Dazzmina's Tamagotchi Diary


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3rd page: Not much to say...but thanks for reading!

3rd generation: MOMOIROTCHI! WELCOME TO THE WORLD ELIZA-VIOLET! I'm going for Violetchi, but I really don't care as long as it's worse care than Shigurehimetchi.

1st download: Some weird green food. YAY!

I'm off to get myself more downloads, then a big photo-filled update!

~ Dazzmina and Eliza-Violet ~

Hiya! Well, Eliza-Violet evolved into Paletchi, so I think I'll change her name to Casey and go for Lovelitchi as an adult, okay?

So, we went download-crazy once Casey had evolved; we bought her a cute new room, some seeds, a TV, a stereo and 2 games! The 2 games are reproductions of the TMGC+C games, so I absolutely fell in love with them, they bring back so many memories of the TMGC+C <3

Also, I did not hesitate to take photos, and I definitely won't hesitate to post them!


Casey and her new room!


My favourite TMGC+C game reproduction...you have to throw the balls to the other character and avodi the balloon...the +C version is a bit different, but I love this download anyway.


The hardest Tama game of all time! You have to collect all the different...things...all in the right order, on top of each other! My high score is 10, which is definitely nowhere NEAR beating the game.


Seeds - they look interesting, I wonder what they'll grow!


Casey loves watching TV - unlike me...


I don't know WHAT this naughy little girl is doing with the stereo, I just hope she doesn't break it!

We also downloaded some clothes for our future Lovelitchi, but Casey isn't old enough to go to the Tama Mori yet, so we'll have to wait for when she's an adult ;)

One more thing: These downloads are AMAZING! Do NOT hesitate to buy an iD L or Palm Treo phone! I recommend the iD L and downloads to EVERYONE!

See you tomorrow with more download-filled fun,

~ Dazzmina and Casey ~

CASEY? WHAT ABOUT MELODICA? Okay, let's catch up.

Casey evolved into Lovelitchi, got all the happy symbols, went off with a cute Shinshitchi and gave birth to a Momoirotchi, initially called Elizabeth but later named Melodica when she evolved into Paletchi, then Painaputchi. She is currently paused and awaiting her three care misses - which she won't be getting soon, because I've decided I'm getting a little bored of the iD L. So to celebrate the end of my log break, I've set up a topic in What's on Your Mind called Should I run my +Color? There you can vote on whether you think the +C is a good choice or not, or pick another to vote for out of V2, V4, V4.5 and V5. Current votes:

+Color: 2

V2: 1

V4: 0

V4.5: 1

V5: 1

I must admit I personally prefer the V4.5, but if that's terrible for logging or something, please make it show up in my new poll!

Okay, onto the news. If I start up my V4.5, I THINK we'll be greeted by Zevi (6th generation boy toddler) but I'm not sure. V4, probably Helen on my white V4, although the purple one has so many memories, it's approaching its 6th birthday in human years so I think it's a bit fragile. V2, it'll be Vera, the 1st generation Young Mametchi (remember there are no gender seperated characters until V4 onwards). On my yellow V5 we're sure to find Mr. No-Name the Mousetchi, and on my +C we'll have...something Fwoggy named...I can't remember. So which do you think? Don't decide on basis of the character, since I might restart the Tama I choose to run. Yes I know the iD L was fun, but I have THE shortest attention span when it comes to Tamas, and a fairly large collection means I can keep switching quite regularly.

Also, another option is to run 2 or 3 Tamas. I'm not going to run anything at the same time as a color Tama, though. If I had to choose now, I would probably pick my V4.5 and V5 since I think they can connect, but I'm really not sure so I'll wait for the poll to get more votes.

Okay, this is getting really long. Bye for now! I've missed logging so much, I can tell you!

~ Dazzmina ~

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+Color: 3

V2: 2

V4: 1

V4.5: 2

V5: 2

I know most people voted for the +C, but I think I'll count that one out of the poll since I'm not too keen on it any more. So that leaves us with a triple-split vote. I'm sorry but I can't really run all 3 Tamas, so I decided to list all my favourite features and go through my collection to find the right Tama. I'm looking for:

Fun, cool, feature-filled, school sneakable Tama.

