Dear Diary, My name is Kishu.......


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Nov 1, 2006
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Born in Russia, moved to Maryland, then California
November 12, 2006

Dear Diary,

Hi! My name is Kishu! My owner (Dina) got me not a long time ago, on November 11, 2006. She said that when I was first born, I was a girl. Dina was fine with that, but then, it acted all strange and stuff, so she reset it. It was a girl again! She raised it 'til the toddler stage. She was sad when it became a tamatchi! (Because she wanted to get a Dorotchi, and for that, she needed to get a Mizutamatchi) But when she was putting passwords in that she got, she said that it would take the passwords, but won't give the item! So, she reset it again. And this time she got a boy (A.K.A. ME!!!!). She was excited, (because actually, "Kishu" is kind of a boy name, and most people who got Dorotchis had boys. :huh: I don't know why she followed that.) and she treated me beter than before. (Her friend, Mei, said that to get a Mizutamatchi, you need to treat it PERFECTLY :D ) And guess what? I turned into a Mizutamatchi!!! :D :eek: :huh: I also want to turn into Dorotchi. I think it's cool! ;) Dina went nuts after that. :huh: She was so happy! ;) Anyways, now she is trying to keep me in perfect shape so i can keep my "Dorotchi" stage going! But she keeps on messing up on games! She had to play SOOOO many games with me today, and that means making me eat tons and tons of food when I'm not hungry!!! :huh: :huh: :( Oh well, that's because she doesn't want me to be overweight. I will from now on use her account to write in you, diary. I know that people are reading this, but I don't care. They can even reply. Oh yeah, also, Dina bought me a ball, cherries (YUMMY!!!) and an action figure!!! Cool!!! And I'm good at the ball! At first, I always fail, but now, I ALWAYS win!!! Hurray!!! I like the action figure so much......And now, *yawn*, I think I'll *yawn* go to sl-......... :mimitchi: :nyatchi: -_- .........

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November 13, 2006

Dear Diary,

Hi, again! I know that it's kind of late, but oh well. Well anyways, I turned into a Young Mametchi! I love myself! (I don't want to brag, but I think that I'm very cute :p :eek: ) And Dina wasn't sad at all that I turned into a Young Mametchi. She didn't care to get a Dorotchi!!! Yay!!! She wants me to turn into the Pyo-ko-ni-tchi (I don't know how to spell or pronounce it, I'll just call it the kitty-thing)! -_- -_- I don't! It looks to girlish! I want to turn into Mametchi -_- (Don't tell Dina, please!), but Dina doesn't want to! She thinks that Mametchis are very "bragy" tamagotchis, and that they keep on braging about how smart they are. -_- She also says that Mametchis are too common, and she wants to get a rare, or non-common one! -_- :( :( I WANT TO BE A MAMETCHI!!!!! -_- They are so cute and fun and cheerful and stuff, and...and....and everyone will love me!!! :D Mametchis -_- are so cool!!! Dina says that she doesn't mind if she gets one! Yay!!!! Anyways, I'll like to tell you a little about myself. I'm running out of room, so I'll write about myself on the next page. Bye! (For now ;) ).

