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my answer is buy TWO tamagotchis so you can have one to screw up and one to keep in near-mint so you can sell it on ebay in the near future. On a totally unrelated note, Toys r Us only lets you get 2 tamagotchis a person. they must be getting popular!

wat is a q-tip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahaha what is q-tip funny one if your kidding on whats a q-tip i feel really sorry for you!!!-luahgs again but really hard!-

Well, I've heard that u could use rubber to undebug ur tama... but I haven't tried it. so, i'm not all that sure...

I'm afraid this in the wrong forum. If you are looking for information it should be in help for new Tamagotchi owners but if you are giving out info then you post it here. I'm afraid this'll have to be moved. :)

For some help:

I have not debugged but apparently if you put q-tip (whatever that is) over the two semicircles and get the pencil lines off then you will get your Tamagotchi back to normal. :D

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