Debugging :huh:


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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
:( Ok, debugging sounds kewl but I don't want to break my poor Tama! Does it always work? Can you reverse it? Please help! :(
Hey stargirl!I de-bugged my little brothers and it was pretty cool!You have to be gentle!You just unscrew all of the screws you see on the back(battery cover,and thing under) and then near the bottom left of the battery there will be a thing that says debug with two silver hemi-circles under it. Gently draw over them with a pencil and turn it on! If it worked you can choose a character or you can fast-forward(great way to get high discipline levels, though it will not age your tama)I don't recomend(reccomend, wtf?) doing this though!To un-de-bug, you just erase it gently with a slightly damp q-tip or a pencil eraser(I would use the pencil eraser, because the q-tip might fry the Tamagotchi's circuits)Do it if you want! Because if you remove the battery and still want your old Tamagotchi you can download it by pressing b when the egg appears and then pressing b when down-load is highlighted! :D

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