K i s h u -_-

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November 14, 2006

Dear Diary,

Hi! This time, I'll tell you a little about myself. Quick comment: "Kishu's not what he seems to be." (Dina's comment ) Fine. I'll tell you. I might seem rude, but don't think that way. I hope that not many people are reading this post, because it's kind of embarrasing :blink: . Oh well, here it goes. I'm an individual tamagotchi. I hate connecting. And the worst part is, Dina loves to!! She likes to connect with other tamagotchis! Why can't she just leave me alone? :blink: Anyways, getting to the good part. B) The first time I connected, I hated it! I was chosen to given the other tamagotchi (It was a very spoiled Hanatchi, by the way. I feel sorry for her. Grace [her owner] doesn't even care how it's treated and stuff! :( ) a present. I didn't know what to give her, so I gave that Hanatchi nothing :D But then, my owner put me in time out! And the attention sign wasn't even on! (I understand that this is her firsttime and all, but still!!! ;) ) I was blamed for nothing! And then, she tried to connect again!!! This time, I was ready, and to show that I hate connecting, I gave the Hanatchi a snake! It bit that Hanatchi. Yay!! Ha ha ha!!! :D And then, the attention sign wasn't on, and Dina put me in timeout, again!!! ;) I guessed I should give that Hanatchi one present, atleast. I gave it a fruit tart. Then, for the last time, when Dina connected (again :D ) I gave the Hanatchi a snake for a good-bye present!!! :D Dina put me in time out, again!!! But she didn't connect!!! yay! But the next day, she connected once with this other tamagotchi, and I gave it a snake! Ha ha! Dina disciplined me, but that was the last time. Then, Mei (Dina's friend, and the owner of the tamagotchi I connected with) said that you're not supposed to discipline your tamagotchi, only when the attention sign is on!! Thanx Mei! Next time, I'll give your tama a good present!!! :blink: But the batteries ran out of Mei's tama. And I didn't connect ever since! :blink: That's basically it! (Also, Dina bought me wings, a chest that gave me a cap, and a lion doll [she said she'll use the lion doll for my "daughter" if I get one :p eww!])

P.S. I'll never forgive Dina for the accidental discipline thing! :angry: :angry:


It's actually not accidental. You are supposed to discipline a tamagotchi that has a given a bad present. But ONLY if it has a smirk on it's face when it goes back to it's own screen.

November 15, 2006

Dear Diary,

Hi. Today was a normal day. I actually like connecting now, but today, when I connected, a mean Mimitchi, (Look at my log for November 14, 2006 )that Mei has, gave me 3 snakes! Maybe even more! :angry: :angry: Oh well, I didn't get unhappy because I did the same thing many times :angry: , so this was probably a payback. I'll change tomorrow, probably. I am well trained, and Dina says that I have 1 more training point to go. (I don't know what that means ;) ) Dina says she'll buy me a drum, and she'll save up to buy me one more thing (She is thinking about getting me blocks, since she has 2400 points :angry: ). Mei's tama (The Mimitchi) gave me a mirror!! Dina was dreaming of getting it for a long time! She says that when I grow up and become an adult, I would look very cute in the mirror! :angry: That's another reason why I forgave the Mimitchi (Shik, by the way [look on the blogcalled, "The life of me...Shik", or something like that. He also writes in a journal] :angry: ). I am three years old now, by the way. Please post comments if you wish. I wish to turn into either a :angry: , well, duh!, a :angry: (they're adorable! ^.^), a Billotchi, Hashizoutchi, or a Hanatchi.(I like their little whiskers that look like a mustache.) I hope I get one of them!!!


November 16, 2006

Dear Diary,

Hi. I turned into Memetchi! I actually like myself! First of all, I like it that I actually kind of look like a boy. Second, I like my big eyes! :) Dina did many things with me (I'm talking about the items), and my favorite is the clone thing. It's fun. Dina now played sooo many games with me, and got 5,000! She was about to donate, but then there was a T.V. in the shop, and I asked if that could be my present to celebrate the fact that I turned into something good, and she said yes!!! I got a T.V. ! It's funny, and sometimes happy. (the movies on it). She also got me sunglasses. Dina says that since I have a lot of things, she will not buy me anything until she donated 30,000 to the king. Oh well, who cares? I can live with my stuff! :D Also, I am a babysitter now (well, Dina is)! I (Dina actually) was chosen to take care of a tamagotchi for about a month. I'll explain it: It's name is Tea, it's a boy, and a toddler. Tea used to be around 92 pounds, but Dina took it down to 10! (She's amazing! :D ) He's all happy, and not hungry right now. Tea is 0 years old, and a version 1. We connected a few times, and, since I'm all trained :( , I gave him good presents. But, Tea has no training points (he got the first one just now), so he gave me bad presents such as a snake and poop! :lol: . But then he started to give me good presents, and I forgave him (He's only a toddler, really) I like Tea. He's adorable. Dina says he looks like a circle blob. :D (Funny) . Now, Tea and I will be together! Yay! :D I think that's it. If I forgot something, I'll just add another message. Bye!

