Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear Claire,

Happy birthday. <3

- Krystal.

Dear Nick,


Sorry I freak every time I see you online. It seems like it's been forever.

Remember the Ninja Dance? <3

- Krystal.

Dear Claire;

Just thought I'd follow the trend && say happiest of birthdays :)


Beth :)

Dear homework;

Just go away.

[ not so much ] Love;



I know you are a mere figment of Harper Lee's imagination, but please become real. I love you.


Some random fan of your lawyerly skills...

Dear Chris,

I really wish you didn't smoke so much.

- Keeley x

Dear J,

2 days? I never realised. Dx Bringing up old memories doesn't help things either. :/

But sometimes I love how stupid you can be;

"You pulled out! Aha!"

"Yeah, so did you."

"Oh yeah, that's right." xD

- Keeley x

Dear 'ita';

Hate you. Hate your fellow 'itas'. Well, except C. But anyways, he's my best friend. Always has been, always will be. Don't think that he loves you. Guess what? He always takes my side about our issues. Suck on that. So when those brats realize you aren't that great, don't come running to me. I'm sick of it.

Must you think my world revolves around you? I have other friends, other jokes, other good times. Sure, we were tight last year, but I'm not so happy with the way you've acted this year. Talk about me? Okay. Make me sound like a dying cow? Fine. But LIE about all of it? Not. Cool. No one likes you.

I can't wait until I'm on Broadway and you're living on the streets. I'm going to laugh when he and I are married with kids and you have become cat lady. I'm so pumped to see you fail. I know that was cruel, but I'm sure you wish the same thing.



Dear Fort Street High School,

Screw you.

Screw the lot of you.

Except Lillian maybe.

- The one you aaaall hate.

Dear Purple,




- Ksenia.

Dear Cristina,

You're seriously getting on everyone's nerves.

Blue has a girlfriend .. seriously.

Get over it.

- Me.

Dear K & B,

I hate you both. Thanks for making my life worse than it already is.

And I'm sick of you both winging about your "problems". They aren't even problems.

Live my life, learn what problems are. You're both just attention seeking.

I'm not even the slightest bit bothered that we aren't friends anymore.

- Keeley

Dear all Thai friends,

I miss you all so much. I hope I meet up with some of you again next year if I go to Thailand on an exchange. I hope one of your families is my host family. That would be AWESOME!

Your friend,


Dear Lady Gaga;

I love you.

Your music is fabulous.

And your uniqueness is what makes you an artist.

Who cares if people think you're a hermaphodite?

I know you're not.

Hello? Have they seen telephone?


All my love;

A fan.

Dear __________

I hate you.

you know i do.

why follow me around?

you KNOW.

it doesn't help,

so don't.

i honestly don't care what you think.

just shut up

your mindless, thats why you have no friends.

Mind your own business, your a blabbermouth.

and nobody wants you to know what they're thinking or what they're feeling.


you deserve it.



-Your "friend" Analie


Dear the colour Gray:


You make my day.


Love, Analie


Highlight if you want to see my other letter.

Dear ____ and ___,

Leave me alone. I don't like you and you're making life awkward for me.

Stop calling me.

- Kendal.

Dear Exams,

I hate you.

- Kendal.

Dear _____,

I know we've only spoken over the phone and FB, but I think I'm falling for you. D:

Your name makes me smile. I'm jealous of Kayleigh, even though I think I know there's nothing going on between you two. You're just friends. That's what you said.

I really want the courage to just meet you face to face, but I'm scared you'll be disappointed. I know you said you liked me, but I'm terrified of meeting you and seeing your face being filled with disappointment. I don't want that.

I don't know what to do, so I'll just play it cool.

- Anonymous.

Dear ____,

Don't copy me.

- Kendal.

Dear School,

Sort yourself out.

And the people in it. They're just a bunch of backstabbing idiots that don't realise there's some people that really need someone to hold on to, because the cliff is pretty big. They don't want to fall. If they did, I hope someone realises, and helps them back up again.

- Upset person.

Dear Dad,

I'm not freaking hungry. Don't try force feed me.

- Kendal.

Sorry for that.

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Dear Milk,

Rawr, you taste like water and a funny flavor mixed together.

but i suppose all thing taste like that, we just can't tell.


- Cookies

Dear Mr. McQuaid;

Because of you and yesterday's Social Studies class,

I now have horrible mental images of Arthur Kirkland giving birth.

So thank you for saying "England giving birth" in front of the whole class.

-A student

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Dear Cristina,

As if you actually took it to the councilor.

Kirsty and I never even did anything.

Now you're tryn'a turn Mehak and everyone against us.

How selfish!

- Ksenia :)

Dear Kirsty,


- AP2.

Dear Jen,


- Ksenia.

Dear Georgia,

"How do you get the wheels outta Heelys?"



- Ksenia.

Just felt like writing some stuff to Cristina + my bifffffles.

Dear xxx;;

Why did you call me?

You know I don't like you.

And I know you don't like me much either.

- Don't Call Me.

Dear Fic I'm reading;;

You. Are. Brilliant.

You made me love All The Things She Said all over again.

- Reader of yours. <3

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