Death Penalties.


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I am completely against capital punishment.

I agree with what wildcat_girl said completely. It's completly hypocritical to kill somebody as punishment as killing somebody else. What does that show the world? Two wrongs do not make a right. And it is completly inhumane. I believe that we have no right to take someone's life from them, no matter what the circumstance. That's God's job, not ours.

And like WeiWei said, what if the person was innocent? My mom is a lawyer, and we always watch 48 Hours and Dateline together. She's for capital punishment; she's tried death penalty cases and won. So when we're watching, she'll be like, "They did it. They deserve to die. C'mon jury, convict 'em!" I'm always hoping that the jury will let them off, especially if it's only circumstantial evidence. You were never there. You were never in that person's shoes, so you don't truly know what happened, do you? I'd rather see a killer go free than an innocent man in jail anyday, but that's just my thinking.

And besides, death is the easy way out. I believe it is more morally correct to put someone in jail verses killing them, and it is typically more maddening. I would rather be killed than spend the rest of my life trapped in a cell with people controlling and watching my every movement. In jail you can't love, you can't have a family, you can't have a career, you really can't do anything fulfilling with your time. It cuts off your humanity, and in my eyes, that's a much more painful experience than being put to death by lethal injections.

Of course I can see the other side to the capital punishment controversy, but this is what I feel and what I believe.

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^ I agree with you on that.

A criminal can't go back and think about what he did if he's dead. Getting a lifetime would be much more painful than simply dying, it would show him his lesson better.

Why should the killer get to say goodbye?Their victim didn't have that luxury. <_<

Yeah, and this thing we have with Death Row inmates being in there for decades! What's that all about? That really bothers me.
You took the words right out of my mouth.

They shouldn't get any special treatment.

I believe a murderer should die the same way their victim died.

Haha, Katie, we always disagree. But I like it that way, because you actually provoke thought.

I think one's decision on this is determined by morals and opinions. And those are often determined by religion. If you were christian, you most likely go for the "two wrongs [ sins ] don't make a right." And leave it to god to punish the offender, and just keep them out of society for now. As where, an atheist like myself might say "Well, we can't leave it to some force that might not exist to do the job, we gotta handle this ourselves."

For me, it isn't about revenge. It helps no one if we make them sit in jail for half a century while they torture themselves until death, because, in a way, that's worse than what the victim went through. It's about removing that person. Death would be the answer.

Why should the killer get to say goodbye?Their victim didn't have that luxury. <_<
Oh, darn. That came out wrong. S:

And I've changed my mind.

If you murder someone, you should get a very very very long time in jail.

If you are a serial killer, you should get a lifetime sentence in jail.

And if you come out of prison after your very very very long time in jail for murdering one person, but then do it again, a lifetime sentence (as you are a serial killer, basically), or perhaps a death penalty.

However I don't think now that someone should have to die because they took someone else's life. Even though looks bad on paper (/screen), if you think about it, you would basically be killing someone yourself. Imagine those poor people who would actually have to kill the person.

Ugh. :/

Maybe they should get a choice.

"Would you rather die or be locked up till you die?"

Random thought---

But no. I'm against death penalty. I find the whole thought of it so pointless.

We're killing someone who killed someone else, so doesn't that put us in his shoes? Aren't we murderers too?

That's how I see it. If it were up to me, I'd do away with death penalty and stick them in an Alcatraz-like prison.

Why should the killer get to say goodbye?Their victim didn't have that luxury. B)
You're a genius!

If someone close to you was murdered you can't honestly say you wouldn't feel intense hate towards them. I someone even hit my best friend I'd hate them, but if they killed them I would wish to throw them off a cliff into sharp rocks so they can bleed slowly to death.

Haha, Katie, we always disagree. But I like it that way, because you actually provoke thought.
I think one's decision on this is determined by morals and opinions. And those are often determined by religion. If you were christian, you most likely go for the "two wrongs [ sins ] don't make a right." And leave it to god to punish the offender, and just keep them out of society for now. As where, an atheist like myself might say "Well, we can't leave it to some force that might not exist to do the job, we gotta handle this ourselves."

For me, it isn't about revenge. It helps no one if we make them sit in jail for half a century while they torture themselves until death, because, in a way, that's worse than what the victim went through. It's about removing that person. Death would be the answer.
I know, we always disagree on controversal issues! But yet we get along so well. :)

I'm Catholic, and that's where part of my opinion comes from, though I think the Church supports capital punishment...? I'm not sure, I may have to Google that one.

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I know, we always disagree on controversal issues! But yet we get along so well. :)
I'm Catholic, and that's where part of my opinion comes from, though I think the Church supports capital punishment...? I'm not sure, I may have to Google that one.
I don't know, I was going on what I would believe if I was religious xD

I am 100% sure that Wildcat_Girl is talking about the Woodstock Victoria Stafford case. XD


Yeah, I sort of actually think the killer show have the same done to them as was donw to the victim...

I am really freaking myself out now.

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^ Yeah, I used to live in that town. And my dad delivered her when she was born 0_o

Anyways, yeah I'm against the death penalty. I agree with what Mothra said, after reading some of the posts.

I agree with what you're saying but think of it this way:
Say someone killed someone very close to you. Let's say he shot someone very close to you like your family. Wouldn't you rather him pay for his crimes and get what he deserves? I believe that if someone kills someone they should get the same thing back. Death.
You do make a good point there. But to your questions I would still say no.

How would giving death to the murderer help me? It wouldn't make any difference. I wouldn't feel like the better person. Revenge wouldn't help. The person close to me who was murdered wouldn't be brought back to life.

Why fight fire with fire? We're all going to get burned one way or another.