P.S. I'm champion at Get music and sprint, hurray!!! :lol:


Hi. This is Dina. Kishu will not be writing in this log anymore. He has already mated and left his baby girl with me. But before he said good-bye, he asked me to write several things in this log - the things that happened during this time. (I will only be writing for these purposes, and when a tamagotchi is a baby and can't write.) Here is what Kishu wanted to say:

November 21, 2006

Dear Diary,

Hi. It's Kishu. I mated a while ago. I mated with a Billotchi! She caught my heart right away! :) Anyways, B) Penguina (Billotchi) and I had a baby girl! We couldn't think up a name for her at first, but then we called her Sui (pronounced Sooy. The "i" is the same sound as the "y" is the word "soy" ;) ). Penguina thought it was such a pretty name. B) I thought it was a cute name ^_^ . Anyways, I was chosen to stay with Sui ( ^_^ ) and take care of her ( :unsure: ) while my wife left ( :wacko: :( :ph34r: ). Anyways, Sui has been good, and Dina helped me take care of her. I will leave tomorrow morning, and let Dina stay and take care of my little girl. -_- I just have to go on, it's the end of my life. And now, I shall say good-bye to all who I've met, and to all who read this. I must go. -_- .


That is what Kishu said. I will miss him, but his name won't be forgotten as "My First Tamagotchi".

P.S. I will also make all my names up from the name "Kishu". ;)

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November 22, 2006

Dear Diary,

Hi. This is Sui (pronounced Sooi and the "i" is the same as the "y" in "soy" ^_^ ) This is my first time writing in my dad's old log. Oh well, who cares. Anyways, I'll tell you a bit about myself. I'm a girly-girl, and i just LOVE stuffed animals. I HATE working (like on a ball ^_^ ) and I also[SIZE=14pt] LOVE [/SIZE] to shop! :( Well, you see, when I was a baby, Dina kept on making me mess up on the games! -_- -_- , and I turned into stupid Mohitamatchi. And Dina doesn't even care that I turned into that! She wants me to turn into a Dorotchi! And I don't! Everyone now calls me fat and stupid, when I'm the same weight as them! Uhh! Anyways, (giggle, giggle) I want to turn into Chomametchi. She is so cool! Maybe even a kitty! Those are so cute! Yeah, a kitty! But a Chomametchi is better! So yeah, Dina wants like, to let me drop [SIZE=13pt] 2 of my hearts to get a stupid Hinatchi! Uhh! Oh well....(If Dina sees that I'm writing like this, she'll kill me!!!! So don't tell her B) ) I better go! It's time to SHOP! Bye-bye![/SIZE]

Sui, the lovely princess! :unsure:

P.S. I also want to turn into a leaftchi! :wacko: :ph34r: . Actually, I MOSTLY want to turn into a leaftchi!!! :) B) .

November 23, 2006

Dear Diary,

Hi. It's Sui again. I turned into a Hikotchi! Wow! And, I don't feel that girly-girlish anymore! I think that's great! I mean, then I won't act as strange as the previous log! Anyways, I want to turn into a Chomametchi, a Bunbuntchi, a Teletchi, or a Pipotchi. And now that I've thought about it, maybe a Dorotchi would even be fine! I mean, they can fly! (And I don't want to turn into something that can't, because then, it won't be much fun!) Oh, did I forget to tell you? Yeah, I did! I love flying! When I was the Mihotamatchi, I didn't care much. But now, I CAN FINALLY FLY!!!! And I don't want to go back to walking on the ground, because that was SOOOO boring!! Well, anyways, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! "And I want to say thanx to all the people who have been reading this log. Thank you," that was Dina. Yeah, so Happy Thanksgiving!!! Bye!


