolve tomorrow, early morning! Also, I'm not enjoying the V2 very much, so I'm going to run a new couple of Tama. I've posted a topic asking for suggestions in What's On Your Mind - please reply! My current plans are to run my V4.5 (Zevi, 6th generation, daughter of Laura the Shitekitchi) and my Tama-Go (Caesar, 2nd generation, daughter of Shanetta the Lovelitchi), but if you think I picked the wrong ones, please post in that topic - I'll be checking it often for replies!

So, just to prepare you for my V4.5 and TMGO, I'll introduce you to the guys who are on there - and their parents, and both their parents were some of my most-remembered, best Tamas, and hopefully the little guys I might run - although only toddlers, both of them - will take after Shanetta my first perfect care on the TMGO, and Laura the Tama who was Shitekitchi outside but Lovelitchi inside!

Zevi is very confident and bold - he barely cried when Laura left him! His name means "my wolf" and in his short life so far, that name is definitely an understatement!

Caesar never really got the chance to be at all special - he's been waiting on my Tama-Go for so long, he was around when none of my Tamas even talked! If you've been with my log ever since Shanetta was born, thanks for reading that old log even when it was really bad, e.g. most of Shanetta's life!

I had high hopes for baby Laura - born on August 7th 2011, she was destined to be my first UraVioletchi in several generations. When she evolved into an adult Shitekitchi, I was so frustrated that I stopped running my V4.5. I picked up the restless Laura a few months later, and she was truly a Shitekitchi on the outside, and a Lovelitchi on the inside!

Shanetta wasn't so special apart from the fact she made it to being a perfect care adult, and was miraculously un-needy, and managed great the one day I sneaked her into school. It was quite nice of her using mental telepathy to beep at me when she evolved so I could see her (while viewing the Quick Reply box on my log) and showing off for a log photo right after. XD, it is sometimes like my Tamas have mental telepathy with me, and I hear a voice in my head going "HEY DAZZMINA COME ON LOOK AT ME I EVOLVED!!! I'M SO COOL AREN'T I NOW I'M AN ADULT!" and I look round to see a really cute new character staring me in the face as if it's saying "aren't I just soooo cute???". Ugh, I got a headache when Carla and Kiana evolved - at the same time, right into the exact characters I wanted! (BTW, Carla and Kiana are the first ever Tamas in my old log). Anyway, my brother wants to watch this show we both like and he's going to start it without me if I don't come - I'd better sign off.

~ Dazzmina and Vera ~

So, I've made my final decisions on which Tamas to run. Thank you to everyone who posted in my suggestions topic! :D

The winners are...

V4.5 AND ID L!

Yes, you heard me correctly, no I didn't make a humungous typo, I'm going to run my V4.5 AND ID L. Highlight the second bit. I've made up my mind not to be a fussy Tama player any more, so we're going to say hello to baby Zevi, and restart my iD L. I need to start afresh, and get happy symbols on every generation. I can't reset my V4.5; it's the only link I have with my old log and the first Tama in that log. I've decided to avoid selective hatching (my new name for resetting it if you get a boy) and just run whatever I have. Here are my plans for names:

Girl Choribotchi = Cassandra (after the main character in my favourite book)

Girl Momoirotchi = Eliza (after Fwoggy's first Tama character)

Boy thingy-in-a-nutshell-with-a-plant-on-his-head (forgot the name) = Orion (after my V6 that got killed by my brother)

Boy blue-thing-with-a-yellow-hat (long names!) = SorryIForgotYourName (SIFYN for short)

So, will it be Cassandra, Eliza, Orion or SIFYN? Let's go find out...later. I think my mom wants my brother and I to watch a math programme.

~ Dazzmina ~

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Hi! Well, sorry about the weird font, but I typed this up on Word first (annoying Internet problem!), but there’s news! Yesterday I restarted, yes you guessed it, I went through with the iD L plan – and will you believe it, it hatched the rarest baby girl character, Choribotchi! This is the only first generation Choribotchi I’ve ever gotten without using selective hatching! I was happy to name her Cassandra. After the usual hour, she evolved into Paletchi (I didn’t manage to catch all her poops to get Kingyobotchi). I’m going for Lovelitchi, because she’s the easiest, and also really cute. We still had a bit of time before Cassandra got sleepy, so we decided to go shopping, where we bought a new background and some cleaning tools for when our house gets dirty. We even had a bit of money left to buy some pink heart seeds! This morning, they grew to produce something that looks a bit like a bunch of very juicy grapes. I’m saving them as a treat for Cassandra when she evolved into Lovelitchi!