Angel - bit boring for me...

V2 - not really fun or cool, a bit simple for my taste.

V4 - both my V4s are utterly ancient and glitchy...

V4.5 - Fun with the school and work features. Cool because it's got good shop/items and TamaTown. Feature-filled - who doesn't call Ura characters and super fun games features? School sneakable because the games can be short (if you don't attempt to win them) and it doesn't have a million cute but delaying animations, while staying cute at the same time because of the toothbrushing and bath animations at appropriate times. PERFECT.

I found that Zevi is, yes, no, still a baby. I WILL take care of him tonight, I promise, unless my mom says something about bedtime or machines off at 8 PM. In fact I think I might even enjoy it, getting used to the V4.5 again!

Also, it's snowing where we live, so we might get SNOWED IN! This is a cool prospect when you think about not having to go to school, but it might cause power cuts. And here's a simple sum I'm surprised we haven't learned at school yet: Dazzmina and computer + power cut = no log update. So there are no guarantees about anything right now.

~ Dazzmina ~





This is my real 1,000th post! I know it's really my achievement, but I want to thank you - without the friendliness of almost everyone on the site from March 2010 to today, I would have left TamaTalk without even saying goodbye only a week after I joined. And to celebrate...SNOWBALL FIGHT WITH MY BROTHER! Snow? In FEBRUARY? Yes! I just had a snowball fight with my brother, and we're warming up inside now. I feel a bit odd after a big snack of fresh snow, but I haven't eaten snow in a long time so that should only be expected. Nobody actually knows I've made my 1,000th post yet, but they will soon!

So, last night I got really caught up in a walk in the snow and a V3 on eBay, then it was bedtime so I couldn't take care of Zevi. But I will do it today, I promise! And I'm going to order the V3 today!

~ Dazzmina and her 1,000th post ~

OK, I've ordered my V3 and a Violetchi Tama pouch and paid my dad the money! I don't care much when they arrive, but it should be soon enough.

I'm going to have breakfast now! I've had a snowball fight, ordered a V3, made my 1,000th post and updated my log twice before even eating breakfast!

~ Dazzmina ~

Funny Tama conversations are the theme of my log. It's nothing without them. SO WHY DIDN'T I BRING 'EM BACK AGES AGO?

Hey Dazzmina! You've made me sad, you're not paying any attention to me! *loses happy heart*


My weight's too low!

Oh, stop being so fussy. Remember you get Parsnip Disease if you eat too many snacks?

Parsnip disease goes way back to when I thought the snack "cone" was a parsnip, when I was only about 6. I used to feed my V4s snacks so I could play games (so the weight wouldn't be too low) and if I did that too much, they got ill.


Oh sorry Zevi...there, I cleaned it up. Better now?

NOW let's have a sushi and play a game!

Failed attempt of mine to raise you vegetarian...naughty little boy, sneaking to the cupboard and eating a sushi while I wasn't looking!

Why did you even HAVE the sushi in the first place?

Naughtiness runs in the family - Kiana, the first generation, bought it in secret as a baby while I was logging her babyhood.


Okay, I made it better.


All right... *plays game and feeds sushi* NOW are you okay?

NO! I'm hungry! Bread?

That's better - no more sushi for you, except as a treat!

WHAT?! That made me lose a happy heart, you know!

Well, just live with it until you lose another for a good reason, OK?

I bet you've lost a million happy hearts...and nobody plays games with you to regain them! HA HA!

That's because I'm not a baby who plays those silly Tama games of yours!

So what do you do to get happy hearts?

If I'm sad, I usually read, play on my DSi or play with my Tama.


Well, THAT will change when you see my DSi and try the Tama books in your book shelf! Hey, you just got a happy heart! Why?

I think...I think I'm evolving...

Whoa... *suspense*


Hey, I though you were really evolving early!

No. Didn't Laura play that joke once, too?

Ugh, I hated that so much. She said she was becoming UraVioletchi, and I found Shitekitchi staring in my face! That was the meanest prank ever!

Naughtiness runs in the family, remember, dazzilitchigirl...

Don't call me that. It reminds me of horrible stuff, like...


