Death Forecast


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EVERYBODY! This is a topic to go to the Death Forecast! NOT the Death Clock! I mean you can go on the Death Clock, but don't discuss your date of death from the Death Clock!!! I want to keep on track! If you want to discuss your date of death from the Death Clock, make your own topic and do stuff! Ignore me next time, and I might blow a fuse!
Sheesh >< It mmay be your topic but we are posting from both and using both.

i don't like that death forecast rekindles my fear of dying alone

Sheesh >Seconded. You posted it, your bad for putting it there lol. I think we all have the right to put up death clock :)

Your Personal Day of Death is...

Friday, June 19, 2082

I have it on the optimistic setting, and first time I did it, it said 2071 XD!! Woo!

The other thing said 80.
How the heck!? The oldest women was 120 x_X When your in heaven, tell me what it was like! XP
Actually the oldest person who ever lived, who was female, lived to be 132. I think you are talking about in America, that lady lived in France.

You can use the death clock! If you didn't read all of the post that I made, I was saying not to post your date of death from the Death Clock here! Could you please go post your own topic and do stuff if you want to post your date of death from the Death Clock! I'm asking nicely now. So please, just go with what I posted.

If you really are going to die in the year 2101 at the age of 113, your birthyear is 1989. If you were really born in 1989, you'd be 18. Hmmmm. I thought you said you were 22?

It said I'd be 93. :D
I fixed it. I made a typo, and pressed 3 instead of 4. Or, I made a mistake while doing the math.


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I fixed it. I made a typo, and pressed 3 instead of 4.
So the 3 other times in other topics you said you'd live to be 113 were all typos? :D

I fixed it. I made a typo, and pressed 3 instead of 4.

But still. That makes you 20. Hahaha. 22 to 20? Did we skip back two years and no one tell me?

Oh oh and if you made a typo, why didnt you fix it earlier?

No. Chcosilver made a mistake and said I was 22, which is 2 years older than I am now. I am 20, not 22.
You'd still be 19 though. In the PM you sent me, you set yourself up.

...I'm guessing that was a typo aswell?

It was 1989 yesterday. :rolleyes:
Please don't fight. This topic is not about when *santagotchis* birthdate is. Ok Chocosilver? :eek:

Maybe it was another typo, sumepoeple makk lota orf tiypeos.

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