That long paragraph just reminded me, about a week ago we were studying blogs at school. We were asked to write out the features of a good blog – short paragraphs, adverts by the side, date and time…and it was like there was this voice in my head pointing at a huge mental picture of my log and saying “WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!!”. So when I had to write an example blog NOT about Tamas, I got it all “wrong” and my teacher told me to do another one, this time with adverts and short paragraphs. Do we all agree, this is still a reasonable blog without those things?

Okay, let’s get to the point – AND the photos!

Here’s Cassandra (I like that name!) admiring her new room yesterday:


And here are the grapes that our plant grew yesterday:


We planted another plant this morning, I think it was the Red Star Seeds, so let’s see if we get Kendama/Ocarina!

I’m actually LOVING my iD L now, after a bit of a break. In fact, I’m loving it so much I think I’ll just scrap the whole V4.5 idea! But keep ‘em coming on my suggestions topic, please!

Wow, that post was really long. I’d better sign off now.

~ Dazzmina and Cassandra ~

Hi! Well, this morning I woke up to find a cute Painaputchi waiting for me on my iD L! We immediately checked our seeds, and they grew a skipping rope, so we played with Cassandra's friends in our garden. And yes, I have a photo of that!


We also planted the blue star seeds, so we'll see what we get tomorrow morning!

Anyway, we now have all the cleaning tools (although Cassandra is very neat and tidy, unlike me, so we haven't needed to use them yet) and also had just enough to buy some paints and a scroll! They don't get Cassandra happy symbols, but she loves them all the same! I'll post photos of Cassandra using these two items:


Cassandra's good at painting, isn't she? Mimitchi drew the piccture, Cassandra did the painting!


Enjoying the scroll...although she says she likes my homemade little Tama books better...

Also, my brother got another blue iD L in the mail yesterday, and he immediately traded his sparkling new iD L for his old one, which is on the 15th generation. However, to prevent loss of the new iD L (and my brother keeping the old one!) I've allowed three days for either of us to change our minds and un-trade. After that, I'm going to type up a piece of paper saying we both agree to the trade and pin it up on both our notice boards. Then we'll both sign the other person's copy. That way, no-one can claim the other person's traded Tama! Should I run the new iD L? Please post suggestions within 3 days!

Also, the subject of downloads just popped up in my mind. My mom said she's getting a new mobile phone, so I might ask her if she could get one with infrared so I can use it for downloads, but I wouldn't bet on it because she doesn't want BanDai to track us or something. I might order one off eBay with the remainder of my pocket money, but I might not even be ALLOWED. I'm going to browse eBay now. And if you're wondering, yes, those photos WERE taken on my hieroglyphs mouse-mat :D

See you next time,

~ Dazzmina and Cassandra ~

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I'm not so sad now about Cassandra. :(

Well, let's catch up. A few days ago, my mom announced that she was changing the rules! I am now allowed to go on the computer until 8 PM, and the 2 Tamas at a time rule is completely gone! YAY!

Yesterday I got really sick of the green marker on my iD L, so I got rid of it once and for all! I tried everything, but eventually I did it by covering it with silver marker then wiping the silver off while it was still wet. The silver marker took the green with it, so now my iD L is good as new!

I decided to let the thing have its way and let it hatch yesterday. It hatched a baby boy - a Nittobotchi - and I decided to name him Mike. On my brother's new iD L (traded for his old one), I found a little Choribotchi, Sapphire. I originally considered running them at the same time along with something else, but after half the baby stages I realised that 2 iD L's would be too muck work at the moment. So, seeing as the purple iD L is my favourite colour, I deactivated Sapphire and now I'm waiting for a chance to deal with Mike's baby stage.

Other than that, there's no news. I think I'll have Mike and possibly another Tama tomorrow, but no promises!