Yes, needy Tamas. I hate needy Tamas. *cleans up poop* I seriously hope you'll be better behaved tomorrow, when I sneak you into school!

WHAT? You can't take obsessive care of me and check on me every five minutes and...


Can you sneak me into class?

I really don't know. Let's make a deal: If you stop being needy and spoilt, I'll try to find a way to sneak you into class, but maybe not play with you in there. Deal?

Okay! *loses happy heart*

THAT counts as being needy! Well, I guess you can't really be blamed for losing one heart...

*loses hungry heart*

Okay, needy or not, you are NOT coming into school with me!

*quickly regains hearts*

Now keep it up, and I might - MIGHT - sneak you into school tomorrow. If you're extra well behaved, I'll sneak you into class.

Sounds good to me... *uncertain*

Whoa, the time is just flying by! Logging plus needy baby stage is definitely far better than plain old needy baby stage! Now I'm going to browse the forums while taking care of the rest of Zevi's baby stage. I'll be back later to tell you which toddler he evolves into!

~ Dazzmina and Zevi ~

I'm Kuchitamatchi!

Fingers crossed for Young Mametchi as a teen...I've NEVER got the UraMametchi I've always wanted and I want him this time!

Because we've had ZERO photos for absolutely AGES, I decided to include photos of Zevi using all the items we have than toddlers are actually allowed to use! Yes, that's only 3 of ours, but it's the thought that counts...


Concentrating hard...after a few tries, he got his routine perfect and didn't fall off at all! Zevi reports that it was easy, but I'm not so sure...


What's this cuckoo clock supposed to do excpet bore Zevi?


That stereo cost a fortune - but every Tama I've had on that thing has loved it, and Zevi is no exception!


Zevi likes being a toddler!

I'm going to be UraMametchi! Yay!

Well, let's hope for UraYoungMametchi first, tomorrow at 3:24 PM!

I can't wait to be able to use more items! And to have a V3 pal!

I can't wait for the new V3, too! You'll hopefully be able to connect!

YAY! I'm so excited!

Zevi is evidently in a better mood now than he was as a baby! I'll post his stats, as I always do with a Connection:


Character: Kuchitamatchi

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Training: 1 bar

Humor: 28

Beauty: 36

Spiritual: 41

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 10 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 6th Gen.

Gotchi Points: 40130 GP

Mood: Bouncy, happy, cheery (everything he wasn't as a baby!)

Recent Events: Evolving...

Spiritual points get you in the UraMame family, so I'm glad Zevi has lots of them!

Note: This post was delayed due to taking photos before posting, Zevi's actual evolution took place at 3:24 PM.

~ Dazzmina and Zevi ~

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Mini-update: At 4:23 PM today, Zevi got into preschool! I won't bother posting stats or photos right now since not much has changed, just sayin' he's in preschool, so you're updated ;)

Yay! I get to go to preschool with Mrs. Frill!

Zevi's mood just gets better and better!

~ Dazzmina and Zevi ~

OK, let's begin with a complete recount of the past 24 hours. Yesterday evening, Zevi was extremely well behaved, only calling for no reason once, but timing him out for that got him a Training bar so it doesn't count as bad behaviour. To reward him, I logged us onto TamaTown where we visited our parents and grandparents and played the Ring Toss game, which I also used to play with Zevi's ancestor Kiana, and we earned a lot of money which we spent on items exclusive to TamaTown. I sneaked him into school today, but he was absolutely not needy during lessons and I owe him a lot of sushis for that! At the the end of school he lost two hearts in both Hungry and Happy. I asked him what was up, and he said he felt like he was going to evolve. I thought this was just another prank (he deserved a bit of fun after our boring day at school!), but later I checked on him - and far from a giggling Kuchitamatchi, what I found was a perfectly normal and cute Daiyatchi! After all, it WAS 3:24 PM! I hope he can evolve into Celebtchi with Mr. Turtlepedia as a future teacher, but if not, UraTogetchi still looks cool. I'm very glad I can get a Celebtchi, since he's as cute, if not cuter, than UraMametchi!

