Death or Running Away


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Feb 4, 2008
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You know how you neglect a tamagotchi and an angel will appear? well one night I was like half asleep and it was dark.. and my tamagotchi was making this wierd sound.... and then when I woke up the next morning it was dead...

my brother told me that they run away... but I think they do something wierd befor they die... what do they do???? :D ( it wasnt the sound that they make when they are sick )

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Well, they don't run away. At first before they die, they fall down on their face with a skull icon above it and then it dies. I hope I helped. PS. I noticed you were new and you posted an off topic post in this forum that should be deleted. Please read the rules BEOFRE you put in a topic. Everything in this site can tell you where to post.

^_^ I know! mine first rolled on its back, then it had a skull icon on top but ya cannot give it medicine.
I've lived through this so I know the full animation.

-Tamagotchi lays flat on its face like if a Tama Teen ran and tripped on its face. (Also with sick skull over them)

-For some time, you cannot press any buttons and you hear this creepy "Doo doo doo doo" music.

-Then the Tamagotchi rises to the air.

-A blackness flows down the screen and then you see the angel thing.

It was real scary to me when I witnessed it last year. ^_^

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That's weird that they die now... When the old Tamagotchis "died", they hopped their spaceship and went back to Tama Planet. I think it was more about them being unhappy and leaving. But since the new ones have a way to continue the generations, I guess it makes sense for them to really die now, since the new versions do still fly back to the home world, it's just after they lay eggs. If you don't keep them alive long enough to lay eggs, well then, looks like you have a dead Tamagotchi. :D

I get so spooked by that sound, that this girl at school made it behind my back in class and I got all sweaty and went to the nurse's office.

Yes, the music is creepy.

When it's lying on it's nose, has the skull over it's head, and makes the creepy noise,reset it, and you can save your Tamagotchi from dying. Once it's dead, it's gone. :eek: :'(

me i have v.5 and when there is a skull icon and a tooth icon i just press the chest and then the doctor and the skull icon or tooth icon is gone....

the music is so scary :)

I guess it sorta depends on how you look at it if they really die or if they return to thier home planet. you choose how you see it.


No, your tama doesn't "run away", it dies. It falls on it face and a skull appers over its head. It does this for about 20 seconds, (Note: You can't do anything while your tama is like this.) then it slowly is raised off the screen and an angel takes its place. I suggest that right before bed, you turn off your tamagotchi's sound, so it won't wake you in the night. ;)

it muct have died at night because the time wasn't right!

chech the time at least when u tke out the battery, or something like that.

can i have an answer of how 2 get a mametchi,plzzzzz.if any one wants 2 answer,please on this location.thnxxxx everyone

Well if U have tamagotchi music city they run away!!!And i would know i have one!!!! :furawatchi: oh and im on right now so NOBODY YIM ME!!!!!

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I had mine die in the middle of the night. I forgot I left the music on and I was the only person awake in my house. Haha it freaked me out. o.<

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