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If you murder someone, you should get a very very very long time in jail.If you are a serial killer, you should get a lifetime sentence in jail.
So, you're saying that a murderer shouldn't have a lifetime sentence in jail? But a serial killer should?

Any type of killing deserves a life of exclusion, in my eyes.

Haha, Katie, we always disagree. But I like it that way, because you actually provoke thought.
I think one's decision on this is determined by morals and opinions. And those are often determined by religion. If you were christian, you most likely go for the "two wrongs [ sins ] don't make a right." And leave it to god to punish the offender, and just keep them out of society for now. As where, an atheist like myself might say "Well, we can't leave it to some force that might not exist to do the job, we gotta handle this ourselves."

For me, it isn't about revenge. It helps no one if we make them sit in jail for half a century while they torture themselves until death, because, in a way, that's worse than what the victim went through. It's about removing that person. Death would be the answer.
lol, well I'm a Christian and I am a firm supporter of the death penalty.

If you murder someone, you should get a very very very long time in jail.If you are a serial killer, you should get a lifetime sentence in jail.

And if you come out of prison after your very very very long time in jail for murdering one person, but then do it again, a lifetime sentence (as you are a serial killer, basically), or perhaps a death penalty.
IMO, sending them to jail would be a reward. Being in jail now is like staying at home! They get chill and watch TV, play games, they're fed three square meals a day. They can even have the right to an education! Yeah, these criminals actually have the right to go to law school while in jail, and our tax dollars are paying for all of that. These people need to suffer for what they've done. That is NOT suffering.

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However I don't think now that someone should have to die because they took someone else's life. Even though looks bad on paper (/screen), if you think about it, you would basically be killing someone yourself. Imagine those poor people who would actually have to kill the person.
Yes, but the person you are killing has innocent blood on their hands. They took an innocent life. Killing them as a punishment for killing someone else is not equal to murder because you aren't taking an innocent life. You're taking the life of a guilty murderer.

I strongly Believe in the Death Penalty.

If someone Went on a killing spree and killed like 30 people, why should they get away with 30 years in Prison?

So, you're saying that a murderer shouldn't have a lifetime sentence in jail? But a serial killer should?
Any type of killing deserves a life of exclusion, in my eyes.
The only thing that I can say, seeing what you said here, is that you have to think about the type of killing, I know that sounds completely stupid, but here is what I mean

Some death, killing someone, is a complete accident, there are times where a death is random and unavoidable. There are times when a young man or woman will look down for about half a second while they are riding their bike and not realize that they have gone out into the street at night, and a man or woman behind the wheel of a car wouldn't be able to see them until the last second and accidentally hit the poor person with their car.

Maybe someone would really be working construction with something like a nail gun and accidentally shot their co-worker in the head or in the neck. There are many deaths every year that haunt people, and that do hurt and do leave holes in peoples lives, but they are accidents.

It's legally called "Manslaughter" and comes in first, second, or third degree like murder does, but that's not really the point I was trying to make. All I was trying to say was sometimes death is an accident, and honestly that person that lived through it, the man/woman that accidentally hit the person on the bike, shouldn't have to die for what happened because they killed someone.

There should be a punishment, yes, but in this situation, no, don't kill the person for making either a mistake, or being unable to avoid something that would derail their lives, as well as the families

Maybe they should get a choice."Would you rather die or be locked up till you die?"

Random thought---
And then we should sentence them to the one they DON'T want. :D

And popprincess, I do agree with you. What would killing the person who killed my loved one do for me? It would only make me feel like a WORSE person. I don't seek revenge, because I know that they have to live with what they have done, and that God will take care of the rest.

Wow, I'm getting awefully religious in this thread.

Mom tried a double-murder case about 2 1/2 years ago and was pushing for the death penalty. He was convicted, but was sentenced to life without parole. My mom was happy the trial was over and that it went well, but still a bit disappointed. She wanted death.

She tried another murder case about three weeks ago. Guy slammed a baby's head into the wall when he found out it wasn't his and the baby died. It could have gone all the way to the death penalty, but it only got third-degree murder, though that was what she was expecting. I think he got 30 years or something? I'm not sure, don't quote me on that, but yeah. Who would want to spend 30 years locked up in a cell with no life? He'll be in his 50's once he's released. What a waste of life. :I

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The only thing that I can say, seeing what you said here, is that you have to think about the type of killing, I know that sounds completely stupid, but here is what I mean
Some death, killing someone, is a complete accident, there are times where a death is random and unavoidable. There are times when a young man or woman will look down for about half a second while they are riding their bike and not realize that they have gone out into the street at night, and a man or woman behind the wheel of a car wouldn't be able to see them until the last second and accidentally hit the poor person with their car.

Maybe someone would really be working construction with something like a nail gun and accidentally shot their co-worker in the head or in the neck. There are many deaths every year that haunt people, and that do hurt and do leave holes in peoples lives, but they are accidents.

It's legally called "Manslaughter" and comes in first, second, or third degree like murder does, but that's not really the point I was trying to make. All I was trying to say was sometimes death is an accident, and honestly that person that lived through it, the man/woman that accidentally hit the person on the bike, shouldn't have to die for what happened because they killed someone.

There should be a punishment, yes, but in this situation, no, don't kill the person for making either a mistake, or being unable to avoid something that would derail their lives, as well as the families
Oh yes of course..

I guess when I think of murder, I think pre-meditated. Never accidental. Accidentally killing someone is it's own hell. They should not be sent to prison unless the circumstances were blatant/gross incompetence or being unsafe in a dangerous situation which is practically a daily thing (driving, at work)

I think we are talking about intentionally killing someone in this topic, right?

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