Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Sakura smacked Matt on the side of the head. "You need to tell her." She rolled her eyes. "Yes she does! Have you not seen the thousands of glances she's cast towards you?" she asked. "Also, first comes love.... Oops, looks like you've messed up even worse than I did."

"Hey, what was that for?" Matt said, wincing. He raised his eyebrows at Sakura. "People don't glance only when they like the other person."

"Have you seen how she glances at you?" Sakura asked. "I just know that she likes you."

Sakura smiled slightly. "That's exactly what I expect you to do... Catch her when you two are alone or something and then tell her."

Sakura frowned, hitting Matt once more without saying anything.

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"Well, it's true!" Matt protested, taking a step back from Sakura. "So, unless you have any plans, there's not much I can do."

"Ask to talk to her, simple." Sakura told Matt, grinning slightly. She then took a step forward, making the motion of hitting him again.

Sakura froze mid-motion, stepping back and smirking. "Alright, fair enough."

Sakura followed Matt back into the main room. She scowled at L and rolled her eyes. She plopped down in the chair next to him, staring at her laptop.

Matt walked up to the sofa and stood behind it. He leaned over to Aya and muttered, "I need to talk to you."

L looked up at Sakura innocently. "Yes?"

Aya looked up at Matt and sighed. "What about?"

Sakura didn't respond, instead leaning back in her chair and continuing to scowl.

Matt shuffled on the spot nervously. "Just...please?"

L stared at Sakura for a second, then turned back to his screen

Aya rolled her eyes and drug herself to her feet, not saying anything.

Sakura sat silently for a moment before feeling a pulse in her stomach. She looked down and smiled as she placed her hand over the pulse. The baby was kicking. "Hey, Ryuuzaki, feel my stomach," she told L, sliding her chair over to him.

Matt smiled nervously at aya for a second, then let it slide off his face and instead just shuffled towards the corridor.

L glanced over at Sakura, still typing. "I thought you were annoyed."

Aya followed after Matt, her arms crossed and her eyes on the floor.

Sakura sighed. "Just feel my stomach before I beat you to death,"

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