Here's my proud Daiyatchi, glittering like the diamond that he is:



Character: Daiyatchi

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Training: 2 bars

Humor (needed for Celebtchi): 46

Beauty: 54

Spiritual: 49

Age: 1 yrs

Weight: 15 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 6th

Gotchi Points: 44280

Mood: Excited about being Celebtchi

Recent Events: Evolving, getting mail (fortune telling as usual)

Zevi says he wants to pay another visit to TamaTown now. See you next time,

~ Dazzmina and Zevi ~

Aww...Zevi just said goodbye to Mrs. Frill...AAAAAND HE GETS TO GO TO SCHOOL! Just as we logged off TamaTown wishing we could visit school! Zevi was crying when we came back, I have no idea why, maybe he knew he'd be saying goodbye to Mrs. Frill soon. I'm going to sign him up for classes with Mr. Turtlepedia, who gives Humor points so Zevi can be Celebtchi! Anyway, end of mini update. Bye!

~ Dazzmina and Zevi ~

Edit: Zevi looked so proud on his first trip to school! He's so cute! <3

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Character: Daiyatchi

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Training: 4 bars

Humor: 128

Beauty: 54

Spiritual: 49

Age: 2

Weight: 15 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 6th

Gotchi Points: 52580 GP

Mood: Bored, wanting to go to TamaTown

Recent Events: Nothing...


NO, Zevi! Let me post first!


-So, school sneaking was-


-successful today, Zevi-


-wasn't at all needy, but-


-didn't get any training or anything-


-but as you can see from his skill points-


-we paid a few visits to Tama school!-


Okay, we can go now Zevi.


BUT first I need to copy out my entire post properly.


So, school sneaking was successful today. Zevi wasn't at all needy, but didn't get any training or anything, but as you can see from his skill points, we paid a few visits to Tama school!


Not quite yet, Zevi, I need to do font and colour first, and you need to sign this post.


~ Dazzmina and Zevi ~

Sorry for the late update, I forgot I had after school club today -_-

Speaking of after school club, during it, Zevi evolved! I actually watched him, at 3:24 PM! I expected to see a cute Celebtchi, but instead I found a grinning...


I hear the UraMame family you get from good care! So, with 180 Humor skill points versus 57 Spiritual, and sneaking into school during swimming term and after school club, you get not a bad care (UraMeme) Celebtchi, but a UraMame family URAMAMETCHI? Still, I was very glad to see my favourite boy character on the V4.5, no matter how I got him. I also got a photo of something you might mistake for an AbsolutelyAdorabletchi:


Also, yesterday I decided to start up my...

TMGO? Nope.

Music Star? Nope.

V4? Nope.

V5? Nope.

iD L? Nope.

Broken V3? Nope.

New V3? That hasn't even arrived yet!

Imaginarygotchi? YES!

The idea of Imaginarygotchi is that I'm technically running another Tama without the care and school sneaking and the rest of it. That means I can decide everything about it, and no photos or anything are needed! Also, the Imaginarygotchis have babies and everything, just liek real Tamas! I'm going to run two Imaginarygotchis. Here are their stats:


Character: UraVioletchi

Friendliness: 2/10

Knowledge: 8/10

Creative: 10/10

Age: 2 yrs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st Gen.

Mood: Grumpy

Recent Events: Evolving into UraVioletchi instead of UraMemetchi...


Character: Pipotchi

Friendliness: 7/10

Knowledge: 3/10

Creative: 5/10

Age: 3 yrs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st Gen.

Mood: Cheerful

Recent Events: Evolving into Pipotchi - might be horrible care, but at least Pipotchi's pretty!

The main reason of Imaginarygotchis is to give Zevi someone to talk to. Speaking of Zevi, it's time for his stats:


Character: UraMametchi

Training: 7 bars :)

Humor: 180

Beauty: 54

Spiritual: 57

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 31 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 6th Gen.

Gotchi Points: 54480 GP

Mood: Excited about meeting the Imaginarygotchis and getting a job

Recent Events: Evolving, as usual...

Zevi, meet Lara and Athena. Imaginarygotchis (iGotchis for short), meet Zevi. Also, now they're just as real as Zevi, it spoils the fun if they stay imaginay :p

Hi Lara! Hi Athena!

Lara: Hi...

Athena: This is cool! A log!


Hey Lara! That's mean! Dazzmina works so hard on her log!

