Debencer Incubus


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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2011
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As a teenager, you fought the battle of Dark and Light. The evil side, The Dark, had a leader named Debencer Incubus who died, barely escaping from the Light. He's now risen from the dead and you're about 17-20. The Light Agency has called you back, but not for a reunion, no. To come back and defeat him; Debencer Incubus.


-I don't give a fudge about Anime Pictures, but absolutley no Sues/Kawaiis.

-LITERACY PLEASE! At least three sentences and n0 tLk1n l1k3 d1z(No talking like this).

-Have fun!

-I need to accept your form before you start.


(Please PM me if you want to be Debencer Incubus)


Age: -17-20 Please-




Power: (3 Maximum)

Have fun~


(I'll post mine when someone joins)

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Age 17

Personality: Feirce funand nice


Power Shine ,Light Beam,Sun Attack


Declined/Rejected. The personality is not just for you to list its personality. Don't be lazy, just make a paragraph that's worth,

Name: Asvoria


Personality:Asvoria is an intelligent girl who generally sits and watches in the background unless provoked by a goal she is passionate about or stupidity. Once you get to know her, gain some of her trust, she will be nicer and her sense of humor will start to show to replace the sarcasm.

Appearance:Asvoria has long straight black hair that falls to hide her light green eyes. She's very pale and has a slender build.

Light or Dark: Dark

Power: She can blend into shadows, has incredible agility, and is telekinetic.

Name: Irridessa 'Evie' (Her name is Irridessa but she finds it too girly, so she calls herself Evie.)

Age: 17

Personality: Evie is a rather delicate girl, but she has a smart mind. She isn't one of those kissy little girls with curls in their hair, but more like a tomboy. Although she seems like a gentle girl, she is on the dark side and this is often an advantage to people on the light side because they may think she's on the same side. She is respectful to elders or higher ranks. (whether good or bad)

Appearance: Evie has pale, white skin and dark hair that shapes her face. She isn't really beautiful, but her voice and attitude often attracts people despite her appearance.

Light/Dark: Dark

Power: Her mother was half fairy, leaving some fairy blood in her, but she had left her mother at a young age (14) to live a more exiting life. She had always lived in a small house, eating toadstools and doing housework. So basically, she's half fairy and has the skills of a young elf (agility, technique in archery)

Other: She often has a crossbow under her arm and a couple of spare arrows. She doesn't shoot arrows and leave them, but goes to retrieve them.

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