Sui, the golden feather!

November 23, 2006

Dear Diary,

I decided that I have to be normal like my dad to actually get some replies. Right now, I'm flying in the air and waiting to become an adult! I currently have 896 points and I donated 12760 to the king. I'm gonna donate more today. Anyways, I've connected with this stupid Tarakotchi who keeps on calling me names and braging and stuff. And finally she mated today and got a baby boy! At least I won't see her again! (Sorry, if I sound rude, I just dont like Tea, that Tarakotchi) Anyways, Dina bought me a Gramo-phone or something like that! I like it! It sings nice melodies! :D Dina is now taking super good care of me to get a Dorotchi. I like that "taking good care" part, but not the "Dorotchi" part. If anyone has ANY tip on how to get one of the following, please tell me: a Chomametchi, a Bunbuntchi, a Teketchi (Sorry, bad spelling in my previous post ;) ) and a Dorotchi :furawatchi: . Thank you! (And I know that this isnt a diary, but I like to write in a diary form :D ) Also, I have 7 training points and in 20 pounds (the minimum) By the way, if anyone has any questions about me or Dina, please post and ask me, I will be happy to answer!!! (or Dina will just tell me!! ;) ) Also, please say how I can improve my log so that it's more interesting (like, should I go back to a diary form, and not talk AT ALL about posts? :wacko: ) Please help, because the only replies I got was from Tomagotchi_Tamagotchi and GotchiGirl96!!! (Thanx by the way! :p ) Thanx for reading my log, and for any help that you might give me! Bye!

[SIZE=13pt]SUI[/SIZE], the rocket duck!!!

To: Sui

From: Kish

Dear Sui,

My owner said that I should write a letter to you, and I agreed. Since i'll be seeing you today, I won't have to say much in this letter. Anyways just incase you didn't know, I have turned into a Mimiyoritchi. My owner is happy that she is getting something besides Mametchi's and Mimitchi's! I do hope that you will turn into anything you want. I mean I didn't want to turn into a Hanatchi, and I didn't! Whoop! Okay well it's time for me to practice drawing elephants! Good day.


November 24, 2006

Dear Diary,

I decided that I should write more to you, than to the readers ^_^ . Anyways, right now I'm flying around with 2131 points, being all happy and not hungry at all. Alos, I'm now 9/10s trained and yeah. Oh yea, I forgot to tell you - I LOVE MUSIC AND TRAVELING!!!! I love music: i loe listening to it and playing it. I hae a few items that Dina gave that include music: a drum, plain "music" (in other words, an ipod :huh: ), and a gramo-phone (i forgot how it's called :angry: ). I cant play the drum yet, or listen to music on my ipod, so u will probbly ask me - how did she get involved into music? Well, here's the answer: My Gramo-phone!!! I listened to it the first time, and I loved it! I fell asleep almost imediately! It was so calm and gentle!! I love music, and when im an adult, i'll play music everyday!!! hurray!!! I love to Travel! It's also so easy for me! I mean, I don't need to walk forever and have sore legs, I can just FLY!!! (I alos LOVE flying!!!! you should know that if you've read my previous posts! :angry: ) And, I like seeing wonderful sites, and having to smell different smells, and feel the wind blow on my face so differently from when it did in anther place. I'm also amazed how different places are so different! Well, I've been in Switzerland once, with my dad when I was a baby! It was probably the best trip i'll ever be on!! *sigh* It was just wonderful! That's why I like to travel! My daddy used to let me sit on his shoulder and see cities from the mountan, the sparkling snow, it just sees so real!! I can feel the chill *brrr!* right now!!! It's like I'm there again!!! I can picture my dad looking at me, my round, amazed eyes, my wide open mouth, and laughing out loud, "Wow, Sui! I think travel will be your thing when you grow up! Hmmmm I wonder if you'd turn into a Hikotchi....." And he said that! He guessed correctly! I miss my dad. But I have great memories about him that would last forever! I just know it! Yeah, traveling is my favorite thing in the world, and i like music, but the thing I like best, the thing that is better than traveling or flying.................................................................are the memories I have about my dad.......