~ Dazzmina ~

Hi! :)

Well, I'm not very sad about Cassandra any more, so I decided to take care of Mike yesterday, and he evolved into Furustupatchi (spelling?). Then he went instantly to sleep - it was past computer off time and my DSi battery had run out, so I only got a chance to take a photo just now (after school). Before school, I woke up early to find that Mike had almost got a care miss, so I made it up to him by spending the money we earned playing games (during his babyhood) on a treat at the cafe (the one where your Tama actually gains Hungry hearts), some red star seeds and a new ocean-themed room! As for the seeds, they'll grow tomorrow and probably give us Ocarina, but the room is DEFINITELY worth he money, and it's shown in the photo! Now let's take a look at the said photo -


I also got a photo of Mike as a baby yesterday:


Cute, like all baby iD L characters!

Until Mike evolves,

~ Dazzmina and Mike ~

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YAAAY! *fireworks* MY DAD FIXED MY SLUG COMPUTER! It turned out there were 17 important updates I had delayed (I had no idea they were important of course) so my dad downloaded them, and now I'm enjoying a non-slug computer! Although I know you won't be reading this, thanks dad!

So, later (after Mike's gone to bed) he should evolve, but iD L's don't like evolving in their sleep (Cassandra once told me, she tried evolving to Lovelitchi in her sleep and it gave her nightmares, although she succeeded) so I think either he'll do it tomorrow morning or I'll get impatient and set the time :) Either way, Mike will be evolving soon!

A short run-through of what really happened to Cassandra - I got home from school, grabbed my iD L and started to play with Cassandra. Our latest plant grew a sundae making machine, we played games and all the usual iD L treats when suddenly the screen just blacked out. I didn't drop it or anything, it just - vanished. Later, when I replaced the batteries, I found that Cassandra had vanished with it - my iD L had reset. And I never even got a photo of her as Lovelitchi.

Okay, all this talk of Cassandra is making me sad. I have no idea why I updated anyway, so see you tomorrow!

~ Dazzmina and Mike ~

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Hi! Well, this morning Mike evolved into Bokuhoshitci! I was a bit confused, as this guy is supposed to be bad care and I swear I didn't let Mike get a single care miss, but oh well. Our plant grew a skipping rope - yay! Also, yesterday my mom came back from a three-day trip to my grandma's house, and when my mom visits my grandma always gives me and my brother gifts! Of course, I don't take advantage of this, so I was surprised when my mom gave me a sandwich bag of money from my grandma! Also, she came back with a load of toys. Most were too young for me, but a waterproof cylinder hollow thing with a handle and zip caught my attention. It's my waterproof Tama carrier! I can't wait to post photos, but the problem is, I forgot to take any!

We also went to the town marker today, where I bought some sewing supplies. Most were purple, but there was some lovely fabric, gold and green! I can't wait to decorate the pillow I've made for my future Princess Spacy, and of course treat my iD L to something too! Again, I forgot to take photos. -_-

My grandma also sent some second-hand felt tip pens, especially for me! I went right to my room and use them, and yes, I DO have photos of the huge drawing of Cassandra and several others!

First of all though, here's Mike:


His head isn't usually yellow, just when he's happy. It's normally blue. You can see his normal self in this photo of him skipping with his friends:


Hey, those are the same friends Cassandra had! They said they all miss her lots. :(

And here are my drawings:


In loving memory of Cassandra...


Nittobotchi - cute, easy to draw, and recommended drawing for beginners.


The Violetchi went a bit wrong because I did the eyes and mouth before colouring in the face, but I guess it's an okay drawing.


Bokuhoshitchi! I've never drawn this one before, so excuse my bad drawing.


Choribotchi...cute and pretty easy!

Also, I'm planning to get my entire collection together (over the next year; that's how long it will take to find my scattered VPets and accessories) and take one big collection photo. My Tamas and minor accessories alone won't fit on my bedside shelf, so I'll need to arrange it all on the floor once I've got everything together. This is going to be one big photo once it's done!

Okay, that's enough. See you tomorrow with photos of my new stuff!

~ Dazzmina and Mike ~

Hi! Mike evolved so I rushed off to the computer to look up happy symbols...anyway, it's almost computers off time, so I'd better get one with it!

Mike evolved into an ADORABLE Kuishinbotchi (perfect care!), and we got all his happy symbols! I will try to get photos of them in, but no promises!

Here's Mike:


We got his first happy symbol by accident, from the dumpling at the cafe. I had my DSi nearby, so I managed to get a photo of Mike with his first happy symbol!


The second symbol was from the overalls. We bought them from the Tama Mori, and Mike loves them! Well, he SHOULD love them, if they get him a happy symbol...