I think it's great! *reads log*

IT'S RUBBISH!!! *scribbles on log*

Uhm Lara, what exactly is the point of scribbling on a tree trunk?

How do I read it?

I meant a LOG! Like, BLOG! Not like, PIECE OF WOOD!

Oh! Okay, I'll try the real log. *bite into licorice log* Mm! Tasty!

No! The TAMA log!

That would be so cruel, eating a bunch of Tamas! You guys are crazy! *walks off*

Oh she just doesn't get what sort of log I mean. Don't worry about Lara. She's my sister, so I should know her - she has a very bad temper.

Okay. I've met more than one bad-tempered Tama before.

I'm back...what sort of log do I need to read?

THIS one! *thrusts computer showing log in front of Lara's face*

WHAT? That's not a log! It's a BLOG!

So? Didn't they teach you about those "silent letters" at school? The B in log is one!

You just confuse me. *sulks*

Oh come on Lara, we mean a blog! It's just -

SHUT UP ATHENA! *punches Athena*

STOP IT LARA! *punches Lara*

STOP IT BOTH OF YOU! *separates Lara and Athena*

*everyone falls on a heap on the floor, including Dazzmina, who just about gets everyone to sign the post*

~ Dazzmina, Zevi, Lara and Athena ~

This is a very short update since I just got back from my Guides club (which happens quite late) and I was busy before. I gave Zevi the honey that had been stored up so long the best before date was tomorrow, and he fell in love with Helen the Maidtchi on the white V4 and they each took home an adorable baby boy. They're called the Zevlen (cross between Zevi and Helen) twins, and the V4 twin is called Danny, the V4.5 twin is Kenny! Danny is a few seconds older than Kenny, by the way. Their parents stayed with them last night (they got married too late for a log update), so Zevi and Helen are due to leave Danny and Kenny in my care tomorrow - THE FIRST DAY OF HALF TERM! Also, Zevi got a job as a bus driver and Helen currently works as a hairdresser. I wonder what's in store for their twin sons, Danny and Kenny...

Danny's aim - Mametchi, but if he ends up in the Meme family as always, we'll have to put up with Togetchi.

Kenny's aim - preferably Celebtchi, but from my experience with Zevi, I think he might just end up as UraMametchi ;)

Also, this is Zevi and Helen's last update, so I'll allow them to say their goodbyes:

I've enjoyed being part of this log, and hope to be back soon. I know I'm lucky to have Dazzmina as an owner, and my son Kenny will have many happy days in your care. I hope he will return to me in TamaTown.

I'm Helen. I've been around near the end of Dazzmina's Tama-abusing days, and she's changed since. I can't really say I'm very grateful, because unlike Zevi, my life has been separated and I've spent more time paused than running, but apart from the pausing, Dazzmina has been an okay owner. I know my eldest son Danny is in good hands now, and my younger son Kenny. Please visit me in TamaTown soon.

I think it's time for a speech from a couple of older Tamas, figures in my Timeline of my Tamas:

Sky: You're much better now, Dazzmina. I hope you'll love and care for your new generations Danny and Kenny. The Hotel of Old Tamagotchis is filling up, we only have two more rooms, which will obviously be occupied by Zevi and Helen. I was thinking about expanding the hotel; I talked to Max and Kiana and they liked the idea. Maybe Zevi and Helen could lead the building project, and Danny and Kenny can join in when they visit TamaTown? We can easily teach Zevi and Helen to build, and they can teach their children.

Yes! That seems like a great idea! How many new rooms?

Sky: We were thinking of about 450. That will keep us going for a few years more!

Good idea. Will you also get all my reset Tamas to join in, that includes Cassandra, and all the Tamas I've killed or abused. It will be fun for them to take part, and I want to make it up to them.

Sky: It's about time! What about your brother's abused Tamas?

Yes, even though I never did them any wrong - in fact I did most of them good turns by taking care of them when no-one was in the room - they do deserve something more, something I don't have to give in secret...something that will make up for everything we've done to them...


Sky: This Danny is destined to be Tensaitchi, let alone Mametchi! TAMA PARTY! On my 6th birthday, human years! Call it 4th June - it was about that time, and anyway that's your log's anniversary too!

