Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear Jen,

I actually seriously want to go see Jason Derulo!

Lets just hope Kirsty wants to as well :)

- Ksenia.

Dear Orange Panda,

You're Kiwiiii ♥

- Ksenia.

Dear phone,

I need to delete the pictures off you because every time I look at them I die. <3

- Keeley.

Dear New Jersey;

I miss youuuu!

I want to come back and relax at your beach.

Much love,


Dear New York City;


I had the BEST day there with my family and close cousins. <3

Sososososo fun.

I still can't believe BTR did a concert there FREE the week after I left. ;w;

I still love you. 83

- Krystal.

Dear 11:11 AM;

Now what to wish for?

I already have anything I'd ever want. <3

- Krystal.

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Dear Anna,

Why are you so annoying in volin camp? You're horrible at it!

Thanks, Monchi. > :eek:

Dear Krystal,

I was wondering if you could do that, thank you. :)

I'm going to go create one now. 8D

D: I hope you feel better! ;w; <33 I shall write a letter to your head.

-hug- 8D <3


Dear Krystal's Head,

Stop giving Krystal headaches!

She's a really nice, awesome person and she doesn't deserve them. D:<


Dear window behind me,

Y-you look really scary.

I'm thinking that something is going to pop up at any moment. |D

- Sara.

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Dear Clara;


- Krystal.

Dear Bed;

I'm sorry for writing to you too much.

- Krystal.


Wake up. :)

- Krystal.

Dear Clara;

I am! lololol.

- Krystal.

Dear Speakerphone;

I love you! I'm talking to my mom and typing on TT at the same time. xDDD

- Using you.

Dear YOU;

I'm so in love.

- Krystal.

Dear Clara again;

Kendall needs to do a photo shoooooot!

- Krystal.

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Dear Clara;

Kendall Schmidt thinks he's Spiderman.

It's a rather hilarious video; seeing him imitate Spidey. :)

- Krystal.

Dear UPS Guy;

I shall see what you delivered. 08

- Krystal.

[SIZE=7pt]Dear Andy, Bradie and Shaun,[/SIZE]

It's been a while. Almost a year since we met in person. And I'm both ashamed and proud to say that I really miss you. Not in the bad way everyone means now. Not like, 'You changed, Diviney.' No. I miss the memories. I miss the emotion. I miss the love.

I downloaded the Planets ringtone today. I put it on my iPod, but I haven't had the chance to get it on my phone yet. Somehow, I like it. I like the name of the album too. This Is Bat Country. It has a nice ring to it. I'm really excited about the new album. I'll definitely pre-order it.

I'm really sorry for all the crap I've said to you in the past. After the new year everything just went so downhill for me. I wanted to stick with you guys but the hate from everyone else that you got made me hate you too. I'm not even sure I felt the hate, I just kinda went along with it.

So, on August 16th it will have been a year since I caught that bus into the city and died in the mosh and lined up for hours to meet you. I remember everything about it. How you smelt, how you felt, what you said. I wish you'd do that again. But your fan base is double the size now, and Myer won't let you back, for sure. I've changed, and you've changed too, but for the better. We've all evolved into different people. It'd be fun to see you guys live again. I wish I'd gone to the Opera House. I loved the show at The Enmore in December though.

You've always been the only boys for me. Even though you're 20, 21 and 22 now. I kept the posters on my walls for a reason. Same with the shirts in my closet, Batman necklace hanging from my bed, songs on my iPod and CD's stored safely. I knew I'd feel proud to be a Stack fan sometime again.

You helped me through so much in 2009, and now I need help again. I hope the new album will give me plenty of new songs to bawl my eyes out to, dance around to, to play on my guitar and to memorise word for word.

There's nothing much else I can say, except 'once you Stack you'll never go back.'

All my love,

Maria Clemmensen/Webb/Diviney x

Dear Allergies;

Buzz off, kay?

- Krystal.

Dear Batman (My Nikon);

I can't express my love for you enough.

You know we've got a little photography job in September?

Do your best!

Much love,


Dear Fingerless Gloves;

I love the way you feel on my hands.

It's like.. warm, yet with a sense of freedom at my fingertips.

and i totally look like a hobo

- Krystal.

Dear Halo 3;

My gosh, you're so fun!

I love video games, and your level of amazingness just increases my love.

- Krystal.

Dear Krystal;;

You know how you wished twitter sweet dreams of whatever we found sweet last night?

That worked ! I had two sweet dreams, and one of the guys I dreamed of was James. <33 O:

- Clara.

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