Finally, we dashed to the Tama Depa for the cloud candy. I LOVE the animation it does when Kuishinbotchi uses it!


CANDY STORM!!!! I hope Mike doesn't get fat eating all that candy!


That's all I've got time for today. See you tomorrow with a longer update!

~ Dazzmina and Mike ~

Thanks for 500 views! Mike says thanks too for you being so interested in his life!

Well, this morning we got up and found that whatever plant we had grew ito a sundae making machine, but I didn't let Mike eat the huge sundae we made, he had enough sweets yesterday XD. Anyway, today I arrive in the computer room with photos of my new Tama accessories and sewing kit, not to mention Mike's new room and my VPet collection so far!

Well, this morning, Mike and I took a trip to the Tama Mori. We bought a black hat for about 1500 GP, but Mike didn't seem to like it very much, and there wasn't anything else in the Tama Mori that suited him. To make it up to him, we walked to the Interior Shop and chose the 1000 GP melody/music notes background. Even though it's a bit girlish for Mike, he still seems to like it. Let's hope he has a daughter who can become Meloditchi, our background will be perfect!

So, here's Mike using the sundae machine:



Save it for tomorrow, Mike!


We also bought some paints, and had fun with Mimitchi in the garden.


Finally, we have all the cleaning tools! Mike complained the the living room was dusty, so I taught him to use the vacuum cleaner.


Our lovely new room!


My waterproof Tama carrier - Mike says it's comfortable in there, too!


New sewing supplies - Mike's baby is in for a stylish, colourful life with these!


My VPet collection so far, although all I've got there is about three quarters of my Tama-related stuff; I haven't even started on my electronics drawer (where I keep all my batteries and instructions and some VPets) and my iD L and possible a few others aren't in that picture, so don't count the stuff in there. That picture was also taken on the bedside plynth mentioned before. This is quite random, but if I can't sleep I always look at each of my Tamas and try to remember buying it. And suddenly I fall asleep XD.


The electronics drawer mentioned above. If you think that's messy, well, I'll post a photo of my desk.

Whew, that was a lot of photos. Okay, see you tomorrow (or today, if there's more news)!

~ Dazzmina and Mike ~

Thanks Southparkkennyfan for following my log! :D

Well, yesterday was a busy day for Mike and I. We went round all the stores twice, looking for something Mike would like, but we finally gave up. So I went out to choose a surprise gift for my Kuishinbotchi, and came back with a scroll. Mike didn't seem too impressed with it, but that changed once we used it!


(His birthday is actually tomorrow, but when I set the time to go to school, it messed up the date)

We also got a pet yesterday! After a long time at the park, we finally settled on a cute Hapihapitchi who just wouldn't leave us alone. Here she is, enjoying the sunshine with Mike:


And here's Hapihapitchi listed under the Pets book!


We planted the pink heart seeds yesterday, and today they grew some grapes. Saving them for the next generation.

That's all I've got for now. Mike should be getting his last happy symbol at about 7:30 this evening, which is just before computers off time, so I'll hopefully be back with an update. I'll also get Mike married, since he's getting a little bored here, so I'll also have a bit about the baby. Until then,

~ Dazzmina and Mike ~

So, yesterday evening we said goodbye to Mike. He got his last happy smybol at 7:30 PM, then we walked to the Dating Place and my Kuishinbotchi fell in love with a cute Moriritchi. After a few dates, fireworks went off and Mike returned home with a baby boy - Nittobotchi, to be exact! I decided to name him Stephen. I must have taken bad care of him as a baby (I had to do my homework while taking care of him), because later he evolved into Kaubotchi. This morning, we remodeled our room to a fun fairground wallpaper, and right now Stephen is bouncing around enjoying life.

I regret that I was not bothered unable to take photos of anything except Stephen's current status:


Also, I would like to welcome my mom and dad as unofficial followers of my log! I am sending them each post I make via email! (Not going to be included in email: Maybe it will help my brother, who sometimes reads the emails, love Tamas more, and maybe it will help my parents to understand Tamas aren't just a boring simple toy!)

That's it for today,

~ Dazzmina and Stephen ~

I FOUND A PALM TREO AND DATA CORD (SEPAREATE) FOR BUY NOW ON EBAY SHIPPING TO UK! I am so happy! First class mail costs practically NOTHING for these! :D Expect downloads by 3rd generation.