Okay! We'd better finish the building project by then. I'll bring Danny and Kenny along to help when I can, and Kenny and I will buy lots of treats from TamaTown with Kenny's almost-endless money! For now, I'd better get to bed. Sorry I couldn't do colour! :(

~ Dazzmina, Zevi, Helen, Danny and Kenny ~


So, I felt the NEED to update because Danny and Kenny evolved into TEENS. MAME FAMILY TEENS, to be exact! UraYoungMametchi and Young Androtchi! FINALLY I GET MY MUCH-WANTED MAME FAMILY ON THAT OLD V4 THAT'S NEVER SEEN A MAMETCHI IN ITS 5-HUMAN-YEAR LIFE!

PLEASE can you give me a little break from photos. Just for a bit? I promise to post photos of Zevi and Helen with their twin boys, the Zevlen twins as teens, and them as their unknown adults. The predictions change:

Danny - MAMETCHI! What else?!

Kenny - I guess this cute guy will take after his dad...

It's SO cute how these two do things at the same time! The Climb game (V4.5) the the Jump game (V4) are at nearly exactly the same pace, so I can play games with them at the same time. They play with items together, they eat together, but most of all, they CONNECT together! They give each other sweet gifts (like flowers and ice creams) and never get sad when they lose a game. I seriously love the Zevlen twins! :D

OK, now we're waiting for mail. We're in bad need of some Smart skill points fo Danny and Spiritual for Kenny, so we'll choose Mr. Canvas for both of them. Sadly they can't play the high school game together, it requires concentration on the individual Tama, but won't it be the cutest thing ever when we have a Mametchi and UraMametchi? I CAN'T WAAAAAIIIIT!!!!


Character: Young Androtchi

Training: 1 lonely old bar... -_-

Smart: 30

Beauty: 19

Humor: 18

Age: 1 yrs

Weight: 20 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2nd Gen.

Gotchi Points: 16030 GP

Mood: Happy and excited

Recent Events: Evolving to Young Androtchi!


Character: UraYoungMametchi

Training: At least Danny's bar has one other for company on my V4.5! -_- Again...

Humor: 50 (mostly inherited from Zevi, although Spiritual skill points run in the family...)

Beauty: 21

Spiritual: 25

Age: 1 yrs

Weight: 20 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 7th Gen.

Gotchi Points: 59110 GP

Mood: Happy and excited!

Recent Events: Evolving to UraYoungMametchi!

V3 status: Due to arrive from 16-22 Feb 2012. It's already dispatched, so that's good news. If it's a girl she'll be called Iona (new name I discovered today!) and if it's a boy he'll be called Zevi, although maybe it's a bit too soon to name another Tama after that much-missed UraMametchi who's only just reached TamaTown. Oh yes, speaking of Zevi, he sent a letter to Kenny, and Helen sent one to Danny. Both the Zevlen twins gave me the letters to read to them, and they let me post the letters on my log, too:

Letter from Zevi:

Dear Kenny,

I hope you are enjoying your time in Dazzmina's care. I hope she is taking good care of you. I'm enjoying it in TamaTown, I get to drive one of Dazzmina's first Tamas, a Hitodetchi who left in Dazzmina's Tama-killing days, to school in my bus! I have finally learned to drive on the ice! I told the Hitodetchi, Lauren as she now calls herself, that Dazzmina is a much better carer now. Lauren would like to see Dazzmina and you next time Dazzmina takes you to TamaTown.

The building project is going great. We've built a few rooms already, and I have my room. It's lovely, being able to talk to my ancestors - even Kiana is still a youthful UraVioletchi here! I like having long conversations with Sky about Dazzmina and all the Tamas here. Tell Dazzmina that Cassandra doesn't blame her for the accidental reset, and Max understands why she reset him and he was prepared to be a mistake for her to learn from.

