Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Matt curled up with the game again, but then stopped dead and looked up at Mello slowly. " what?" He took another puff of the cigarette, keeping his eyes on Mello.

L turned around, pointing at a little side-door. "There's a corridor there with a room we can use."

Mello stood up, ready to follow L. "You heard me." he said with a laugh.

Sakura nodded briskly. "Alright then, let's go," she sighed. "Come on, fatheads."

"I hate you," Matt growled, standing up and closing his DS. "I really hate you."

L walked up to the door and pushed it open, holding to so that the others could go through. "It's the door on the left," he said, taking another bite out of his cake, that was almost gone now.

Mello slung his arm around Matt. "You know you don't.." he said, smiling over at him.

Sakura nodded and walked down corridor, opening the door to the room that L directed her to. She walked in and waited for the others.

Matt glared at Mello, pocketing his DS and taking another drag on his cigarette. "I really do. I hate you. Completely." He walked into the room after Sakura, sitting himself down on the sofa. L followed closely behind, finishing his cake. He crouched down on the seat at the desk, turning it around to face the others.

Mello sat next to Matt and chuckled. "You really want to keep telling me how much you hate me? At the moment, no one knows that it was you in the video... I could change that if you hate me so much."

Sakura placed herself in a chair beside the couch and prepared herself for the long explanation ahead.

-whee, timeskip over the unecessarily long explanation-

"So, to conclude," L said, taking another sweet from the bowl on the table. "We already established that Light Yagami is Kira, Misa Amane is second Kira. I thought that it wouldn't be enough to solve the case, because Kira's powers can be passed on. However, the Death Note shows us how. The thirteen-day rule contradicts this theory though, so we are testing it. Any questions?"

Matt looked up. "Why not just shoot the guy?"

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Mello nodded. "Yeah! We could get the Mafia to kill him off!" he exclaimed excitedly.

Sakura pondered many thoughts in her head. "Personally, from all of the evidence that you have explained to me, what if Light found some way to disown the Death Note to avoid those thirteen days? It would be a great idea to test the thirteen-day rule, and if it's tested and is fake, Light's probability of being Kira would rise to 35%." she stated.

"Forget the Mafia right now," Matt said, rolling his eyes. "There's a Death Note here. Just write his name down in it." L stared at Matt for a second. "No, that's not possible." He turned to Sakura. "Either way we look at it, we are dealing with a third Kira, or at least someone doing Kira's bidding." He paused, watching her for a minute. "My suspicions of Light Yagami have always been above 90%. As soon as Raye Penber was killed."

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Mello grinned. "Yeah! We should write his name down!" he told L.

Sakura thought for a moment. "True... Now that I sum it all up, the probability is over 90%...." she ran a hand through her hair and continued thinking.

L nodded slightly. "We know that the third Kira was Higuchi, but we do not know whose Death Note he was using. I believe that there is more than one Death Note in this world." He sighed. "We're just going in circles." He turned to Mello. "No. That's just not possible. We don't have the permission from the Japanese government to use the Death Note...besides, Light-kun is my friend."

Sakura glared over at Mello as though he was insane. "Why would you even think about using the Death Note? Such a murder weapon....." she growled.

Mello shrugged. "C'mon Tala. If Light really was Kira we would be doing the world a great favor." She shook her head. "Then you'd be thinking like Kira. Kill criminals, be doing the world a favor."

"It is Kira's way to kil someone in cold blood on a suspicion," L said, staring at Mello. "There is a chance that I'm wrong. There is a change that Light was not Kira willingly, or that he wasn't Kira at all." Matt frowned, watching L.

"But you don't think you're wrong, do you? And killing him would close this case. The world would be better."

"Anyone in possession of a Death Note has the potential to be Kira's successor," L said, taking more candy from the bowl. "I have alreayd explained that I believe there is more than one Death Note here."

-timeskipification ahead a few days-

It was late at night and everyone was in bed, except for Sakura, that is. She walked into the task force room (lack of anything better to call it) with a bowl of ice cream. She spotted L sitting in his chair in front of a monitor. She smiled and walked over to him. "Hey, don't you ever need some sleep, Ryuuzaki?" she asked, taking a bite of her ice cream.

"I don't sleep," L said simply, turning in his chair and watching Sakura. "Besides, Light doesn't want me handcuffed to him at night any more, so now I have to watch the cameras." He paused, narrowing his eyes at the bowl in Sakura's hands. "Is that my ice cream?"

Sakura looked down and took a few steps backwards, flinching away. "I just took it from the freezer! I didn't know it was yours! Please don't kick me again!" she pleaded frantically.

L clambered off his chair, stretching then walking forwards towards Sakura. "Is it the strawberry ice cream, then?" He didn't wait for an answer, glancing into her bowl instead. He paused for a few seconds, staring at Sakura with wide eyes, then suddenly placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her.

Sakura froze where she was, too in shock to move. Her eyes were wide and she was blushing like mad. He's.... Kissing me.......

L slid his hands down to Sakura's arms as he pulled away, starting to stare at her with wide eyes again. "Tala, can I have some of the ice cream?"

Sakura's eyes dropped to the bowl. She then realized what the kiss must've been about. She handed the bowl to L and began to walk away. "You can have all of it...." she said softly, going to her room.

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