Speaking of 3rd generation, my 2nd generation's got some news. He evolved this morning into Hanikamitchi! I have no idea how a Kaubotchi managed to evolve into this, I hate to think I took horrible care of him (which I DID NOT) and say it's from uber perfect care. Anyway, I was surprised to find Hanikamitchi on my iD L, and even more surpirsed that it was his birthday! We found a lot of presents on the floor, and Stephen opened them, only to find empty cardboard boxes - it was just part of the design. If course he got very sad, so I went out to buy him some presents, and came back with his very own bright red racing car and a plant to grow (happy symbol for Mametchi, who we're planning to get!). Stephen loved the car, but he couldn't grow the plant quite right yet; but he will when he's an adult!

Also, we thought the fairground room didn't really suit Hanikamitchi, so we remodeled it. We didn't have much money left over from Stephen's other gifts, but we just about managed this 1000 GP deal:


And here's Stephen using his presents!


Good driving, Stephen! You'll be even better as an adult!



Try again, when you're Mametchi...

I really REALLY doubly tripley hope that I can get my Palm Treo before Stephen gets married, but there are really no promises. I'm going to download a lot of stuff - 10 downloads on the first day - so I hope Stephen is there to celebrate, but if not, never mind!

Names for next generation:

Choribotchi - Casey (not quite Cassandra, but still sufficiently named after her)

Momoirotchi - Eliza-Violet

Nutshell thing - James

Nittobotchi - FRUSTRATED (with getting 3 of my least favourite baby character in a row)

I don't like having favourites, but I really hope I get Choribotchi for my next generation, not only do I love the name Casey but the download clothes for Lovelitchi look AMAZING!

Okay, that's enough for now.

~ Dazzmina and Stephen ~



Only 25 pounds (about $40?) for a Buy Now Palm Treo and USB cable! Yes, that finishes my pocket money for this year, but it was well spent, you agree? So I should be beaming downloads over to my iD L in about a week! This will mean I'll get them probably about the start of the 3rd generation, but still, I never really thought I would be ALLOWED the phone needed, so I count myself lucky. IN A WEEK I'LL BE DOWNLOADING DOZENS OF WALLPAPERS AND BUYING ENDLESS TOYS FOR MY 3RD GENERATION! That will be one lucky Tama!

Anyway, there's really no point getting excited about it until I actually get the stuff. The phone comes with Internet and a camera and a bunch of other cool stuff, so if it arrives before the USB cord, at least I can explore the phone and FINALLY get smaller log photos!

I'm off to do some sewing now. Expect new accessories tomorrow!

~ Dazzmina and Stephen ~

Hi! Well, last night I didn't have much time so I only did a bit of sewing, but we'll come to that later.

This morning, I woke up late. I expected a "Good Morning!" (well more like "HEY DAZZ YOU GAVE ME A CARE MISS!") beep from my Hanikamitchi, but my iD L remained oddly silent. I checked on him and almost fell out of bed - a MAMETCHI was waiting patiently for me on the screen! So I racked up points and bought a crown, one of the happy symbols. When I got home from school, I rushed to my iD L, scooped up my DSi on the way, and got two of Stephen's happy symbols!

We grabbed the plant we tried yesterday, almost spilling is contents. At first, Stephen's experiment failed...



...but he was happy when colourful tropical flowers suddenly burst from the glass pot! So happy, in fact, he got this:


Then we tried the crown. He put it on quickly, admired it in the mirror for a moment, then told me he'd gotten his second happy symbol!



I don't really know what the other symbol is, but I hope it's not something expensive, because Stephen and I are a bit low on cash at the moment. But whatever it is, Stephen's a bit tired for today, so we'll get his third happy symbol tomorrow.

Now, back to my sewing. As I said, I didn't have much time, so I just sewed three of the embroiered flowers I bought onto my old pink iD L bed.


I'm going to call it the Evolution Bed, since Stephen evolved early the first time he lay on it! If I don't want my iD L to evolve the next day, I'll flip the bed over so my Tama isn't lying on the flowers. Trust me, Stephen's baby is going to spend half his babyhood on that bed!

Until then,

~ Dazzmina and Stephen ~

There's too much news to update.

I got my Palm Treo this morning, but NOTHING IS HAPPENING. I need posts in my topic in Help For New Tama Owners! I'll update AFTER I get downloads!

~ Dazzmina ~