I hope to see you soon in TamaTown,


My dad is currently yelling at me to come and have dinner, so I'd better do font and colour and sign off. I'll post Helen's letter later or tomorrow. For now,

~ Dazzmina, Danny and Kenny ~

Well, much to Kenny's grief, I paused Danny today. I couldn't cope with 2 Tamas at once, they both got care misses... -_-

Anyway, today we came home for a long outing, and my mom opened the postbox when we got home. As well as a letter to my dad, there was a package from the USA. My family never order anything from abroad, so I knew it must be for me. I ripped it open and found the Violetchi Tama pouch I've been waiting for! I immediately opened it from its zip-lock bag, and it was in perfect condition. My V4.5 fits perfectly in it (the Violetchi has a backpack, and you put your Tama in the backpack, which is cute) and it's round my neck right now, and Violet (the Violetchi's name XD) is happily carrying Kenny in her pouch.

Kenny hasn't changed much, so I don't feel the need to post stats. But still, I will:


Character: UraYoungMametchi

Training: Only 3 bars...have had some busy days lately...

Humor: 50

Beauty: 27

Spiritual: 69

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 22 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 7th

Gotchi Points: 60910 GP

Mood: Bored because I've had no time to pay him attention all day, sad because I had to pause Danny, and happy because of his new pouch. In other words, very mixed feelings...

Recent Events: Getting his new pouch!

Also, someone sent us a letter. Not Zevi...not Danny...not Sky...not Kiana...but Lauren! You know from Zevi's letter in the previous post! Here is what Lauren sent us:

Dear Dazzmina and Kenny,

This note is intended for Dazzmina but also has a small section for Kenny.

I have now evolved and am Mimitchi, just to let you know. I remember very well your old self. Zevi told me you had changed, and I want to confirm it by writing to you. I have seen several Tamas coming back from your care, and have got some results on the percentages of Tamas who came back happy over the years.

2006 - 100% (one Tama, Sky)

2007 - no Tamas

2008 - no Tamas

2009 - 22%

2010 - 48%

2011 - 76%

2012 - 95%

I have found these results very interesting - you are becoming a better carer over the years. What is it you have changed? All the Tamas say you took care of them, raised their Training and skill points high and bought them lots of toys, but the thing is, all the old ones - Jack, for instance, that hard-pressed Music Star - said the same thing. I just wondered what's even different about the way you treat Tamas now, since the Tamas see no difference, yet some come back happy and others come back sad. Why is this?

(Kenny's bit)

Good luck for the future,


I have cut Kenny's bit because Kenny asked me to, he doesn't want "random people on TamaKork or whatever you call it" reading his private letter. :p I wrote back to Lauren:

Dear Lauren,

I know there's a difference in my Tamas nowadays. It's all because of how and why I do it. Before, I bought Jack stuff and raised his skill points TOO MUCH, and I did it because I wanted Jack to win stuff for me at concerts. I bought him items so I could see him use them, and played the games so I could have fun playing them. Tamas can sense that. And that's what's caused the dramatic change in the happiness of my Tamas.



I think Lauren will probably write back in a day or two. Till then,

~ Dazzmina and Kenny ~

I only just noticed! 1,000 views! I'll post photos on my next update, since you guys are awesome for viewing this so much and you deserve as many photos as you've given me views! Thanks so much for helping me keep this log (well, my old log and this one) going since June or July 2011!

~ Dazzmina ~

Well...what arrived in the post today was none other than...a V3! It's the cutest Constellations design, even better than it looked; I'm certainly not ruining this one with permanent marker! It hatched a baby boy. I pondered what to name him - then suddenly, the name Jack popped into my head. My second ever Tama's name? Perfect! So little Jack, a most adorable V3-exclusive baby boy, is currently cruising round the screen with the following stats:


Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Tranining: 0 bars :p

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 6 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1st Gen.

Gotchi Ponts: 300 GP

Mood: Happy because he's finally out of that egg in that stuffy old package!

Recent Events: Being born... :)

Jack's been a good boy and not been needy while I was typing this, but he couldn't keep it up so he just lost a happy heart. I'll have to end this here. See you with photos when Jack's evolved,

~ Dazzmina and Jack ~

I'm afraid I won't be able to update after Jack evolves, I promised to go on Skype (video chat) with a friend as soon as he evolves, so the update will have to wait till tomorrow morning. And I promise YOU I'll be up at 6 and updating by 6:30! Jack's last status as a baby: He's taking his nap :)


~ Dazzmina and Jack ~

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