Sui :angry:

November 24, 2006

Dear Diary,

I'm sooo sad that no one except for Tomagotchi_Tamagotchi has been posting for a while! Oh well. Today, Dina said the best thing: She said that if I be good and come home on time, she'll let me go to places (in the city) and see great sites! Cool! "But," she said, "only when I go off somewhere, and only if you promise to return by the time I come back." I replied with an "I'll try." Well, today, while she played tennis with her dad, I went to the theatre and watched the new movie, "Flushed Away". It was cool! This is what it was about: (If you didn't watch this movie, skip the purple part, and go straight to reading the red part.) Well, there's this rat, named Rodney, that lives alone in a big house. While his owners are away, he plays in the house with dolls. One day, another rat named Sid came along, and acted as if he was at home. Rodney was about to flush him down the toilet, but then Sid flushed Rodney down instead. Rodney then appeared in a big city that only had rats in it! He also me a girl rat named Reta (I think) and a toad named Mr. Toad. Reta owned a fake ruby that has been special for her for years, but then, to show that it's fake, Rodney breaks it, saying that real rubies can't break. Reta gets upset, and Rodney promises her that he'll give her a real ruby and lots of other gems from his house "up above". Mr. Toad wanted to get that ruby for a long time, but then, Reta took his "master cable" and Mr. Toad wanted to get that back. The World Finals in soccer were going on at that time, and nobody wanted to miss it. So then everyone will go to the bathroom at the same time, when the game is on "half-time". After a while, Rodney figures out that Mr. Toad wants to get the "master-cable" because he wants to drown out the city with the water that he'll get if everyone went to the bathroom at the same time!!!! But then, Rodney freezes the wave that came from Mr. Toad. Rodney then gives Reta the gems he promised, and everyone lives happily. I like that movie. My favorite part was when Rodney and Reta FLEW down to Rodney's house. It was kind of embarasing though. :D People all around me were staring at me :D Maybe it's because that the first tamagotchi they've seen in the movies by themselves!!! :D It was still kind of embarrassing, I mean, they were staring at me, and whispering to each other!!! :D :D Anyways, Dina said that if I turn into something good, she'll buy me a trumpet and a boombox! Cool! Well, she DOES have 6791 points! So i think that she can afford it! :D *crosses fingers* I hope that I do turn into something good!!! I'll probably turn tomorrow, I mean, I'm already 2 years old. Okay, that's it for now, bye! Ttyt! (talk to you tomorrow, for the people who dont know what that means;))Bye!

[SIZE=14pt]Sui, [/SIZE]the lucky flower.

Dear Sui,

Hi Sui! It's Nya. I am a Touch Tama Tamagotchi (look at my new tamagotchi log; all the writing that is in color is what I wrote) and my owner said I should write to you so I did. I am a boy and...yeah. :huh:

From, Nya

November 25, 2006

Dear Diary,

Hi. I think that I'll either become an adult today, at 7pm (It's about 6:22pm right now in my time), or tomorrow in the morning. I'm 3 years old right now. I'm not hungry, and all happy. Dina now has exactly 2222 points, because she bought me a throne and a Hawaii ticket :marumimitchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :gozarutchi: :pochitchi: :) (to go with my baby). I am fully trained, and I weigh 20 pounds. I can't wait to become an adult! I went to the zoo today! If you want to hear about it, look on the next page (post). Okay, bye! (The next time I'll write, I'll be an adult!!! :mametchi: )


[SIZE=16pt]Sui,[/SIZE]the fire rocket!!!!!!!

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